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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 30 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    Every Republican/Trumpkin on this board fancies themselves an economist. They are nothing but morons who spout talking points from trickle down losers who say nonsense on TV and conservative blogs because they can’t find actual jobs. 

    They also like to brag about their nonexistent math skills

  2. 6 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    What's really disgusting, more than the fact that he doesn't have the relevant skills, experience, or education that would make him qualified to do the job, is his conceit in thinking that he's actually qualified to do the job. 

    Even worse? You could substitute any name of any administration official for little Jared and it’s just as accurate 

  3. 54 minutes ago, elfenix said:

    which country is contiguous?  i didn't see contiguous in the briefing!  what's the leader's name?

    I love the additions on the western border as if it’s actually a replacement in value. “Oh well they effectively stole 42% of the West Bank, but we’ll give them these spaces that even Israelis couldn’t be bothered to give 2 shits about and that’ll make up for it!!”

    The appropriate analogy to that is if Arkansas stole the entire northeastern quadrant of Texas and announced “well we’re not giving back Dallas County, TX, but we will give you Dallas County, Arkansas to make up for the difference. I mean after all, it’s roughly the same geographic size!!!”

  4. 2 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    That's real peace there. All of Gaza is on the sea, but gets no port. Borders with Egypt and Jordan are fully controlled by Israel. And the remaining West Bank is a complete clusterfuck with random "borders" throughout. You'd have to go through like 8 checkpoints to go from the north of the west bank to the south. Which is only about 60 miles. 

    I'm sure all the god-fearing American people would be just fine with that level of sovereignty occurring somewhere like Alabama. Those Alabamans would peacefully accept a deal where Mobile is not allowed a port and also has to go through two checkpoints to send goods to Birmingham while also having Birmingham subdivided into a shitload of security zones. Yep, no Alabaman would ever pick up a gun or a rocket again if they got that deal. 

    Oh great you just inspired another insipid round of “Hamas Charter, PLO Covenant, Protocols of the Elders of Zion, From Time Immemorial, The Case for Israel, blah blah blah.” 

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

    So he has lightened up and gave some ground to marijuana, and you say as much. Here he even says that it has good medical benefits, so he's giving more ground to it.

    You can believe that he's only citing the worst of the worst cites, but he has changed his stance since the Joe show.

    This all started with someone saying that Joe always agree with his guest, I showed that it's not always the case. We weren't discussing his identity politics.

    No, this started with you asking where he was wrong. And by the way, his full-of-shittery isn't confined to arguments he had with Joe Rogan about marijuana. Pick your issue and you'll see the same problems.

    And even this video isn't really helping you because he still doesn't retreat from his bottom line position. "Lightening up and giving ground" means less than a drop of batshit if your bottom line position remains. At which point in this video, or any others, does he unambiguously state that he's now in favor of marijuana legalization? And at what point did he stop invoking strawman arguments against those who favor legalization?

  6. 14 hours ago, workswithseed said:

    You said that Crowder was being dishonest, I showed you that he noticed he was wrong and he says so in the next video.

    He did no such thing. I didn’t say he was just being dishonest about the one small issue he somewhat corrected himself on, which was the traffic fatalities. I said his position on marijuana in general is dishonest, and that part he did not walk back and he specifically said he wouldn’t in that video you posted.

    Steven Crowder’s position on marijuana is that it should be illegal. He has yet to make a single, coherent, fact-based argument independent of logical fallacies and/or lies in support of this view. All he’s ever done is flail around parroting bullshit. 

    Again, he’s lazy. He takes that position because that’s the position of so-called “conservatives” and when it comes to identity politics, people like him are the absolute worst. 

    • Like 3
  7. 21 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

    Oh, so you believe that there is only one side of opinion, but in the end doesn't care if someone does it anyways?

    The marijuana issue isn’t about opinions, it’s about facts. People like Crowder are not willing to acknowledge those, which is why he offers insipid outs like “I don’t care” as a means to hedge his bet. 

    Everything he said about marijuana was absolutely wrong. He tried to defend it with these ridiculous points about the 7 chemical compounds, but he refused to address Rogan’s central point, which was that the pharmaceutical lobby absolutely has an interest in keep marijuana illegal.

    He cites the magic “7 chemical compounds and which were patented,” and that does nothing whatsoever to undercut Rogan’s point that you cannot patent weed itself. And he’s right; that’s never going to fly in a patent court. Crowder is using a red herring to justify his position, which again he conveniently offers the out that “I don’t care.”

    He says what really grinds his gears about the issue is the lying in favor of legalization. First of all, as far as mainstream discourse, that’s complete crap. Second, the lying that’s been done on marijuana (and drugs in general) has been overwhelmingly made by the Prohibitionist side, it’s not even close, and Crowder can’t be bothered to care. That’s selective outrage in defense of his identity politics. He wants so badly to associate with the right/conservatives/republicans that’s he’s willing to knowingly lie in defense of his lazy-assed rubber stamp “opinions,” which really are just a reflection of his “this is the view of the mainstream of the GOP, therefore it’s my view by default.”

    You can tell that he’s even aware of his own dishonesty. When they get to that spot about how impaired driving accidents “spiked” in states that went the route of legalization, he asserts his view strongly, Rogan tells his boy to pull up the Google and Crowder again interrupts with his insipid out that “he doesn’t care.” That’s just him hedging his bet. If the stats turned out to be correct, he gets to say “see, I told you!” And it the stats didn’t support his view, he gets to say “I don’t care.” There’s nothing wise or honorable about that. That’s just chickenshit hackery.

    He then tries to raise the argument that “well it’s not as beneficial as turmeric or reduced sugar.” That’s a non sequitur. He’s essentially arguing that “it’s not the best method to treat cancer, therefore it’s bad.” That’s irresponsible, and he knows it.

    That entire segment was like watching a root canal. I appreciate your commitment to confusing the issue, though.


    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Like 7
  8. 4 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    I somehow can't help but think this is revenge legislation for so many states having to finally give up allowing gay conversion academies to exist.  

    Well religion has always been about ‘round the clock, 24/7/365 con-jobbing...so yeah that’s probably right. 

    “They won’t let us run con-job F? Fine, we’ll show them!!! We’re gonna run con-job G instead!!!”

  9. 11 hours ago, triplehorn said:

    I'll never forget Sam Alito's reaction here, wincing and mouthing 'that's not true'. 

    we got sold.

    What else would you expect? Alito is a thug.

    10 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    It's interesting how pretty evenly divided the donations are between parties.

    Why is it interesting? One party is a haven for, as Bill Maher phrased it, "hedge fund managers, credit card companies, banks, defense contractors, big agriculture, and the pharmaceutical lobby."

    The other party is the Republicans.

    • Like 4
  10. 2 hours ago, heso said:

    And don’t quite get Mitch being so outspoken about coordinating with the White House. 

    what is he gaining by so publicly claiming that he’s creating a sham trial?

    The White House already knew this would be the case, so why announce it to the world?

    He wants to assure Trump that his brunchhole is more inviting than Lindsey Graham's

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