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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 22 hours ago, Smax said:

    Yes poor millenials....

    And their $1000 iphones and $80 unlimited monthly phone plans

    Making millions a year by being YouTube or insta whores, pro video gamers (lol) make high 6 figures playing fucking video games.

    Student loans are out of control but much of that lies on the shoulders tenured liberal profs who couldnt make it in the real world or the millenials themselves who decided 8 years of college to get a degree in a field thay may pay 80k a year was a good idea

    Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit, they are spoiled to the 9th degree and have it better then most generations before them.

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen a spectacular failure of a post like this one, and I’ve read Swam and CLH before.

  2. 19 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Smax...how about you address the data above, posted in rebuttal to your unsupported positions.

    He can’t. He’s a fucking goof with all the delusion of self confidence that of the very worst sufferers of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

  3. 7 hours ago, bolverk said:

    You're quoting an op/ed from a professional hack who founded an industry-supported for-profit "think-tank" whose sole purpose is to deny climate change and promote fossil fuels. That guy's scientific background? Philosophy.

    The only point you've made with this post is that you're absolutely desperate to find a credible source to support your wrongheaded opinion.



    Seriously, there’s a reason that denialists have never even come close to surviving peer review with all of the bewildering inanities they spew forth. As you imply, their game is shock jocking for profit. That has jack shit to do with science.

  4. 22 minutes ago, Gladeite said:

    Not a politician but spend a couple of weeks in UK last month.  Every Uber driver, restaurant worker, hotel employee and UK citizen I talked to was pro Brexit.  The immigration into the country is bankrupting the country.  The social services cannot handle the influx of new immigrants.  UK has very strict immigration laws and leaving EU will allow them to revert back to their own system of handling immigration.  Every article I read and protest I watched seemed to be of immigrants not wanting to register for visas or go back to their country of origin.  

    If you’re going to be a pathological liar, do a better job of it. For fuck’s sake, my 4-year old can see through this.

  5. On 8/26/2019 at 10:00 AM, Voldemort86 said:

    Trump is a massive douchebag who is always looking for every competitive advantage he can because he knows he’s not popular and he needs to rig things into his favor to win.

    That's the GOP in general. Those losers know full well that they cannot win on their own merits so they reach for every single underhanded tactic that there is in order to come out ahead. It also doesn't help that the DNC is its own worst enemy, but that's kinda the point: all those factors in conjunction with each other permit the GOP to come out with the narrowest of majorities around half of the time.

  6. The UN needs to convene in order to discuss whether or not to apply the Nuremberg Principles and/or the Rome Statute of the ICC against Bolsonaro. Considering how vital the Amazon is to the environment, as well as human existence, a very credible case for the "in favor" category can definitely be laid out.

  7. 46 minutes ago, Voldemort86 said:

    I’m sick and tired of this bullshit.


    the repubs always seem to get a Supreme Court vacancy before an election cycle to boost turnout from their side. It happened in 2016 and 2018.


    at the very least, please last until mid November 2020 Ginsburg. 

    She’s gonna have to last until 12:00 EST January 20th 2021. Those motherfuckers are that savage, that unethical, and that unscrupulous.

  8. 3 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    I'm not convinced that Tom Cotton knows his ass from a hole in the ground. 

    He does but he has an addiction: he has convinced himself that he absolutely needs to be absolutely wrong about absolutely everything he says.

  9. 4 hours ago, Smax said:

    Theres a rising anti israel movement on the left..
    If I was jewish not sure if I could continue to support a party that openly welcomes anti semites.

    I find it similar to catholics and dems in regards to abortion

    Just stop it 

    • Like 1
  10. 18 minutes ago, formermav43 said:

    I get that, but you’re trying to question him about the book when he admits that he’s only see the cover. He’s explicitly judging the cover, not the book. You’re challenging an argument he isn’t making.

    That's just not true, and you knew better than to say something like that. As far as what arguments he was making, I quoted them and addressed them in the fullest context of how he was making them. He began with:

    "Looks like the typical conspiracy tripe with the cuts and the ominous background music and single sentence quotes peppered every two seconds."

