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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 14 minutes ago, Bruh Man said:


    Governments that do shit like this when they have something to hide and essentially there’s no other valid reason, though I’m sure the realgreggyms of the world would have no problem whatsoever rectally deriving a series of bewildering inanities like the ones above explaining, what they believe in their tiny minds, absolutely everything.

  2. 21 minutes ago, LongestHorn said:


    “If I’m in Jerusalem and I put 500 Jewish settlers out here to the east and there’s 10,000 Arabs in here, if we draw the border to include them, either it ceases to be a Jewish state or you say the Arabs don’t get to vote – apartheid,” - libtard Mad Dog Mattis 2013

    I wouldn’t bother

  3. Oh and as to Netanyahu being re-elected, this is like Nixon winning a re-elect AFTER Watergate, after the revelation that he interjected to scuttle peace negotiations between us and the Vietnamese, after it was revealed what a horrid backlash the so-called War on Drugs had, after COINTELPRO, after the bombing of Cambodia/Laos, and after the public release of the Chilean documents. Only two words could sum that, and this, up: moral depravity

  4. On 4/9/2019 at 9:47 AM, Asithappens said:

    Yes, the Palestinians are replete with moral authority. 

    They don’t have to be. It’s funny how it’s only black and white when it has to fit a fairy tale. You’ll never see a Palestinian arguing that they shouldn’t have to negotiate with the Israelis because the “Israelis are not replete with moral authority,” but that’s almost always the typically pathetic used by Israel and their alleged “supporters.”


    Again, both sides are shitbags in many ways. Again, you refuse to recognize that fact.

    No, you refuse to recognize reality by pretending to be neutral with these shittastic, factually challenged renderings. You try to whitewash history with these insipid “both sides” comments, and it works out for Israel in two ways:

    1. You understate how morally bankrupt the Israeli government is

    2. You overstate how morally bankrupt Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran/etc are

    In the end, it looks like both sides are equally bad, thereby justifying the status quo. That’s...handy.

    Meanwhile in reality, Israel literally has absolutely no legal right whatsoever to perform the actions they perform in ANY of the Occupied Territories. They have no right to erect settlements in the West Bank. They have no right to blockade Gaza. They have no right to militarily occupy East Jerusalem. They have no right to build a wall to protect those West Bank settlements. They have no right to turn Gaza into the world’s largest open air prison. 

    Palestine, on the other hand, has the absolute right to use any means, including violent force, to resist all of those things. They have the right to use violence to achieve self-determination. Again, belligerent reprisal is a legal right that occupied countries and peoples have.

    Their occupiers enjoy no such right. They don’t have rights in the Occupied Territories; only have responsibilities, and they have failed to live up to even one of them.

  5. 2 hours ago, bolverk said:

    My issue is that some believe the State of Israel is entitled to unilaterally annex territory in clear violation of international law, that military occupation has resulted in decades of oppression by refusing an entire population (a distinct ethnic group) the right to self-determination, and that those who oppose these policies are often accused of being anti-semitic due to the unique history of the Jewish people. 

    While I generally view this as a gross injustice, of which there are many in international affairs (Crimea for example), my emotional investment to this issue is due to our collective complicity for supporting them. Moreover, I acknowledge, accept, and wholeheartedly support the right of Israel to exist and defend itself, but I don't think they deserve a "pass" to turn around and ghettoize an entire people for a couple of generations to then just say "Fuck it. We want it all." which is precisely what Bibi and the Likud are finally admitting out in the open.

    Any sane, moral person would take that exact position for that exact reason.

  6. 7 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    I don't agree with him saying Eqypt is Israel's puppet state. I do, however, agree that they are ours. The military controls Eqypt and we control their army through our financial largesse.

    If we want to give free rein to Israel, the Egyptian military will not stand in our way.

    Correct, and given the reflexive nature of the US-Israeli relationship, the output of the policy is no different. 

  7. 57 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Israel blockades the border between Gaza and Egypt?  How do they do that?


    20 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Egypt is a big boy country.  They are responsible for their own actions.

    Egypt collaborates with the US and Israel. You’re either being dishonest again or you were completely comatose during the President-For-Life-Mubarak years. The idea that they’re a “big boy” country is a fucking joke.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Asithappens said:

    And yet that approach is still less heinous than the policy of wiping Israel off the map.


     Such a policy does not exist.  You’re comparing fantasy to reality 

  9. 23 hours ago, Asithappens said:

    That's true, for the most part. But depending on how important the "right now" qualifier is, they do have somewhere to go: namely, other Arab/Muslim countries. 

    The people of Gaza literally cannot go anywhere. That sick blockade literally seals them in. 

    Just as a side note, that sentiment about “why don’t other Arab nations take them in” is particularly grotesque.

    The Palestinians are entitled to self-determination inside their own country, they have incurred no obligation to look elsewhere, and accordingly, no other country has incurred responsibilities to them.

