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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by petscii

  1. The've been run ruled twice in ACC play. They did win the series against North Carolina so they are feast or famine I guess..
  2. Sit the fuck down...
  3. Has Chris Beard rehabbed his image enough to return yet?
  4. I think it's only confusing to you. It's ok.
  5. +1
  6. Rice has all the conference games left. Pierce has had a history of taking guys named joe and motivating them beyond what they should be able to accomplish. It'll be fun to watch.
  7. They are 2-1 since letting Cruz go, and I did not say which year.
  8. It'll be when they are the 4 seed here in Austin.
  9. I for one welcome our Vaquero overlords... (have I done this joke this year already?)
  10. He needs to not jump to the next job after Rice... Tulane was a good gig too...
  11. Having the games be 7 innings also factored into it..
  12. erasing that lead-off runner was yuuuuge....
  13. The Stanford radio feed is student driven as well, it's delightful. Iowa also has student play play crew, Nebraska does Big Red radio which is pretty slick and close to mainstream college. You know who doesn't do college radio. Washington.
  14. A good Rice program is good for baseball. Luckily Lance Berkman showed his ass in his head coaching stint so he won't be an option. Seriously, DP time.
  15. I'd like to play poker against you.
  16. You have to catch that, it's a much bigger clip if it lands in fair and they score off that.
  17. Fired mid season. David Pierce get in there boy. Willie Bloomquist won the "Alumnus with no HC experience will be fine" tournament...
  18. It's go time.
  19. Wallace/Moreland on the radio... texas.leanplayer.com
  20. You typically do a home and away for minimal compensation. If you do not want to do a return trip you pay them to come out. Depending on costs to come to your school you pay more. I used the following site on the build a schedule threads back in the day to see who was looking for games. https://collegebaseballinsider.com/2025-open-dates/ This was pre-NIL ridiculousness but I seem to recall $5000 mentioned as the guarantee years ago on the above site. I assume it's negotiation based on reputation. I'm sure bigger programs pay less for the experience for the smaller school to come out. You could use the wayback machine on that site and read a bunch of older ones, and you could get tim tadlocks email address if you wanted it.
  21. So... Chicago State who no longer fields a baseball team was run-ruled 3 times in a 4 game series in 2007 by Kansas. I stopped counting at that point. Rice is off the hook. Went the NCAA stat book and worked from most losses in a season 53. I would start from the bottom of the ISR/RPI's on boydsworld and work my way "up" if I wanted to research this further.. I don't
  22. For most run rule losses in a season...
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