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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 4 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    Hey y’all lay off the hammer. He’s one of our resident trump supporting dumbasses like Zook who also, for some strange reason, is a big brexit supporter. 

    Its an interesting combo for sure, since I know plenty of trump supporters in real life and not one of them has ever mentioned brexit, not once. 

    It makes a fellow wonder sometimes, who am I talking to on the net? 

    Identity politics. People in the US who support that foolishness do so for precisely and exactly one reason: "It's supported by the conservative party, therefore I support it." Most of the Americans who support Brexit can't even tell you what it is or why half of their population wanted to do it. It's a joke.

  2. 1 hour ago, Js1 said:

    If you put together a LibDem and Labour coalition on the condition Jo Swinson is PM and not Corbyn, would it win? 

    Look at hammer's link. The "majority" to which he refers is not a majority. It's a plurality of around 30-33% with the LibDems and Labour tallying 40+%. Even if you added UKIP to the Tories, they'd still lose that one as well. And there's no way in hell the arrangement you suggested would happen because Labour polls noticeably better than the LibDems. If a hypothetical coalition were to be formed, Corbyn would be at the forefront.

  3. Just now, Mojo Hand said:

    Why don't Labour and Lib Dem combine forces?   Shouldn't that be enough to take over?  (Note:  I don't understand English politics at all). 

    It used to be a tenable distinction between the two. If you were comparing it to today in the US, the LibDems would have been the establishment Democrats and Labour would have been the AOC/Bernie/Omar types. But that distinction got severely blurred by the tenure of the vampire known as Tony Blair. So the LibDems are still very much in the dead center of their political spectrum while Labour is probably a flea's hop to that left. It seems increasingly clear that Brexit is going to be a colossal failure, and those two camps would do well to put their petty differences aside and form a coalition like you suggested in order to mitigate or reverse it as much as they can...but those people are fucking hardheaded and I doubt that would ever happen.

  4. 11 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    It's funny how conservative Christians who are so quick to  use scripture to justify their hatred of the gays don't seem to have a problem with scriptural prohibitions against adultery and divorce. 

    There's a lot in the Bible their collective eyes have never seen. Their greatest failing, aside from the complete inability to understand simple things, is that they read in the Bible things that it does not say, and then they don't read what it does say. So they read in between the lines without reading the lines. 

    • Like 3
  5. 54 minutes ago, Boogaloo said:

    They should be in Orange, doesn't LSU wear white at home... 

    LSU's actually probably going to be in purple. Their tradition, as of late, has been to wear the purple in home, non-con games that are not the home opener. They host UTSA the week before the Texas game, so this particular tradition dictates Texas in the storm trooper whites. They of course could always change that, but that's what you should expect until told otherwise.

  6. On 9/7/2019 at 11:53 PM, hayden_horn said:

    I think when that happens, they got to make a rule that coaches cannot treat it as a timeout. That was some grade a fucking horseshit

    I think the only way to deal with it is the way FIFA does with players who take obvious dives: if fraud is detected, penalize the offending team 15 yards for unsportsmanlike conduct, eject the player if he commits the same infraction twice, and if you happen to catch the coach that's telling him to hit the deck, eject him, too. For the latter, we've seen that all too often. Some player is looking to the sidelines for a play call, then out of nowhere, he's been killed by a sniper stationed at the top of the stadium. It's very obvious that it's a coached tactic, and that's the only way you're going to have a chance to dial it back.

  7. On 9/7/2019 at 10:45 PM, NowThis said:

    Burrow will play on Sundays and probably 2 if not all 3 of his WRs. He made insane NFL caliber throws , threads the needle. The passing attack reminded me of Goff a few years ago. Nothing can be done really.

    You need either an NFL-caliber secondary or an NFL-caliber pass rush to defeat that kind of an offense with that kind of a QB. If LSU doesn't go undefeated, it'll be precisely because they ran into one of those two things and they'll have an off day.

  8. 17 hours ago, tbone_ said:

    I’m not sure he’s smart enough to orchestrate something like this.

