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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 2 hours ago, workswithseed said:

    Ahhh.. the whole it was never really tried before tactic. It must been those pesky dictators, that you need, but then need to somehow throw away? 

    It’s not a tactic, and I take by your evasive, not to mention clueless and incoherent, response that you really have no idea.

  2. 1 hour ago, Bateshorn said:

    Wait so we intentionally ran an illegal formation play, which scored but was called back, thus resetting the play clock and allowing Tom to run out the game clock for a field goal?

    It sure seemed that way because whoever was supposed to be on the LOS was very egregiously not.

  3. 2 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Except for that part where the staffer in question accessed and leaked copyrighted material owned by the network, whereas the Trump whistleblower acted within government channels according to government policy.

    Hey, keep on trying, you'll get something right one day soon.

    He won’t. That’s his addiction

  4. 2 hours ago, EMAWesome said:

    Bullshit, two words--Bill Clinton.  Two more words Paula Jones.  Two more words Juanita Broderick.  Two more words Monica Lewisky. Two more words Jennifer Flowers.  Do you think ABC News is run by conservatives?  The fact that they killed the story disproves your assertion point blank.

    Just chalk this drivel up to yet another example of a stupid fuck who couldn’t comprehend the political spectrum if his useless life depended on it. 

    • Like 4
  5. On 10/30/2019 at 9:28 PM, TwiceHorn said:

    Well, what I think of it is kind of encapsulated in my fifth sentence.  Christianity is a philosophy among other things, and most political systems are or incorporate philosophies.  So there's always going to be some overlap, and some conflict.

    I think it's fairly useless to compare political systems with religions, at least for arguing that one is more or less compatible with the other. One is intended to govern mankind's external life, the other its internal life.

    The altruistic aspects of socialism are wholly compatible with Christianity.  The point she raises about Marx' materialism is an interesting one that probably has some validity.  But I think therein lies the problem I note.  Christianity is largely unconcerned with the external or material well being of man.  No political or economic system can afford to be similarly unconcerned.  The latter fact will always create a degree of conflict between the two.

    Hold on, how does Karl Marx figure into this?

    See, that’s kind of what I mean. That article is profusely stupid and adds value to any meaningful conversation neither about Christianity nor Socialism.

    • Like 1
  6. 14 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

    If you’re calling Elizabeth Warren a socialist.....you don’t know what socialism really is.

    Hell even Bernie isn’t really a socialist. He’s a New Deal Democrat.

    That article is absolutely, laughably and indefensibly wrong about absolutely everything that it says.

  7. So in 2003, we threw a metric fuck ton of feces on that region, the mess festered to the point where a new menace was created within it (ISIS), and this fucking mentally inferior simpleton is absolutely begging for credit for throwing a little temporary relief from the flies.

    It's absolutely childish, not to mention delusional, to be impressed with this.

    • Like 1
  8. 24 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    he really is the biggest disappointment. i voted for him in 2014. i will not be making that mistake again. he's gone joyfully into crazy trumplandia.

    maybe i had a hood over my eyes in the previous election years about what he was about, but he seemed like a decent enough representative for texas, had a strong reputation for constituent services.

    now, he's a fucking shitheel and i hate him. it's so strange what the republicans have become, or, i guess, what they always were and what i've become?

    i dunno. it's a confusing time.

    It's the latter. They've just forgotten how to lie in order to sell their "message."

    Plus, people know too much now. In Reagan's time, it wasn't nearly as well established that Trickle Down Economics and Peace Through Strength are just  sideshow grift jobs the way that it is now, even though they're the exact identical policies that produce the exact identical results for the exact identical people. I believe there's some old saying about "fool me once..." 

  9. 23 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Heroes don't flee their country with state secrets to give to adversarial foreign powers.  

    Snowden is a narcissist attention whore and a traitor.  A marathon with Joe Rogan kinda drives home the attention whore narcissist part. 

    I'm glad he exposed the wrong doing of our government though, it needed to be done. 

    Ah yes, the exact polar opposite of "love the sinner, hate the sin." This is "love the crime, hate the criminal."

    Ed Snowden has more patriotism in his little fingernail than most of us have in our entire body.

    • Like 3
  10. 5 hours ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

    I wanna believe but, ultimately, no.  Rubes gonna rube and when it comes to nut cuttin'' time, they'll vote R b/c  "socialism" or some such bs. 

    That's exactly what happened in 2004, among others (using that one because we're in a situation very much like that, if not worse). Everyone and their fucking mother knew that a second W term was absolutely stupid, but they did it anyways because "I don't know if I'm comfortable with John Kerry," whatever the fuck that even meant.

