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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 48 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    I will raise a glass to Mitt Romney tonight. 

    I won’t.

    Mitt is a coward and always has been. The only reason he voted to acquit on the abuse charge is because the outcome was already secured. If the balance of the Senate was Bernie, King plus 64 Democrats and 34 Republicans, there’s no fucking way in hell Mitt Romney votes guilty on either charge today. 

  2. 22 minutes ago, Brothahorn said:

    Of course there is no such interaction without the human element. But when you can move/isolate the worst of the human elements, it runs as planned.


    Not me.

    Agree as well. I'm sure the original ideals never meant for the estimated millions of deaths that it caused. But then some asshole came along and manipulated the system to fit his greed. 

    The original ideals meant specifically for the state to be dismantled. Kinda missed the mark on day one...and that’s granting the generous assumption that they weren’t just whoring a word for selfish political benefit (kinda like when republicans yell about fiscal responsibility, capitalism, freedom and conservatism).

  3. Yeah, you're looking at one particular rule, which btw is kind of pathetic because the very article you're quoting is about enforcing rules already in the book, not creating new ones. Regardless, I'm talking about the whole entire picture.

    -Offensive players have to be perfectly still, sans one person who’s permitted to run parallel to the LOS, until the ball is snapped unless it’s an arranged shift that has to cease a full count before the snap.

    -Offenses can only employ 5 eligible pass receivers.

    -Offenses can only send those eligible pass receivers beyond the LOS if the pass is thrown beyond the LOS (i.e. no OL downfield).

    -Offenses have to have exactly 7 players on the LOS at the timing of the snap, and they have to do so in a particular way (i.e. no “covering up”)

    -Offensive players have to wear particular jersey numbers so as to explain their “eligibility” regarding pass receptions, and they also have to report said eligibility in instances where an exception is made. 

    These are just 5 examples, but the important thing is that there isn’t any symmetry.

    -There’s no symmetry with a false start penalty. A lot of people think offsides/encroachment is, but it's really not when you think about it. A defensive player could jump damn near into the backfield and it’s ok as long as he gets back by the time the ball is snapped. False start isn’t the same. False start is “come out of your stance and the play is dead.” Yeah encroachment is an automatic dead ball foul, but it still involves a preceding act (merely crossing the LOS) in order to get to that, and that act would already be penalized if it was the offense. In other words, you don't have to look at whether or not an OL touched a DL in order to call a false start. He already moved. Contact isn't relevant there.

    -Defenses aren’t limited to the number of people that can penetrate the LOS. You could rush all 11 if you wanted (you’d be a damned fool in the age of the spread, but you are allowed to do it).

    -Defenses don’t have to line up in any particular fashion other than “everyone has to be behind the LOS.” They can line up with 11 men on the LOS and they can line up with 0 men on the LOS. There’s no such thing as “illegal defensive formation.”

    -Defenses don't have to fucking announce who their blitzers are prior to the play. In fact, the better disguised, the better the play tends to end up for them. Can anyone imagine what would happen if the offense was allowed to tell the refs that all 5 of the OL are the eligible receivers and neither the WR's nor the backs are eligible, AND that the refs wouldn't have to tell the defense about this?

    And notice, some of these rules are only applicable to the American 11-man leagues. In the Arena and Canadian leagues, for example, they’re allowed to send WR’s full speed towards the LOS and the only time they’re gonna call a foul is if they cross the LOS prior to the snap. Can you imagine if that became the law of the NCAA? The SEC’s collective head would explode and the B1G would call a press conference. In the NFL, you’d see scoring averages go up by at least 10 points per team per game.

    Defenses were given a free ride in the beginning of the game, and little by little, minor chips and cuts have been made and they always react hysterically when it happens. “OMG DPI IS A SPOT FOUL IN THE NFL NOW???NOWAI!!!”



  4. 15 hours ago, Iceman said:

    and if it's a 15 yarder automatically, get ready for a parade of DPI penalties.  You might as well institute a "5- fouls and you are disqualified" policy.

    I like the spot foul at the NFL level.  It serves a purpose.

    This. Defenses don't deserve to gain 25+ yards by committing PI's 40 yards beyond the LOS. If you don't want the penalty, learn how to fucking cover better. That's what the defensive-minded pansies are always saying about the QB/OL. "Well if you don't us to be awarded 2 points automatically, stop committing intentional grounding/holding penalties in your own end zone!!!"

  5. 3 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

    The Democrat reaction is the equivalent of Jose Canseco letting a baseball bank shot off his head for a home run.

    Your political acumen is the equivalent of Roseanne singing the National Anthem.

  6. 10 hours ago, Brothahorn said:

    I will say it's bullshit Rush got a medal for having cancer. He should have to beat it first.

    He shouldn't be given a medal period. He's never contributed anything worth a shit to society in his useless life.

    • Like 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    It’s amazing how badly Republicans lie about saving pre-existing conditions when they have litigated its removal in courts for most of the last decade. 

    One thing that you have to realize about that gang of thugs is that they’ve been such fanatically devoted slaves to corporate and wealthy interests for so long that it has stripped them of their pride. 

    Too much pride is always a downfall, but having no pride at all also rids one of two things: honor and shame. These useless sacks of shit have no honor, and they have no shame.

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  8. On 1/11/2020 at 7:14 PM, WBT said:

    That was a complete failure by Buddy Ryan.  Montana burned him on a blitz early and he turtled for the rest of the game.