    I say decent odds he never plays a down for the Pats.

    I dunno, this seems all too similar to Moss' arrival in Foxborough. Randy was a diva that was totally checked out on the idea of playing for, oddly enough, the same Raiders...then he went on to have arguably the greatest WR season that we've ever seen in his first year for the Patriots. As others have implied, there's just something about how that franchise is able to mold the absolute worst characters into better men and better players, at least as long as they're on the team. Moss lightened up, Ochocinco lightened up, and I'm sure Gordon and Brown will do the same. I just hope they've elected to keep Thomas on as well because this is the kind of 4-wide tandem I've been dying to see for a quarter of a century...and as someone else said, this team was originally supposed to be run-heavy (or at least run-heavier-than-they-have-been-in-the-Brady-era). Fuck, that's hard to deal with if you're an opposing coordinator.

  9. 58 minutes ago, hookem48 said:

    maybe you should count the Ingram drop, it was kind of a big deal

    He means in terms of play calling. That call was the best one Herman had all night and it resulted in 0 points and a loss of downs. 

  10. On 9/4/2019 at 3:28 PM, 'stache said:

    I'd love to see the rednecks boycott Walmart and discovery what shit actually costs.

    They only announce boycotts; they don’t actually follow through with them. For example, when those simpletons were burning their Nikes in protest of Colin Kaepernick, you know full well that those morons went out and bought another pair when it donned on them “shit, I need a new pair of shoes,” and they went out and got Nikes again. 

  11. 4 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

    90% of the posters in this thread, including you, have no business commentating on anyone else being disconnected from reality.

    Lol you think you’re doing well. 

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  12. 47 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    The Herman versus Aranda matchup hasn't gone well for Aranda in the past, has it? Sure LSU has better athletes than Wisconsin but 59 points and 558 yards on only 56 offensive snaps is still a beatdown.

    Most important detail of that game:

    3rd. Team. Quarterback

  13. 18 minutes ago, GSU&UT said:

    So are we doing this thing again where we pretend that virtually all climate scientists aren't telling us we basically have no time to stop the worst effects of the ongoing warming? Slow rolling something out over 20+ years is not going to do anywhere near enough to stop massive damage to the earth.

    Also, how many coal miner jobs are there? This states that there were only about 80,000 in 2018 and that number is going down regardless of any executive or legislative action.


    Coal jobs are going to disappear whether the government blesses the industry or curses it. If they curse it, the industry is wiped out. If they bless it, they who own the mines will continue on their path to automating the shit out of the business. Either course results in humans losing out on coal jobs. It's nothing to strive for anymore, even if you totally ignore the environmental impact that it has. Working in coal now is like working in speakeasies or BetaMax tech support. It's easy to pander to that limited demographic for cheap votes in elections, but basing environmental policy on how they feel is like basing foreign relations policy with southeastern Africa around how the Dodos feel.

    • Like 1
  14. 10 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    The opposition wasn’t going to vote that it had confidence in the Government. So it just didn’t vote.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Exactly. The only way you ever get a vote with nearly 100% turning out is if the winner is determined by "my side has more votes than yours." If it's a 2/3rds concept, there's seriously no value whatsoever in a no vote.

    Come to think of it, I think that should have been the Democrats' strategy when Congress impeached Clinton. Just imagine 

    "Hey, Clinton got no votes for acquittal! We beat his ass 50-0 and 45-0!!!"

    "So now what happens?"

    "Well we needed 67 votes on either charge to get him out of office, so he's still President and this was a gigantic waste of time, but yeah we kicked his ass!"


  15. On 8/26/2019 at 6:38 AM, bamachine said:


    I don't know why they're so scared of releasing those documents. The depositions of that case took place in 2010, so that means that the statute of limitations on Hance and Craig James, regarding the false statements they made in those depositions, has long expired so it's not like they're afraid of prosecution. I mean I'll gladly accept a reasoned explanation as to why Tech is refusing to explain themselves, but as I see it with the available evidence, the only explanation for this is that they fear an absolute PR nightmare.

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