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Everything posted by hpslugga

  1. This is probably what the Reuters thing is: https://www.reuters.com/legal/us-state-georgia-appears-set-file-charges-against-donald-trump-court-document-2023-08-14/
  2. "There's a totally perfect african american in my ass right now. The very best african american. But I have to say, the food has gone to hell. When I was president, a Prisoner would get the very best food Anywhere. Totally "the" best. They thought Bobby Flay was working in There. They would tell Me that. But now thanks to the Biden Crime Family and the do-Nothing socialist Pinko communist "anarchist" fascist Leftist democrats, it doesn't "even" compare to a breakfast buffet from some fleabag Hotel in a Shithole country."
  3. The most honest self-reporters. The best self-reporters 3:10-3:13
  4. I mean sure but you have to understand that most of the dialogue concerning his eligibility is limited to things that range from “unavoidable” to “realistic.” That’s why you never see anyone mention the fact that, for example, the GQP is a private party that is well within their right to preemptively disqualify him from running as a Republican. That’s not gonna happen, but it theoretically could.
  5. Beat me to it. I was very happy to see that he pointed out paragraph 83 (7:30 mark), which to me puts to rest any and all debate about "what did he really know?" He fucking knew that he lost and he admitted it...just not in public. Of course he further demolishes that nonsense beginning around 15:30 with the "state of mind" stuff. I also liked the bit at the end re: Elias. That's a perfect illustration of how absurd the MAGA argument is. Trump's case here is like an onion that's rotting from the inside: keep peeling them damned layers and it just keeps looking worse.
  6. And with that said, I wouldn’t advise Trump on filing for COV. He’s not going to get more friendly juries in either of those states. Of course he probably has it in his tiny little mind that he can shift the venues of all his cases to Aileen Cannon.
  7. Which is exactly what I do and what I encourage everyone else to do, but that’s independent of two things: 1. My whole point was that I expect that to happen (high turnout against Trump) and have no reason not to expect it. 2. For Trump to use his expectation of the exact opposite of that as any part of his criminal defense strategy is absolutely crazy. Well hopefully they won’t be buried. Hopefully we will be able to cremate them and urinate upon the ashes a la Shooter McGavin.
  8. They started doing that immediately after Trump uttered the words "this is a fraud on the American public" and we got a good look into how effective those efforts really were in 2022. Remember that "red wave" that was supposed to happen last year? How'd that go? And that axiom I mentioned? It was established before said efforts and survived them. That's how toxic Trump is, and it's why other GQP candidates are currently talking about raising the voting age to 21. That will never fly because it requires a consitutional amendment, and that shit ain't happening between now and next November. But that's not even the point. The point is that all this chatter about "raise the voting age" is an acknowledgement that at the state level, they didn't do near enough to suppress D votes and that they need to do more to accomplish that. They don't know how to do that in a way that would survive court challenges. Regarding the age issue, it can only get worse for the R's as we must consider that 1) there were a bunch of people ages 14-17 in 2020 who could not vote then and will be able to in 2024 and 2) the Gen Z demographic was as lopsided as could be against the GQP before Dobbs, and after Dobbs, they swung away from them even harder. In 2016, they accounted for 2% of the election. In 2020 it was 7.5% and next year, they look to figure in for about 13%. Combine them with the millennials, that looks to be more than one-third (37%) of the electorate. Trump does very poorly with that demo in the swing states. The GQP certainly doesn't think that way, but their problem is that they're stupid criminals. Where as you might see them as Lex Luthor and Skeletor, what they really are amount to Harry and Marv from Home Alone. This is going to remain true as long as that "party" remains a collection of social media personalities who think clicks/views/subscriptions translate to electoral victories. The MAGA faction has been believing in that belief since 2018, and they've been knocked on their asses over and over for it. We already got a preview of both states in the last two years. The GQP in Georgia couldn't even propel a Heisman Trophy-winning football hero into the Senate. Now you might say that the GQP voters in GA are racist, and I'm not gonna fight you on that...but still, Walker was running against a black dude that hates Trump. Their choice was "black dude that loves Trump vs. uppity negro that hates Trump," and the latter still won. And again, this was all pre-indictments. As to Wisconsin, we got a good look at where they are with the Protasiewicz win against that MAGA loser Daniel Kelly just 4 months ago. That was nothing to sneeze at, and it was literally done on the same day Trump was indicted in NY (aka the first of the three), so it's safe to say the indictment played no role in this particular election. If anything, Trump's legal entanglements plus the gaggle of absolutely loathsome Supreme Court decisions, due entirely to Trump's packing of the court, likely expand that margin. This apathy you speak of would be most pronounced in mid-term election years. It would also be most pronounced under the flurry of the aforementioned legislations at the state level. All that was supposed to happen at once last year, and yet here we sit with a slightly blue senate, only a nominally red house, Trump is indicted in multiple states, and his competitors in his own party are already yelling about raising the voting age with the deliberate intent to disenfranchise a very large demographic precisely because they know they'll go overwhelmingly against that stupid party the first chance they get. Seriously I don't think some of you quite appreciate how transparently pathetic that whole "raise the voting age" thing makes them look even to independents. It looks like...well, this. In closing, what this shit really comes down to is two categories of people: independent voters and unlikely voters. It's not about making the base so mad that they press the button harder next time. That's just feelings and emotions. Trump is just playing to his base, not