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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Etexhorn13

  1. Need the screenshots from when someone posts the quote about how If it wasn’t us it would’ve been USC or LSU
  2. Pretty perfect game to take a three year old to. Was over before he got too bored and got to see a couple homers. Thanks @UTPhil2006 for the suggestion about the first game certificate, had plenty of time to get that before the game.
  3. It has been a minute since I’ve been to a game, and will be taking my 3 yo to his first game today. Can someone tell me a little about parking? When I went to UT/LSU last year the lots across 59 were all pre-sale/reservation only now. Is that still the case, and if so what’s the best route to get that taken care of ahead of time? I’d be open to looking for street parking but convenience is more important to me today since I’ll have a toddler in tow. Thanks in advance!
  4. Driving through Pasadena on my way back to Houston from Baytown. It does actually smell awful here like the jokes would imply. Who knew.
  5. I shipped a brisket from snows to some friends in New Orleans in the last year and was there when they heated it up. You did right by your friends for sure.
  6. I really need that recipe mother fucker
  7. Recipe? Recipe? Recipe? Recipe? Recipe? Recipe? Recipe? Recipe?
  8. I once had myself a night I can’t remember on northgate. Went to stay with my brother while he was in the corps at aggy and I was a freshman at UT. Luckily my brother spent enough time at the bars that he knew several of the managers and we drank for free most of the night. When we were stumbling back to his dorm from north gate we got pulled over and I don’t remember how we didn’t get arrested for at least a PI, but it was shocking that CSPD had little else to do than fuck with a couple kids literally walking across the street back to campus.
  9. Trying to maybe buck the trend of these commit threads being stupid gif jerk off sessions…. I hadn’t thought much of the dude since he committed to Oregon. Can we get an actual breakdown of this kid as a player? Am I out of my element here?
  10. Certain El Yucateco sauces will light your asshole on fire. Great on bacon egg cheese sandwiches. Melinda’s garlic habanero has recently entered my rotation and I love it. Reminds me of torchys diablo.
  11. Any recs for a casual dinner spot in cherry creek?
  12. Sorry, reading comprehension fail between staged and contacted/available/etc. running on not much sleep. I am maybe a little too close to the situation to be impartial.
  13. That will start later this afternoon and more likely tomorrow morning in full force. I’m hoping there will be a lot of circuits that can get energized from cut/clear immediately after storm passes/before damage assessment starts in earnest.
  14. More than double the outages from May. Approaching Ike territory.
  15. https://spacecityweather.com/beryl-tracking-toward-matagorda-center-likely-to-pass-near-west-side-of-houston-serious-impacts-expected/
  16. Makes sense, thank you. My fried was scrambled last night when I was trying to figure out what you meant lol.
  17. This was all preexisting, we are in the process of moving in. House was built in 94 and i assume it’s the cable line but is there any reason I would still need those? I will never use cable again and we don’t have a landline.
  18. What are these cables coming out of a comcast box at my new house and can I cut them or have them removed? Wraps around the garage then goes in the ground, comes out near the house and is run along the side of the house. I don’t need to mess with the ground wire but the black one is in bad shape.
  19. The only buttfucking I got was going from 2.85 in the house I bought in 2020 to 6.99 on my rate in this one.
  20. For me personally I think your last point has some merit. I know we need to sustain recruiting to keep our team stacked and bolster some weaker spots, but some combination of the team being good again and have coaches that seem to actually be trustworthy and can develop has me less emotionally invested than previous years.
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