    They talk a good game about how the R's are deeply flawed and all that, but then they start getting into the two games that they never could play well: 1) lesser of two evilism and 2) completing syllogisms. That inability to play said games is what drove many of them to say, as Dennis Prager once did of the 2016 election, "if I come to two doors and one says "man-eating lion," and the other says "maybe a man-eating lion," I will choose to open the latter," the implication being that Hillary is the man-eating lion and that Trump might be one. Totally ass-backwards, but that's what they run with because at the end of the day, it's team-sportsism with those people and "Go Red, Boo Blue" and that's all they fuckin' know.

  11. 5 hours ago, C-Man said:

    Go early. The Boulevard is awesome. Bring adult beverages and walk around. Consider Uber because parking isn't great. You can park on a side street in UP and walk but probably just as easy to ride share. Stadium is not very intimate at all.

    What he said and they’re cracking down on parkers who do that. You can try your luck parking in that garage off Airline and SMU Blvd, but if not go somewhere else and Uber

  12. 4 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    From the link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Comeback_(American_football)

    The Oilers fired DC Jim Eddy and DB coach Pat Thomas the day after the game. That led to the hiring of Buddy Ryan as DC and set the stage for perhaps an even bigger nut-kick in the loss to Joe Montana and the Chiefs the next year.

    I remember what my dad said when he first found out about the Ryan hire.


    My mom goes "what?"

    "Well they'll get better as a defense, but the team as a whole will be toxic."

    Probably the best prediction he's ever made.

  13. 6 hours ago, C-Man said:

    Wish I could find the play-by-play of that game somewhere. His point being -- and I don't necessarily agree with it -- that when you're up 35-3 early in the second half, if you are able to run the ball (the Oilers weren't terrible at it per se but they definitely didn't run enough -- or even have a TE on the roster IIRC -- to consistently be able to run the ball when teams knew you wanted to run. I'm pretty sure there are some quick three-and-outs in the 3rd where it was three passes and a punt (probably into some wind) that took 45 seconds of game clock off.

    I'll be happy to provide it as well as the context, Houston's offensive possessions in bold:

    -Of course, Buffalo took the opening second half possession, ran 3 plays and out goes McDowell for the pick 6 just 1:41 into the quarter.
    -Del Greco botches a squib kick and Buffalo gets the ball at midfield. The end up going on a long drive and score; 35-10.
    -Christie recovers a suicide onside kickoff, Beebe ends up hauling in that horseshit TD pass; 35-17.
    -The offense takes the field for the first time in the second half when Buffalo had basically cut the lead in half. The game literally went from Del Greco’s XP to make it 28-3 until Christie’s XP to make it 35-17 and Houston’s offense had taken zero snaps in between. They then go three and out. This would be the first possession Houston had that did not result in a TD. But it's important to note the momentum shift that had just occurred. Go look at the video someone else posted, forward it to 1:19:00 and just listen to the stadium. It's already erupting and the Oilers' offense hasn't had a goddamned thing to do with it. That possession lasted about 1:40, which is only 20 seconds shorter than if they'd taken @MAROON asinine strategy of taking knees in the 3rd quarter.
    -Greg Montgomery shanks a punt for 25 yards and the Bills get their third straight possession starting near midfield.
    -Andre Reed ends up catching his first of 3 TD’s; 35-24.
    -Houston’s O commits its first and only turnover of regulation on the first play of the possession; Buffalo again gets a possession in plus territory.
    -Reed catches a 4th down pass in the EZ; 35-31.

    See what happened there? I mean I’ll give you that 4 plays for 3 yards, no first downs and a turnover is a terrible 2-possession stretch, but the hideousness of that is undetectable compared to what occurred on the defensive and special teams sides of things in that same span, and unlike the offense for the remainder of regulation, it neither began nor did not stop there.

    -Moon ends up hitting Webster Slaughter for a 16-yard gain, but gets strip sacked on the ensuing series of downs and throws 2 straight incompletions.
    -Montgomery, of course, would go on to shank another punt, this time a 24-yarder.
    -Luckily for Houston, Buffalo didn't cash in. They held the Bills to a three and out, including a dropped interception by Steve Jackson

    So what about the rest of the 4th quarter?

    -Houston took over from its own 9 after a placement punt from Mohr. They went on a 14-play 77-yard drive that resulted in 0 points. Why 0? Greg Mother Fucking Montgomery. He was given a perfectly good snap on the FG and just flubbed the living fuck out of it. Buffalo recovers and sets up shop on their own 26. So by this point, Greg Montgomery has had as many catastrophic fuck ups as the Oilers' offense has had possessions, hence my previous comment.
    -Then, of course, Reich leads the Bills on another TD drive with another pass to Reed in the EZ and it's now Buffalo's lead with 3:08 to play.
    -Houston then goes on a 63-yard drive, which took only 1:58 off the clock, to tie the game with a FG.

    So their last 2 possessions in regulation netted 140 yards and...3 points.

    Or just look at it this way:

    I, a soothsayer, tell you, an NFL OC, that your offense is going to end up scoring 4 TD's, will turn the ball over once, will have one three and out, and will put the FG team in position to make 2 FG's in an NFL Wild Card game. What would you say?

