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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 14 minutes ago, Degenerate Gardner said:

    Are you earnestly promoting James OKeefe's propaganda outlet as a legit source? Not sure if serious.

    Seriously, if that outlet ever had anything useful to tell us, I would have remembered it.

  2. On 6/4/2020 at 5:57 AM, Walser said:

    I was GOP up until it came time to vote for the second term of GWB. I'm pretty ashamed of having been duped by their myths for a long time. It would take a lot for me to ever consider voting red again.

    -Climate change is real

    -We have a health system crisis

    -Our policing needs reform

    -Gun violence is out of control

    -The tax system is going in the wrong direction and furthering the class divide

    -Education needs to be overhauled


    Not only has the GOP willfully ignored self-evident issues, they seem to be determined to go in the wrong direction. Somehow it also astonished me how easily R leaders bent the knee and looked the other way WRT to Trump's behavior. Shameful.

    You bring up a good point on local vs. national elections. I will definitely be more involved and better informed starting at the local level going forward.


    -MIddle-age middle-class gun-owning truck-driving white male Texan

    God damn, for a minute I thought I was looking into a mirror until I saw the last line.

  3. 30 minutes ago, Goredho said:

    Graham has long operated like someone sympathetic to Trump had the goods on him.  I wonder if this is it.  If it is, then outing him removes that leverage, and that's a good thing even if I don't really give a shit if Lindsey Graham Fucked 5 Male Hookers.

    LGF5MH is the new CJK5H.

    I mean it's well known that Trump's been up to his knees in the prostitution racket for decades (despite what his idiot fanboys think about it). That doesn't necessarily mean he's enlisted the services of male prostitutes on his own behalf, but there's no doubt that he knows some (or at least knows of them) and is/was familiar with their clientele. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    You can't contract to commit a criminal act and expect the contract to be upheld.  

    Exactly. Either this guy is completely full of shit or Lindsey Graham is one of the biggest fucking idiots on the planet.

  5. 7 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

     ‘Barack the Magic Negro’ 

    "The NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it."

    "I think it's time to get rid of this whole National Basketball Association. Call it the TBA, the Thug Basketball Association, and stop calling them teams. Call 'em gangs."

    "Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?" 

    "The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies." 

    Responding to a caller who said black people should have a greater voice on issues: "They are 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?" 

    [To an African American female caller]: “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.”


    On Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown law student who testified before Congress about the importance of health insurance covering birth control: "What does it say about the college co-ed Susan Fluke who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex — what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute."

    On the dangers of secondhand smoking, and smoking in general: "That is a myth. That has been disproven at the World Health Organization and the report was suppressed. There is no fatality whatsoever. There's no even major sickness component associated with secondhand smoke. It may irritate you, and you may not like it, but it will not make you sick, and it will not kill you...Firsthand smoke takes 50 years to kill people, if it does. Not everybody that smokes gets cancer. Now, it's true that everybody who smokes dies, but so does everyone who eats carrots ... I would like a medal for smoking cigars, is what I'm saying."


    And those were just the more outlandish statements. The truth is that in between those sound-bytes lay vast oceans of hallucinations, baseless speculations, fantasies, distortions, contortions, and outright lies. As I said before, he had nothing useful to contribute, he was wrong about damn near everything, yet he and his idiot ditto heads seriously believe that he’s some sort of philosopher. This is the Dunning Kruger effect run amok. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Chuckie Finster said:


    You really have to admire this loser’s use of capital letters on voter fraud as if it was even a real issue.

    This is just like when Bibi took to Israeli TV Land in one of his recent elections. He was imploring the Jews to get out and vote because the Arabs were voting in impressive numbers. 

  7. On 8/21/2018 at 1:04 PM, atomheartbevo said:

    If you wanted to help Cruz, start challenging poor people after faking address changes.  

    Not surprised at all by anything Republicans do in Texas anymore.  They are scared shitless of brown and poor people.  

    They're also scared of the educated.

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  8. 9 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

    If you believe this, there's no sense in anyone trying to engage you in honest discourse.

    Russia, our sworn enemy, successfully attacks the foundation of our democracy... voting...with, at minimum, the tacit support from one of the candidates and you're cool with that?  