    I asked him what conspiracy theories the series advanced. That's a legitimate question regardless of how you personally feel about it. Now, to his credit, he did answer my question instead of dodging it. He said:

    "maybe something about the secret alliance between the knights Templar and the Illuminati, or maybe that Q guy and the archbishop of Canterbury, or more generally how the presidents all have some vague properties in common and know some of the same people, and these people are the ones who really have all the power."

    As I correctly informed him, none of those themes are even remotely mentioned, much less are they asserted, neither in the series nor even in the trailer. From that point, he should have stopped. You seem to believe that he just stopped there, but he didn't. He doubled down with a baseless assumption about both the book AND the cover, and further went on to state that his agenda was "Blatant mockery."

    When I asked him who he fancied that he was mocking, he said:

    "blatant mockery of the documentary mentioned in the OP,"

    So he wasn't just mocking the cover, he was mocking the book as well, so your contention that "He’s explicitly judging the cover, not the book" is just wrong. He may have started out that way, but he doubled down and you can't just ignore that part of it.


    For what it’s worth, I haven’t seen it. It might be completely factual, meticulously researched. But that “cover” in the op makes it look completely insane. He’s right about that.

    See, that's a much more honest take and I'd accept that. What I reject is that from only viewing a trailer can someone actually say "It's not Q and 9/11 truther level." Again, you knew that.

  11. 1 minute ago, formermav43 said:

    His first comment, that led you to initially question him, was about the trailer. His response to that literally began “Based on the few seconds of trailer I saw...”

    If you’re just now figuring out that the trailer is the sole basis of his commentary, that’s on you.

    And I'm accusing him of judging a book by its cover. Figured that was obvious.

  12. 11 hours ago, Axiom of Choice said:

    It's not Q and 9/11 truther level.  Definitely has better production quality.  But the trailer above contains the following tidbits: "I stumbled my way in to a secret organization hiding in plain sight," "group with tentacles around the world," "most powerful man in Washington you've never heard of," "the more invisible you can make your organization, the more influence it will have."  Episode titles according to Wikipedia are Submersion, Chosen, New World Order, Dictators, Murderers & Thieves, and Wolf King.  Secret organization all about power, the most powerful people we've never heard of, tentacles all over the world, New World Order, Wolf King.  But definitely not like the other conspiracy theories on secret powerful organizations according to some on this thread.  

    Ok, so the trailer, sound bytes and the episode titles are all we need to know.

    Well that's a relief, because for a moment there, I thought you were being all superficial.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Axiom of Choice said:

    Well, not to the enlightened ones.  But to the unenlightened ones, I'm sure it is unbelievable.  

    As an enlightened one, how would you rank the following in terms of overall power?

    The family, the juggalo family, George Soros, Q, the bilderbergs, Nikola Tesla, a tyrannosaurus rex.  

    It's not about being enlightened. It's about observing instead of making baseless assumptions. There's nothing humble about the latter.

  14. 41 minutes ago, Axiom of Choice said:

    Based on the few seconds of trailer I saw, maybe something about the secret alliance between the knights Templar and the Illuminati, or maybe that Q guy and the archbishop of Canterbury, or more generally how the presidents all have some vague properties in common and know some of the same people, and these people are the ones who really have all the power. 

    Literally none of those things are in that piece.

    41 minutes ago, Axiom of Choice said:

    But not to worry, because this guy has unraveled this riddle and will tell you all about it. 

    What riddle?

    41 minutes ago, Axiom of Choice said:

    He probably went underground and saw the true chambers of power of the whole country, with ancient rituals involving seals & symbols and the same methods used by Charlemagne, Hitler, and Pope Innocent III to gain power. 

    Again, literally none of that is presented.

    41 minutes ago, Axiom of Choice said:

    It's all happening both underground and in plain sight for those who have the brilliance to see what is really going on.  I'm sure it is some eye opening, far out shit.   

    Actually none of it is terribly surprising.

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