    I, again a soothsayer, tell you, an NFL DC, that your defense is going to give up 5 TD's all in one half in said NFL Wild Card game. What would you say?

    I, once again, a soothsayer, tell you, an NFL Special Teams Coordinator, that your units are going to botch a FG snap, botch a squib kick that the other team will recover on the 50, fail to recover an onside kick again at the 50, would surrender a 35-yard kick return on your team's very first kick cover, and shank two punts that net a total of 49 yards combined. What would you say?

    My guess is that your answers, if you're honest, would be "great," "terrible," and "holy fucking shit, are you kidding?" Given that, it's beyond inappropriate to even begin discussing whatever offensive system said team is running as a cause of said choke. It'd take a gold medal display of mental gymnastics to answer the reverse in any context.

    46 minutes ago, MAROON said:

    if the Oilers had simply take a knee on every offensive snap once they were up 35-3 there would have been no way the Bills could have come back.

    I've seen this claim before, and it's utter horseshit. To say something like that is to afford Houston's D and ST a level of apologetics that is seldom seen even in the sporting arena. You know better.

    Houston's total TOP for the second half was 13:02. 

    Taking 15 knees on 5 possessions? 10:00 even, and given how poorly Montgomery played in the second half, you'd be committing suicide by placing any sort of confidence in him by depending on his leg to pin Buffalo deep after 2 consecutive shanks. 

    All your strategy would have accomplished would have been that Buffalo takes the lead with 6 minutes left in the game instead of 3. Whoopty doo.

  14. 1 hour ago, C-Man said:

    (My dad used to always belly-ache about the "Run and Shoot" and how you could never simply put a game to bed with that offense. It couldn't bleed clock when that's all you needed to do.) Pretty sure the next thing that happened was the Bills recovered an onside kick and immediately Reich threw a TD pass on the very first play and I think it's suddenly 35-24 and there's like a quarter-and-a-half remaining in the game. The rest of the game was sheer agony. Everybody knows what happened. (As bad as that loss was, I think losing to the Chiefs the following year was worse. I was convinced the Oilers were going to meet the Cowboys in the Super Bowl and it would've been the most epic fraternity house SB party of all-time. Somebody might've died.)

    I understand someone else said it, but that line of thinking has always irked me when discussing that game in particular. Greg Montgomery alone contributed more to Houston's self-destruction than anything the combined 11 offensive starters could have ever done.

  15. I remember the Buffalo game so vividly. I was 8, about to turn 9.

    For some reason, we had gone to my aunt and uncle's house for some sort of family get-together and of course the game was on. The family squeezed in to watch the first half domination. Actual quote from my cousin: "I have never seen a QB play as well as Moon has. I hope we [Cowboys] don't run into them in Pasadena."

    After Bubba made the pick six, everyone scrambled to the backyard to lounge, smoke, drink, etc. I was the only one that stayed in front of the TV. I watched a nuclear meltdown take place. My father came into the room to fetch a cigar he'd left behind just after Moon hit Slaughter on that 4th down play on that final drive of regulation. Dad said "how bad is it now?" These were my exact words:

    "Houston is losing, but they're about to score either to tie or win."

    The look he gave me, I may as well have just said "your mother sucks cocks in Hell."

    Slowly, the rest crept in wondering where he had gone. By the time the OT drive had started, everyone was squeezed in once again. The females were just beside themselves that Moon had thrown an INT and the males were irate that Darryl Talley wasn't called for PI. 

    I said "that wasn't the only call they missed."

    Asked what I meant, I said "earlier, Don Beebe caught a TD pass even though he clearly ran out of bounds and came back in to get it." Again I received the "your mother sucks cocks in Hell" face.

    After Christie hit the FG, they again adjourned to the backyard. I didn't know what a Full Winston Churchill was at the time, but that was it. He was once known to say "I could not live without Champagne. In victory I deserve it. In defeat I need it." They all drank in both that afternoon. Horrible.

  16. On 10/12/2019 at 1:46 PM, Zavala said:

    Ah yeah it's just an accident, incompetence always seems to get us screwed. 

    Stop pretending to be confident. It's transparent that you have no idea what you're talking about and that you're completely aware that you have no idea what you're talking about.

  17. 9 hours ago, Prepuce of Doom said:

    Lost in all the luminous stupidity of the original post is that EMAW apparently types and/or speaks about SpongeBob SquarePants often enough that he uses an abbreviation to save time, and assumes his audience will understand it. 

    Ah yes. It’s a Bill O’Reilly fan characteristic. I remember the days when his fans were using the moniker “SP” with each other and none of us long bus people knew what it meant. Then I just shook my head when I learned that it stood for “Secular Progressive,” as if that was such a horrible thing. 

    Keep flying that flag, EMAW. No one worth a shit could be bothered to give one, and you will never be a hero to them, but keep flying it.

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