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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Etexhorn13

  1. Hugo’s in Houston has an awesome pulpo al carbon taco appetizer. It’s one of those things I’ll at least get an order for the table of every time I’m there.
  2. This dude dragging things out is harshing my vibe
  3. No one coming in with “Schloss-ness monster” yet???
  4. Where did Kennard come from? Was he even involved in the first four Mavs games? What a revelation for the clips
  5. To not have KD touch the ball the last two possessions is criminal. I get that was a mad scramble but but he was way too frantic there
  6. How they didn’t give KD the ball for that shot is mind boggling to me
  7. Well, my wife is 6 months pregnant and this just ruined my day. Hope someone shoots this piece of shit in the dick.
  8. I was questioning if you were serious until I saw this... you got me
  9. Anyone got a link?
  10. Didn’t go today but saw an earlier post from that drew guy on Twitter in our AD that it should be the same as any normal game. So yes.
  11. If this guy could throw harder I’d say he could really hurt someone out there.
  12. I’ve basically started from scratch with briskets over the past 9 months or so, so I’m still very much a beginner but starting to get really good results. The first few can be really hard not to overthink... my advice to you is relax and just let it cook. Get a remote probe so you can see the temp as it goes. Wrap between 150-160 when it stalls, then around 202ish start probing. If you probe anywhere that isn’t totally smooth (butter), keep cooking and probe every 30 min or so. The most important thing though is you need to let it rest at least a couple hours before cutting it, that may have had something to do with why yours was so chewy/dry. From one newbie to another it’s mostly just patience and learning from mistakes for the first couple.
  13. I was there Saturday and I would agree with you here. The last two times I’ve been were the best two experiences yet. The glazed ribs were probably the best I’ve ever eaten anywhere and brisket was back on point. I’m gonna go back to truth next since it’s been a while but we really have some great spots in town.
  14. @Machinator got a stream?
  15. Has Pinkertons quality suffered with the opening of SA location? Was planning on going with some friends this weekend.
  16. Like @dcbc said as far as bbq, those are your best options. Apparently bodacious in hallsville in good. Otherwise, juicys, butcher shop, lil Thai house are all good lunch spots. Can’t speak to tex mex or anything else really as it’s been 6 years since I lived there and the places I frequented have closed. @NoName or @EE2B may need to chime in.
  17. That’s fair. BBQ be like that sometimes but I’ve been twice and just thought it was OK both times.
  18. I have a lot riding on this UL-UT game. All of my in-laws went to school at UL, and my wife did grad school there after Baylor, but I’ve always rooted for them as well. My FIL is the nicest guy in the world but also is very involved with UL athletics and the university in general, but primarily he’s involved in the athletics side. For the last several years he’s been nice enough while we both have been able to acknowledge UT football’s shortcomings, although he still roots for us weekly. He’s finally started to think he can talk shit about this game, so of course I’ve had to revert to 2000-2009 me and shit all over them. Now my FIL and BIL will be at the game, so not only do we need to punish them for thinking they’d win but also for the uncharacteristic shit talking they’ve been doing. I’m not sure I can show my face in Lafayette again if we lose this game. It’s mudhole time, bitches.
  19. I will say that Pinkertons does not belong in the same stratosphere as Pit Room IMO. You may have caught them on an off day, but even on the worst day I’ve had there it’s been better than Pit Room. Their consistency has improved a ton over the past couple years IMO which was my only gripe. When they are on (i haven’t had an off day in a couple years there) I’d have them there with truth in brenham, except they don’t have that tater tot casserole. Another note, saw an Instagram video from Pinkertons SA location. With that big ass lawn and the potential for outdoor entertainment/concerts, unless they’re sharing with the developer I’ve got to imagine that location will be fuckin raking in cash.
  20. Over the last year or so I’ve really gotten to liking him. Now that everything is opening up again I’m gonna try to catch him next time he’s in Houston.
  21. My wife is pregnant, so a little more “careful” than me, But also we’ve been vaxxed for over a month now. Had to go to specs as next week is my birthday and their sign was basically “please wear a mask or don’t” so I did not. She did at first and after i had mine off she took hers off. We were probably 20% of people not wearing a mask but fuck that. Let’s normalize normal Behavior (if you’ve been vaxxed etc etc). Our cashier was double masked and was clearly scared of me but as far as I’m concerned I’ve done my part and I’m good.
  22. 1-800-GAMBLER
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