    If not for Mitch and the GOP Senate, Trump would have been impeached.


    The thing about foreign interference in US elections is that Russia’s participation in same, even if we believe the very worst of what was alleged in the impeachment proceedings, is pennies on the dollar compared to other states, none of which can really claim any sort of moral high ground on Russia (though they’ve plenty of apologists here that pretend otherwise).

    • Like 1
  9. 5 hours ago, workswithseed said:

    It's like people who don't want to die, won't. But people one here we're screaming that beaches were open, and how Georgia was gonna die after they opened. 

    After I said all that, Oregon hasn't opened up at all, but the highway has seen more traffic then last month. This is Oregon, many are good democrats like you. I doubt they they're being tracked or tested regularly, but they're all out and about. Maybe people are fucking tired of being scared inside thier home, and just don't give a fuck anymore.

    What do you think he means physically living?

    Hell it really doesn't make sense, unless he thinks that all the young people are going to get destroyed like older people and be damaged forever. It's goddamn stupid. Since you agree with him that in turn makes you stupid.


    Oh for fuck’s sake.

    I made no such indication that I literally believe everyone is going to be taken by the COVID. You knew that full well, and you knew better than to post such falderal, which is why I accurately accused you of lying. When you knowingly assert as fact things that either are not evidently true, or are evidently not true, you’re fucking lying.

    The point in saying that an economy can’t exist without people in it isn’t to suggest that COVID is literally going to kill everyone.

    The point of that comment was that the “economy” requires human participation to exist. So does church. It’s a purely human creation. You knew that.

    Since that’s the case, it can’t be “destroyed.” When you say that, you’re literally implying that “the economy” is some sort of organic entity that occurs in nature. It’s not, you know it’s not, and the only way to “destroy” it is either a) everyone dies (which again I do not think is going to literally happen here, and you knew that so stop the act) or b) to convince everyone in the world that money is worthless and that the world is a common treasure for every man.

    The economy of the whole of Europe was devastated for years due to this thing called the Black Plague destroying 1/3 of the population, but it was not destroyed. 

    The economy of the US was devastated for years due to this thing called the Great Depression, which turned the unemployment numbers to nearly a third, but it was not destroyed. 

    The world’s collective economy will survive this if its participants aren’t reckless and stupid like you’re dying for them to be with this foolish nonsense you’re regurgitating. Shut downs and stay at home orders cannot “destroy” an economy. To believe otherwise is to reveal one’s impatience, not to mention arrogance. 

    “Oh if the economy doesn’t recover in my lifetime, that means it’s destroyed!!!” 

    That’s bullshit, and it’s also bullshit to imply a justification for rescinding stay home orders on grounds of, as you literally said, “maybe people are fucking tired of being scared inside thier home, and just don't give a fuck anymore.” When a 14-year old can convey the exact same sentiment in the exact same words, maybe it’s time for you to reconsider the horseshit that’s coming out of your mouth.

    Again, you’re just pretending to not understand so that you can proceed to straw man the shit out of everything I said, which is about as dishonest as it gets. 

    It’s either that or your reading comprehension is absolutely dreadful. 

    Either way, the guy you were responding to tried to give you an out. Don’t be a moron; take it and stop projecting. You’re sitting here pretending that I’m the one that’s being the Nervous Pervis when it’s really you who’s being dramatic as shit. “Oh no Democrats are going to kill the economy with stay home orders wah wah wah!!!” Step outside of your box once in a while and you might actually learn something. 

    • Like 4
  10. 1 hour ago, workswithseed said:

    It's fucking people buying and selling. It's literally that. 

    And it can’t exist if people aren’t physically living to participate in it. It’s literally that simple, it’s not even limited to this pandemic, yet that evidently gets lost on you in these moments that you feel compelled to post such asinine drivel as “Destroying the economy to keep everyone alive.”

  11. 4 hours ago, workswithseed said:

    Destroying the economy to keep everyone alive.

    Just stop. Stop using the phrase “the economy.” You haven’t they foggiest clue what that shit even is, let alone how it actually works. 

  12. On 5/12/2020 at 11:52 AM, bad_teammate said:

    It was a right-wing coup.


    No one serious believed otherwise. The only ones who did are those who have this campy fixation on living in a 24/7 world of Make Believe and Pretend.