branching out to reconnect himself with the independent voters that he did win in 2016. I won't say much about unlikely voters because I think most of you know that those have been overwhelmingly in rejection of the President-reject. That said, if you want to get a good idea of where independent voters are heading, just check out this excerpt from a New Yorker article: "Among self-identified independents who don’t lean toward either party, the survey yielded more ambiguous results. Fewer than half of these respondents—between thirty-seven per cent and forty-six per cent, depending on the specific cases—said they believed that Trump had committed a crime. And about half of these respondents said that the charges were politically motivated. But, although these findings seem encouraging for Trump and his supporters, the survey also found that the number of independents who believe that Trump has done something criminal is growing, especially in relation to the classified-documents case. In a Bright Line Watch survey carried out last October, thirty-four per cent of independents said that a crime had been committed in that case. In the latest poll, that number had grown to forty-six per cent." And it's not just independent voters: "This suggests that, as prosecutors release more details of the charges and evidence against Trump, opinion is slowly shifting against him among less partisan voters. The survey even showed evidence of movement among Republicans. Since last October, the percentage of Republicans who said they believed that Trump had committed a crime in handling classified documents rose from nine to twenty-five. “We have to keep two things in mind at the same time,” Brendan Nyhan, a political scientist at Dartmouth who co-founded Bright Line Watch, told me on Monday. “On the one hand, the public is incredibly polarized on these cases. On the other hand, the new evidence does seem to be moving the needle.” So in 2018, he started to lose support in electoral form and lost the House In 2020, he lost more support in electoral form, lost the Senate, and was voted out In 2022, he lost even more support in electoral form, the GQP barely gained the House because of gerrymandering fuckery, and the D's gained a Senate seat In 2023 he is losing even more support due to the indictments So he's gonna...what...gain all that support back and win the general?
  9. Trump isn’t winning in 2024, so that’s not a viable defense plan. I know it’s posh and trendy in these parts to consider people like Nate Silver to be some sort of EC wunderkinds and national polls in August the year before the election to be any sort of relevant, but the reality is that Trump didn’t even win in 2016. The D’s lost that one by nominating the one candidate that Trump conceivably could have beaten. Trump started losing independent voters in the 2018 mid-terms and they’ve yet to go back. He’s the President-reject as of 2020, a status that was confirmed last year in the mid-terms. Add to that, within the very narrow framework of mainstream political discourse, Biden has a solid record to run on in the 6 battleground states. Contrast that to Trump, who himself is a victim of the same axiom he created shortly after taking the oath: republicans cannot win contested primaries without Trump’s endorsement, and they can’t win general elections with it. I once again have to pose this question because I’ve yet to see a sensible answer to it: Of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, exactly which ones is Trump flipping back to himself next year? His criminal defense can go in multiple directions. He can plead straight not guilty and argue the elements, he can cut a plea, or he can try to delay these trials until after the election. Option 3 is the craziest one because it’s the most likely to fail; even more likely than option 1. His only sensible move in terms of criminal defense strategy is option 2. But he’s not going to do that. Why? Because it’s not about keeping him away from legal accountability. It’s about the grift, and option 2 represents the quickest ending to the grift. Think about it: Option 1: he gets to keep hee-hawing about how innocent he is and grifts people out of their money to contribute to his defense right til the very end of all trials. Option 2: Trials are over and he loses respect from a chunk of his base; at least the smarter half who recognize that he’s admitting to criminal culpability, one of such cases establishing that he knew all along that he lost in 2020 and those poor suckers got duped. Option 3: See option 1. Thats why plea bargaining never enters the discussion. No grift, no consideration.
  10. The exact verbiage of such an exchange reads as follows: ”I believe what I believe because that’s what I believe. I believe that, and I’m not gonna believe what you believe because it’s not what I believe.”
  11. Oh it’s worse than that. They’re going out to the usual outlets claiming that this indictment is an assault on Trump’s free speech rights. And that tracks…if when you’re reading the indictment you shut your eyes when you turn to the…you know, pages. And that’s especially true with page 2 when the indictment specifically concedes the highlighted portion: Nowhere in the indictment is it possible to conclude that Smith is attempting to squash free speech. That’s a canard. It’s a straw man of the highest order. So of course they’re going to say that. And what will they not say? Well, you know, the stuff that actually is in the indictment. So they read into the indictment things it does not say, and they don’t read what it actually does say. Shocking, I know.
  12. “As long as politics is the shadow of big business, the attenuation of the shadow will not change the substance.” -John Dewey
  13. More likely he worked the ball collector at the driving range and one day dotard saw him jiggle the handle just right so the dispenser took the token and gave him an extra jumbo bucket instead of the small. Trump immediately identified him as a technical genius and voila, he put him in charge of IT. That has to be the most accurate assumption of a Trump scenario anyone’s ever posted here.
  14. I’m so surprised…said no one who’s been actually paying attention to them since 1971.
  15. It’s the constant, obsessive and psychotic need to stroke the ego. There’s no elaborate explanation; it just goes straight back to that. The founding fathers can’t be seen as slave owners…because that makes certain white people in Florida…feeeeeeeeeeeeeel bad.
  16. Which is why he’s a nationalist. Nationalism is politics for…basic people.
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