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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 24 minutes ago, HenryJames said:

    Profiles in courage.

    Mr. My-Name-Appears-First-on-the-Ballot-Next-November Walker especially believes so, and Mr. My-Name-Appears-First-on-the-Ballot-Next-November Walker also believes his constituency holds the same values, i.e. codifying psychotic hatred of all things colored/Islamic and unwavering support for Israel under the banner of "being pro-America", which is why Mr. My-Name-Appears-First-on-the-Ballot-Next-November Walker takes these brave and noble positions. Another one of Mr. My-Name-Appears-First-on-the-Ballot-Next-November Walker's positions was his courageous opposition to some of Trump's "vile" remarks against certain females, none of which had to do anything with appealing to female voters. He made these remarks because he's a man of principle, just like when he said that Muslims (in response to Trump's proposed ban) ''are hardworking Americans that have every constitutional right as you or I do," just before saying "but at the same time need to take a position of leadership in going after those that are extreme with their religion." He said this because he's a moderate centrist with moderate centrist principles that are rooted in moderate centrism, not because he's desperate to appeal to both sides of the aisle. I'm sure the corruption investigation in which he's been at least loosely implicated is entirely a fabricated witch hunt designed entirely to sully the pristine reputation of Mr. My-Name-Appears-First-on-the-Ballot-Next-November Walker.

  2. 9 minutes ago, TtomTerrific said:


    but replace "liberals" with Hillary and Wasserman-Shultz and this is dead on.

    Jim Webb never had a chance in that rigged deal....that had all of the Russian help and obstuction of justice that it needed and none of you gave one fuck.

    Uh you could have removed HRC and the DNC’s shenanigans from the equation entirely and Jim Webb still gets trounced out fairly early.

  3. 37 minutes ago, NowThis said:

    show me the money.   I haven't seen anything from anyone around here about specific cuts.  Instead of randomly arguing with me, give me link. 

    I've been arguing for years that the US shouldn't, under any circumstance, have a military budget that even rivals China's, much less surpass it by a factor of fucking 3. Further, I know I'm not alone in that. It's not random arguing. More likely, you either weren't reading what people like I have said about it, or there's something to what Huck said regarding the hero complex. You cannot seriously believe that you're literally the only one.

    • Like 2
  4. 31 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    There's a tiny flaw in your "logic":  3 of the 4 women he bashed were born here.

    Think.  Harder.

    And the 1 who wasn't has been a citizen longer than his wife, and that's to say nothing about the shady legal nature of his wife's immigration compared to Omar's.

  5. 8 hours ago, NowThis said:

    no one on Surly wants to cut any program either. No Democrat candidate has spoken about austerity, no citizen has spoken up about it either in dozens of town halls.  No one on the internet, except yours truly (cut the damn military). 

    Please be joking. 

  6. 15 minutes ago, Keef said:

    Quoted again because it is just so true.

    Oh yes, those morons. I think the best moment those guys ever had was when Rush Limbaugh warned of the passage of Obamacare. He said:

    "I'll just tell you this, if this passes and it's five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented -- I am leaving the country. I'll go to Costa Rica."

    Yes, Costa Rica...a country that’s had full-blown universal healthcare since 1973, and even extending eligibility to undocumented immigrants since 1989. This idiot actually believed that the best way to protest a plan, the origins of which resided in the Republican Party, was to move to a country with arguably the greatest emphasis on public care in this entire hemisphere.

    That’s the right wing in a nutshell: delusional idiots that literally believe in magic.

    • Like 5
  7. 16 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

    Do you think he would have said "go back where you came from" to a white male politician?

    We already know the answer to that.

    Of course trump would never say that. And it’s not because these women are part of the progressive movement, either.

    Don Beyer could walk in to the next session of Congress with a Bernie pin on his lapel, start talking about healthcare, equal rights, cutting the military budget, etc and Trump wouldn’t even dare say that he needs to go back to his shithole country, Trieste.

    Yeah he might say that Beyer’s a “loser” and that he “gets bad ratings” or whatever, but he’s not going to say that.

  8. 7 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    Also, didn’t the dems just recently cave towards the republicans on an immigration bill? Yet now the trolls are blaming the dems and congress? This shit never ends. 

    It never ends because they don’t know what they want. They just want to parrot the bullshit they hear on Fox News and AM radio.

    They say “the illegals are stealing American jobs!!!” If the “they” are currently unemployed, and even if all of the illegal immigrants just vanished by tomorrow night, are these idiots really going to wake up to a new job of washing dishes, picking lettuce, and/or selling fruit out of a bag on Monday morning?

    That’s living in a dream world, but that’s what these morons do: blame everything except what’s real and believe in fairy tales.

  9. 9 minutes ago, NowThis said:

    what if scenarios are the basis of policy

    Actually, history and facts are the basis of policy.

    And even when you tread into the what-if territory, it has to be realistic and based on evidence. For example, “what if the Iranian military air jumped into the US on jet propulsion packs, armed with fully automatic guns that shoot small tactical nuclear weapons at 150 weapons per second and kills all of us?!” is not a basis for foreign policy.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, David Dennison said:

    But it is for too many.