    And by the way, this is exactly how Venezuela would have turned out with that effeminate loser Guaido. They have a specific provision in their constitution that limited the amount of days that an interim president can serve before they absolutely had to have elections, and they never made any even semi serious efforts to do any of that...and this is all pre-coronavirus.

  13. 5 hours ago, conVINCEd said:

    I just got back from my aunt’s funeral, who died from Covid.  We were literally putting a person in the ground that was killed by this disease, and 30% of the people there couldn’t be bothered to wear a mask.  

    That’s like going to a funeral with 30% of them carrying pistols and the decedent met their fate via accidental discharge.

  14. 25 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    man, these guys really double down on their karen and larry constituency. do they honestly think that this is going to be a winning long-term strategy? they are all in on those rural ignorant voters. 

    And that's why they're doing it: red meat to satiate some pre-election hunger pangs for the simps. 

  15. 4 minutes ago, tantric superman said:

    One of the downsides of the pandemic, depending on your outlook, is that I have been listening to Christopher Hitchens' anti-religious rants on youtube every evening. 

    If anyone can suggest a good counterweight ranter to Hitchens, let me know, because he's got me convinced/headed to damnation. 

    Why a counterweight?

    And Hitchens isn't even the most persuasive advocate on that side of the "debate." 

  16. 35 minutes ago, UpperWestside said:

    Same deal when you see them here. Idiot southern tourists wear them looking for a response from people. They were always mostly ignored when I saw them.

    I’m fortunate that I have Hispanic in-laws (wife is first gen USA) and would you like to know what drives those maga pussies nuts?

    When we speak in Spanish to each other and occasionally glance at them. They very nearly have the kind of reactions against us that they’d wish we were having against them.

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  17. 11 hours ago, GRHorn said:

    So you’re a prepper. A gay one at that. Congrats. You’re a unicorn.

    An oldie but a goodie. 

    Nice steakhouse dinner tonight. A lot of boomers there.

    It was a little odd with waiters wearing ties and black masks.  A little handmaids tale/eyes wide shut vibe. Probably gonna take it easy now but was a date night the wife and I needed. If you know, you know. 




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  18. 1 hour ago, 4th&Five said:

    “They closed us in a panic because they weren’t prepared and we were given no guidance,” said Adam Orman, co-owner of Italian restaurant L’Oca d’Oro, of state officials. “Now, they’ve had seven weeks to prepare and we see that there’s still no preparation that really takes into account small businesses or single parents.”

    “Opening a restaurant is not flipping a switch,” Silverstein said. “And closing a second time could be a death sentence for a lot of us.”

    Brandon Hunt, co-owner of Detroit-style pizza and food truck Via 313, echoed Silverstein’s sentiment, and is waiting to reopen his several dining rooms while still serving pickup pies. “We just can’t afford to open, then close, then open, then close, like we think might happen,” he explained. “I feel like this is a test over the next two weeks, and we will make the decision when the data is more clear.”

    “Opening at 25 percent is not viable for our 40-seat restaurant,” explained Foreign & Domestic co-owner Sarah Heard, “as we would be adding back the costs we have cut and not serving nearly as many people as we are” through its current takeout model.

    Opening at even 50% isn’t viable either and these motherfuckers asserting otherwise are playing make believe. I’ll re-post something a FB friend of mine (who owns a restaurant in Deep Ellum, btw) said:

    ”Restaurants have the slimmest of margins in the best of times. There is absolutely no way that I can pay rent, property taxes, utilities, insurance, and all the rest on 50% capacity and/or or limited hours. How do I pay a full salary or regular hourly on 50% of revenue? Rent, property taxes, insurance, the list goes on. 

    Someone gonna subsidize my utilities, my rent, my insurance, my etc?

    And I’m not even getting into employment liability/premises liability issues. What happens if an employee gets sick? Do I shut down and test my entire staff? Do I tell the public a cook had the Covid? Will the public come back in? If I don’t tell the public, and an outbreak is traced back to me, do I get sued into oblivion?

    I have 100 other points and questions, by the way.

    Non-restaurant owners casually throwing around “well just open up at half capacity” simply do not understand the restaurant business.”

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