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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 3 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

    I increasingly do not believe a two-state solution is tenable. The only route forward is a single-state solution with full rights for everyone within that state.

    Those aren’t the only two options that Israel considers. There’s a third option, and that’s “maintain a military occupation and illegal settlements by force until the Palestinians ultimately decide to pack their shit and leave,” which is exactly the course they’re pursuing at the present. Yes, they want the territories entirely to themselves, but let’s not act like they’re in a hurry to solidify it. Yes Bibi is formally proposing annexations, but that’s largely a smoke screen to distract from his indictment.

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  2. 8 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    When your stated goal is the destruction of a country you're not going to get a lot of support. Israel isn't blameless for damn sure.

    This line of thinking is way too symbol-minded to carry any weight. Besides:

    1. Hamas has since revised its stated goals so as to not include the lines regarding smashing the Zionist entity and all that crap that was written by a handful of people smack in the middle of the first Intifada*

    2. The governing party of Israel is categorically opposed to the creation of a Palestinian state for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with the Hamas charter*

    3. Far apart from its rhetoric, Israel also acts to implement its desire to create a greater Israel*

    4. Palestine has overwhelming support in the international community*

    *=This statement can be corroborated by irrefutable documented evidence

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  3. 7 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    Cruz is such a fucking beating.  Is there a single Republican that seems capable of making a friend in real life?

    Her response took her off track though.  The proper response would have been stating that, while she would be more qualified than Pence, she isn't qualified to be the one in charge of the coronavirus response either.  Instead, she fell right into Cruz' trap, defended her own credentials, and let him change the subject.  The subject isn't climate change, abortions, gender identity, or AOC's education.

    Totally agree with this. It doesn’t remove the egg from his face nor the tail between his legs, but there was even a better course she could have taken.

  4. 1 hour ago, bad_teammate said:

    BUTTIGIEG: This is not about what coups were happening in the 1970s or '80s, this is about the future. This is about 2020. We are not going to survive or succeed, and we're certainly not going to win by reliving the Cold War. And we're not going to win these critical, critical House and Senate races if people in those races have to explain why the nominee of the Democratic Party is telling people to look at the bright side of the Castro regime. We've got to be a lot smarter about this and look to the future.

    The past is very important, both in terms of avoiding mistakes and in terms of understanding why what is happening is happening.

    ESPECIALLY in terms of foreign policy.

    But Pete is banking on being Lil' McCarthy, so he's trying to pretend the past doesn't matter.

    Seriously if anyone thinks that Hondurans, for example, are caravaning here because that’s how they roll and not because of a ripple effect from 2009, they’re already admitting they know neither shit nor shinola and just flat out don’t live in the real world.

  5. 41 minutes ago, GSU&UT said:

    Just straight up not even trying to hide their bias, yet it's a conspiracy to say he doesn't get fair media coverage.

    Staple of the media and mainstream discourse regarding the media: assert the opposite.

    • Like 1
  6. On 2/14/2020 at 1:26 PM, Thetexashammer said:

    The NY Times leans left and has a long history of fake news, do you discount anything they write without reading it?

    You cannot tell left from right. It's absolutely breathtaking.

    • Like 1
  7. 28 minutes ago, Chooky said:

    Are you cool with Trump's Eastern Euro prostitute and her greasy, Slavic relatives getting rammed through immigration because she shit out a Manhattan trust fund baby's kid?


  8. 11 hours ago, GSU&UT said:

    Wait until you see his very scientifically accurate youtube video posts in the climate thread.

    Ah yes, the videos that are as accurate as Trump's description of what "chain migration" is.

    • Like 1
  9. 49 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Trump is not a successful businessman. 

    It's not just Trump, it's the people with which he littered his cabinet. 

    He either had or has:

    A former Goldman Sachs CFO
    A former Exxon-Mobil CEO
    A GC for Verizon
    A guy whose resume includes names like Thayer Aerospace and Sentry International
    An associate lawyer for Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck
    Whatever positions Sonny Perdue held (started small firms, IIRC)
    Wilbur fucking Ross 

    Those are just some of the more prestigious secretary positions that either are or were occupied since January of 2017, and the rest of them are either "career government" people whose records are so flagrantly right wing that it's impossible to distinguish them from the private sector (since all their policy positions have the odd consequence of favoring private power), and the rest are lobbyists from think tanks like the Heritage Foundation. In that regard, it doesn't really matter that Trump's business record has been terrible because even if he was the legit success he pretends to be, the output of his administration would be the exact same as it has been. 

    Seriously, suppose that the USFL thrived, that he never had any bankruptcies, that he still held on to those hotels and casinos he used to own, that Trump University was a legit thing, etc. Would that have changed anything he's done since January 20th, 2017? Not in the slightest.


     We've never had a successful businessman as president.

    Without splitting too many hairs, here's a number: 41

  10. 12 hours ago, F250 said:

    “I’m the only one here I think that’s ever started a business.”


    Starting a business does not make qualified to run as a presidential candidate. That's been sort of a mantra on Planet Corporate Looney Bin for a while. I've heard it so many times. "We need a successful businessman to be president." Well ladies and gentlemen, this is perhaps the most corporate administration in US history, going probably even past the Kennedy administration (essentially nothing but Council on Foreign Relations types), and they also happen to be the greatest disaster with zero real accomplishments to their credit.

    This reeks of an absolute obsession with Make Believe. Bloomberg is a fool, his policy positions are absolutely atrocious, there's no doubt that Liz was correct in pointing out the very blurred line between him and Trump, and his candidacy has no value/benefit for society in the slightest. 

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  11. On 2/19/2020 at 12:52 PM, pacman said:

    I m happy to have AOCs "dumb, naive ideas" in government. I don't agree with ost of her ideas but I am proud of her for offering them.

    She is unusually vocal for an inexeperienced member of Congress.

    Even if her ideas are "dumb and naive", they get us away from the usual ideas sponsored by your favorites corporate lobbyist. She is a different voice in a world of bought comformity.

    Hopefully, her ideas spurn some experienced, good ideas from others, or even herself as she gets more experience, and we get some change in our country, for the better.

    Hopefully her courage to take a seat in Congress encourages others, who are more qualified but wouldn't normally step into the cesspool, to do the same.


    Regarding the topic at hand, racism, is there any other link between the most vitriolic targets of the Trump base: AOC, Obama, Omar? If so, I hope somebody will share as I am happy to hear it.

    And that’s why they call her dumb and naive. It’s a ruse and they who promote it haven’t defended their charge in the slightest. They just keep repeating it over and over, hoping enough idiots will come to believe it. Seems it’s worked on a few.

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