    Seriously, it doesn’t need to be a “bogeyman” for “every country” in order for it to be true that our meddling in Central America has been the primary driver of these immigration/refugee crises.

  11. 3 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    America is not the bogeyman for every country that finds itself in a shitty situation.

    Nobody said that it was a bogeyman. That’s just you making shit up again.

    A couple pages ago, I listed specific examples (really just tips of icebergs) of US intervention in Central America that has directly impacted them today. 

    You, on the other hand, completely ignore history at every given turn and give vague sentences like these and try to put a confident sounding spin on it, and you think you’re clever. You’re not clever, you are dishonest, you’re lying here and you’re absolutely wrong about absolutely everything that you’ve said. The thing is, I can actually prove that and I can prove these assertions. I don’t wish them to be true, but they are true. 

    • Like 2
  12. 12 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    In your world America is cause of every ill in South America. So this is rich.

    I’ve never said “every ill” mostly because i don’t believe it, and it’s not a reference to South America either. You’re not very good at this. Why is it that people like you absolutely depend on logical fallacies when you argue these issues? Why, instead of honestly addressing issues, giving facts/reasons/etc to support your positions, you instead believe in pure bullshit and then button it up with smartassed sounding phrases like “that’s rich” as if you had the foggiest clue what you were talking about? 

    • Like 2
  13. 3 minutes ago, slorch said:

    hey fucko...and you earned the name calling by your fucked up inclusion of my name in your post

    don't be assigning your predetermined bias to my opinions.

    When i say i want  immigration laws enforced, that absolutely includes prosecuting their employers.  I haven't said differently.

    Does it also include foreign intervention?

    Either way, your lack of self awareness is not a well kept secret. You might pay lip service to prosecuting employers and whatnot but they’re well short of the cornerstone of your immigration schtick. If you want me to believe you, i need to be given a reason to because thus far I have none

  14. 1 hour ago, DixonHur said:

    4 point plan:

    1.) A Marshall Plan style investment in Central America to rebuild what we destroyed.  If you cared to study history, you'd know why it's a mess and why these people are fleeing.

    Thank you for making this point 1 as it’s easily the most important one of your four. Chicken, Crusher and slorch like to pretend not to know it, but the #1 method to curbing influxes of illegal immigration and refugee flows is to not give them reasons to do so. People in Central America aren’t born with some uniquely inbuilt instinct/desire to flee their homelands. They do so because to live even a moderately dignified life, it has to take place elsewhere because doing so in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras et al is as likely as it is for the aforementioned posters to even understand any of this.


    2.) Semi-open borders.  Create a "schengen" zone between North and Central America and make it easy to get a work visa if sponsored by an employer.  Allow market dynamics to govern employment, but raise the federal minimum wage to prevent slave wages.

    Well I’d hope you’d also include in it an easier path to citizenship, but that seems to be the direction you’re taking.


    Fun fact: did you know that the concept of open borders is a Libertarian ideal, not a liberal one?

    They support libertarianism when it suits their purposes.


    3.) Medicare for all citizens and legal residents, with cost-plus care for all others.

    Well yeah we need that anyways but this would definitely have a residual effect.


    4.) Legalize, regulate and tax all drugs.  Use the proceeds and savings (DEA war on drugs, domestic law enforcement, courts, prisons, etc.) To pay for addiction treatment research and care.

    And again, you have that added effect of not incentivizing massive numbers flowing in to the US. 


    Bonus result: significantly fewer African Americans in prison due to drugs and gang activity will help improve racial incarceration disparities, and the economy at large.

    That should be a good start.


    No time for that rational stuff, sir.

  15. 33 minutes ago, achooloco said:

    quoted for this page bc its a damn good start. too bad the bigots from the prior page like PolloSandwich and crusher won't understand.

    They won’t because they don’t want to. They do not want to break out of their little fantasyland and would rather climb up that tree.

  16. 5 hours ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    Still waiting to hear one solution on how to stop 80,000 false asylum claim each month. Lots of reeees, but zero solutions. 

    Or open borders. 

    I’ve already offered them. The fact that you don’t like them doesn’t change that reality and it only further advances my point: people like you would rather live in a fantasy world of Make Believe and Pretend than face reality. 

  17. 15 minutes ago, Crusher said:

    This is the one right here. 

    Except it’s not and you’re just making shit up. Also, the idea that you, of all people, have the foggiest clue “what’s really happening” is a flat out fraud.

    As I said, I’ve never even remotely stated that I’d like to see some war that you’re fantasizing about, and you’ll never be correct in arguing otherwise.

  18. 6 minutes ago, Crusher said:

    Actually I am. 

    But, I think that all the Demo prospects for President and all the Governor's of sanctuary states are directly to blame for what I think will be a disaster at the border. A lot of people are going to die. We cannot just let thousands of people illegally cross our borders.

    Is that what you want? If so why?

    I’ve already illustrated what I want, and I’ve already illustrated why people like you cannot accept reality for what the fuck it is. 

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