    Vintage Buddy. Just keep throwing blitzes until he’d get burned. He had the fortune of not having to face terribly sophisticated offenses very often, but when he did it wasn’t a shock to see said offenses light him up. In the game before the winning streak started, the Bills lit them up for about 400 yards and 35 points...then he had the benefit of facing a bunch of offensive schlubs and that SF game was played on that shit field that provided no real footing for offensive players.


  9. 17 hours ago, JimmyJames said:

    Even though Rush is a complete piece of shit who spent most of his life harming his country in order to make a buck, karma says never to celebrate the impending death of a human being. 

    There is one exception though and it involves a certain orange worthless fatass currently residing in the Oval Office. Karma eventually punishes all who support him and probably decides to look the other way if you think the guy should get advanced cancer. It’s definitely a karma dilemma. 

    Actually I think the exception is when the decedent spent time of their own celebrating/mocking the dead. I mentioned Jerry Falwell earlier and that’s a classic example. That fat fuck said that AIDS was the invisible being’s wrath against homosexuals and a plethora of other repugnant (not to mention ignorant-as-fuck) things that served no purpose other than incitement so that he could assume the victimhood/persecution complex when the inevitable response came. 

    I only listened to Limbaugh for a grand total of maybe 20 minutes of my whole life. It was boiler plate nonsense that held no value whatsoever, but it was also a long time ago and I don’t follow him in any meaningful sense today. Did he also have a penchant of celebrating/mocking the dead? If so I say have at it. If not I’d limit the celebratory stuff to the ending of his show...



    then again that’s pointless because the franchise has been built and there are plenty of far right douchebags on AM radio furiously masturbating over the prospect of taking his spot.

  10. 7 minutes ago, TKthunder2 said:

    The problem is Longview, the two Tyler schools and Lufkin not balancing their enrollment.  They should work with neighboring districts to have a competitive East Texas district (like 5A div2 dist9) because if they could field just 5 teams the UIL would give it to them.  Otherwise they are 2+ hours out from everyone.

    Well I mean I understand lumping them in with the likes of us, West Mesquite, Wylie East, etc. But why Sherman? Couldn’t they have placed them in the Denton district and placed the Colony somewhere else?

  11. 1 hour ago, TKthunder2 said:

    Holy shit Longview and Highland Park will be fun.

    I welcome the challenge. They’ll be stiff for sure.

    That being said, why does poor Sherman continue to get thrown into these districts? They’re a fucking 3-hour drive away from Longview and damn near the same for Tyler.

  12. 3 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    There's really no need for them to have a separate union if they all go as individual states to the EU. 

    Right, there'd be no need. Would just be a good "fuck you," as @F250put it so eloquently. And if they could get all 6, I say just go for it and call it the Celtic Union of Non-british Territories

    • Like 1
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  13. 40 minutes ago, F250 said:

    A Celtic Union that included Ireland, N. Ireland and Scotland would be a major fuck you to the Brexiters. Especially if it was a member of the EU. Then bringing Wales, Cornwall and the Isle of Man into the Celtic Union while leaving the "United Kingdom" just England would be a righteous ending to English rule. Yeah, I know this is fan fiction but it would be cool.

    Realistically, Scotland and Ireland could always form some type of Union with Northern Ireland joining some day after they figure out what to do with the Unionists.


    Totally agree. The Pan-Celtic thing is pie in the sky, but a Scot-Irish union isn't too far off in the horizon if they play their cards right. 

  14. On 1/29/2020 at 9:05 PM, F250 said:

    This seemed like a polite way of telling Farage to GTFO and shove that flag up his ass. Seems fitting that it was an Irishwoman that told Farage to take his flag with him. I believe they just passed the 100 year mark on their declaration of independence.


    101 years, but yes that was celebrated 10 days ago. That's not a decision they've regretted at all, and I hope that the others follow suit very soon. In fact, if they really wanted to piss off the Farages of the world, they just need to announce that Scotland, Ireland (united), and Wales just changed their flags to this:






    • Like 1
  15. 6 minutes ago, elfenix said:

    this is our concern



    edit: how many conservatives on here have bitched and moaned about congress ceding power to the executive and wanting congress to take power back?

    They only care about that when a Democrat is president. More of that team sports bullshit.

  16. On 1/27/2020 at 8:40 PM, cochamps said:

    I hope Duncanville gets removed from the Dallas / Richardson waste land & put back in the district of doom (DeSoto, Cedar Hill, S Grand Prairie, etc).

    They probably will because 6A is losing White and Molina of DISD (only Skyline remains). Richardson probably gets fused with Mesquite again, leaving D'Ville to go back.

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  17. 44 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    This is important.  People in this country, by and large, are not smart.  They get bogged down when the story becomes to complicated.

    I think that a lot of them are smarter than you give them credit for. Now, are they also very vulnerable to suggestion? Yes. Why else would there be an entire industry that's psychotically devoted to lying their asses off in order to persuade large numbers of people to believe in their bullshit?

  18. 14 minutes ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

    As soon as the GOP acquits Trump, House Dems should just open new impeachment hearings. 


    "Yes. Well, Nancy Pelosi resisted for many, many months mounting impeachment, an impeachment proceeding in the House. And there are many different grounds that he could have been impeached for: violation of the emoluments clause, corruption and war crimes, as you said, most recently killing Soleimani in violation of the U.N. Charter, in violation of the War Powers Resolution. But when the whistleblower complaint came out and it became so clear what Trump had done with strong-arming Zelensky to mount — not to mount investigations necessarily, but to announce that he was mounting investigations into Trump’s political rival, Joe Biden and this discredited theory that Ukraine had meddled in the 2016 election, Nancy Pelosi understood that this was an airtight case. It was narrow. It was clear. People could get their brains around it."

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