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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 17 hours ago, Tom said:

    Tahoe and the same people fighting green, renewable energy today are the same who cried and stomped their feet in protest because the government said they should use better light bulbs.  

    "That incandescent light bulb ain't shit. Burning candles is where it's at. Fire pays the bills."

  2. 3 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Maybe one upside to this clusterfuck will be the entertainment of an independent England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and Northern Ireland all fighting and shit with each other.  Longbows for the win.

    I’d suggest that the Irish and northern Irish  reunite and that those 4 entities merge into a political and economic union known as the Federated Union of Celtic Kingdoms.

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  3. On 7/27/2019 at 2:03 PM, bolverk said:

    It's not just the Scots - even the Welsh are now protesting to leave the UK because of Brexit. I didn't know that was even a "thing".

    Thank gawd for Mississippi Britain.


    It never has been until now. That’s what a catastrophic failure this policy really is: that it could cause the Welsh, aka the most docile member of the UK’s history, is actually talking about independence. It’s one thing for the Scots and the Irish to do so. They always have. But the Welsh? They never do that.

  4. On 7/27/2019 at 10:09 AM, Parliament said:

    In case that WSJ link is behind a pay wall:


    Under the agreement, migrants traveling through Guatemala from countries such as Honduras and El Salvador would have to claim asylum in Guatemala instead of the U.S. Getting Guatemala to sign the agreement was a key component of Trump's strategy for reducing illegal migration to the U.S.

    I think this is a good thing?

    It isn’t. That’s just NIMBY at work and it appeals to the absolute lowest common denominator.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Yes that is why I said he cannot appeal.

    Well they already know he can’t appeal a removal, and besides, we’re more than halfway through his term. If that really was their game, they should figure that now is the time to get him out so that Pence is eligible to run twice.

    If they really wanted just to go to Pence, they’d have cooperated with all these investigations and had Trump removed on January 21st of this year and would have tried their hardest to turn Pence into a 10-year President.

    But they didn’t do that because Mike Pence has no charisma whatsoever and wouldn’t stand a snowball’s chance in fucking hell to win one election, much less two. The republicans need trump because a guy like that is the only shot they have at getting the White House.

    You may be correct about the temptation being there, but what I said was that they neither have the spine nor the conscience to actually do it. That’s a far cry from a mere temptation.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Did someone take me up on my bet?  I don’t remember.  If so, post it and I’ll honor the terms.  

    You wouldn’t honor the terms even if someone had taken you up on that. And since no one apparently did, what you should be doing is saying “thank you all for not taking me up on that admittedly stupid bet” and cease talking about this stupid topic.

  7. 1 minute ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Uh . .  . is this just another example of Donald not understanding how tariffs work?  

    He doesn't understand how any aspect of the economy works. This isn't some special exception.

    • Like 3
  8. 10 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    It. Doesn’t. Fucking. Matter. WHERE YOU ARE FROM. The ONLY relevant question is “are you a citizen?” He said he was. He presented papers demonstrating that he was.

    But, he’s kinda messican-y, so you can’t be too careful. Probably oughta detain all people with messican-y last names for a month or so, just to be sure.

    That really is the logic that they use. I don't think people understand how simplistic and stupid these morons at CBP really are, which is why I asked that question earlier about the Laredo Crossing. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Thetexashammer said:

    You are unhinged. 

    This is a textbook example of the pot calling the silverware black. It’s in your best interest to severely rehabilitate your position because at this point, it’s clear that you know less about your own side of the argument than the rest of us know about both sides of it.

  10. 11 hours ago, fattyflattie said:

    Show your work. 

    Not how it works. The person asserting that there is a spending crisis has to show work. 

    That wouldn’t be very hard to do, though.

  11. On 7/20/2019 at 8:36 PM, youdunnf'dup said:

    100% this. Your making it really tough for the defense to sub anyone in and out by creating the illusion that you’re going to run a play right away. They don’t really want to “hurry up” at all. Plus it leaves the defense in a weird spot where they have to call a play on the fly. It’s a lot easier to hurry on offense than it is on defense in terms of getting everyone on the same page. I’d actually prefer if we ran our offense like this all the time. I want to dictate when you’re subbing your guys in and out on defense.


    On 7/20/2019 at 8:09 PM, TrashMaster G said:

    When they do that, the coaches are looking to see how the defense is lined up and what personnel, and then adjusting the play call based on it.  It also forces the defense to commit to a personnel set.  Once the offense is lined up, they can't make a personnel change.

    But there are times, yeah, when it's incompetence.  I just think it's a small minority of the time.

    Two wonderful responses.

    Yes, it's not always about snapping the ball in 10 seconds or less. That's what drove me nuts about ESPN during those years when Oregon had really good teams (2010-2014). They always wanted to have that shot clock graphic at the bottom to show how fast they were snapping the ball. Yeah, well sometimes that's not the point. The only constant point in all that chaos is to force the defense to scramble around, denied a substitution, denied the ability to disguise coverage, denied the ability of the DC to scramble through different plays to call, and yeah in the rare occasion of a WR being uncovered, denied the ability to stop an easy TD. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    Yea....when people are singularly focused on being pissed at “the establishment,” and have a single-minded focus on anger and rage when making political decisions, they can make some REALLY shitty choices of leadership.

    That you can’t see the parallels when they happen is pretty amusing.

    He’s also completely wrong with that pissant qualifier of “in hindsight.”

    It’s complete bullshit.

    The cia knew in advance that the coup was going to absolutely devastate the population and that they were going to hate the Shah’s bloody rule.

    They drafted and submitted “black documents” to arouse popular support for their activities both here and in Iran. In those documents, they tried to “prove” some connection between Mossadegh and the pro-Soviet Tudeh Party. They tried it even though Mossadegh never belonged to them and once told it’s party’s leader something to the effect of “we’re not in the government of Iran to serve the people of Moscow. The government of Iran serves Iran. Tell me we need to align with the USSR again and I cut out your tongue.”

    The coup helped the token few Americans and Iranians with high ranking positions in private petroleum businesses with interests in that region of the world, but it helped no one else and that was a predicted consequence at the time. Why else would the cia go through all that trouble to portray Mossadegh as some sort of Satan? 

    Oh and along the same lines, the cia also trained the SAVAK to use Nazi-style torture tactics against political opponents. Gee I wonder why they’d do that so early during the Shah’s reign.

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