    The only country in this equation that has responsibilities to meet is Israel, and they routinely fail those responsibilities at every possible turn. The sentiment you’re expressing is no different than when the Israeli leadership rejected the Algiers Declaration by saying that it opposes an “additional Palestinian state,” the implication being that Jordan is one. That’s like saying that the Jews don’t need Israel because they already have New York.

    All of this is simply an excuse to evade the fact that since U.N. 242 was passed, Israel has incurred obligations that it not only has failed to live up to, it does not want to live up to them.

    They have an obligation to completely withdraw from the Occupied Territories. 

    They have an obligation to completely withdraw its blockade of Gaza, as well as the hard border.

    They have an obligation to dismantle the settlements, the wall that protects the settlements, to withdraw 100% of the settlers, and to withdraw any and all applications of the occupation (checkpoints, forfeit claims to water, etc).

    Those are facts that they cannot weasel out of no matter how badly they do not want to relinquish their claims to the West Bank and the Golan Heights.

    When you say that they should just go to Jordan, you’re offering apologetics for Israel’s immoral behavior in the Occupied Territories. That bullshit is unacceptable, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the real world.


    • Like 2
  10. 6 hours ago, Chrispy said:

    Israel holds all of the power and Palestine still exists. If the roles were reversed, Israel would be wiped off the map. 

    C’mon people, this is basic stuff. 

    Basic stuff at which you perpetually fail.

  11. 53 minutes ago, NowThis said:

    lol, this isnt' 1973.  All the surrounding nations are not saliva dripping wolves. Name the countries that want to wipe Israel off.  You will fail. 

    Even in 1973, that rhetoric was still a bunch of bullshit

  12. 1 minute ago, Asithappens said:

    What about Hamas?

    Do you give them a pass for violence against the muslim arabs?

    They're a disgusting organization, there's no doubt. However, their crimes (which are real) are undetectable when you compare.

    And by the way, Hamas wouldn't even exist were it not for Israel/the US' systematic railroading of the PLO for the entirety of the 3 decades prior to the Hamas elections.

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  13. 4 minutes ago, NowThis said:

    Israel is brutalizing a civilian population who have been under a military dictatorship for half a century.  I'll give them a pass for violence against the Jews. 

    As does international law. People struggling for independence and self-determination have the right to use lethal force against their oppressors, especially if said oppressor is a military entity of a foreign state. There's even a name for that. It's called "belligerent reprisals."

  14. 4 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    They foresaw enough need for flexibility that they set forth an amendment process.  And even as they compromised on human rights and slavery, they probably even foresaw that the amendment process would eventually include the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments.  So maybe they did think that reasonable people would amend the Constitution so that the right to bear arms excludes nuclear weapons if/when nuclear weapons were invented.  What they didn't foresee is that people 200 years later would pretend that the Constitution has to be set in stone for all time no matter how much society has changed.

    Would they want us shoehorning a bunch of unforeseen shit into the Commerce Clause?  Probably not.  Instead, they would have wanted us to amend the Constitution to cope with that unforeseen shit.

    It really reveals the depravity of our system that we haven't amended that fucking thing in almost 30 years, and that one had to do with congressional salaries.

  15. 22 hours ago, berlinerbaer said:



    22 hours ago, berlinerbaer said:

    I think those aforementioned establishment Democrats would at least be capable of engaging in dialogue about climate change as opposed to the GOP

    ...and this is what I meant by saying that they are the New Republicans, as has everyone else who has conveyed the same sentiment. The mainstream of the Democratic Party's position on dealing with climate change is basically Cap and Trade. Cap and Trade was, in no small way, a Republican initiative in earlier generations, but as you say, they now "refuse to acknowledge its existence and work to stymie all progress on legislation." Again you're correct, but you're only correct when speaking of them in this latest generation. They were for CaT before they were against it.

    22 hours ago, berlinerbaer said:

    If the GOP vanished and the moderates became the new conservatives then this country would take a massive leap forward. Hook that shit up to my veins.

    And that's what I'm saying as well. If the Feinsteins, Schumers, Pelosis, et al formed a de facto "right-leaning" party with their current platform and made room for a "left-leaning party" led by the AOC's, Ilhan Omars, Rashida Tlaibs, Pramila Jayapals, that would be a lot healthier for the country because a much greater number of them would be represented. My only hope in such an arrangement would be that the former would much more frequently be a minority party than the latter.

  16. 9 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    Neither the USA nor Israel have ratified the Rome Statute or accept the jurisdiction of the ICC.  There is no foreseeable US administration that would push this through the security council so that Israel would fall under the jurisdiction of the court via the back door.

    Well they wouldn't have to "push it through," they would just not veto it...kinda like Obama did with that last resolution they passed in 2016. Not every Democrat would be willing to do that, but there are some 2020 candidates that would. But regardless of all that, my only intent in bringing that up was to point out that it's one of the reasons Israel is mowing the lawn again, and that's typical.

  17. 20 hours ago, youdunnf'dup said:

    Plus they play in a division with 3 incompetent teams, so I’m going to have to see them get dethroned before I start believing that. 

    Seriously...they play in the same division as Miami, NYJ and Buffalo. Did anyone actually forget that?

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