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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Etexhorn13

  1. Solid choice in the green accent wall… had the same color in the nursery/baby room for both of my guys. I am irrationally proud that my 2.5 year old’s favorite shirt is currently his “go horns” shirt. I taught him how to do the hook em a little while back and he’s finally able to get his fingers to do it right. Multiple times a day he will just throw up a hook em and yell “go hooor-wuns!”. I just missed it in the picture, but he did it while riding his horsie like it was south Austin’s mom.
  2. Pretty sure I bought this at that Heights farmers market a while back and can confirm this shit is delicious.
  3. https://mygoodstream.pw/channels/vip2.html?id=eyJjdCI6Imhvb0U5Vmw1dFNwVlZubHovSThldHV0ckxmdE9YK3NraUhIT2pWZlNnQ0twMDMvd0kvbVQwdVp2ZFVLRjdJMGhYMVczMkNPYUI4Z1U4Q1E0RnEyZDJGOUZYTkRwVktIei8wZkJtcFBiZ0wrZ3FGSEdVVjRoRklMN1Z0aloydHFJQ0ZwYmVGOG5NUWkzQXpTYUZqZHNqTHJ5eC9zamJQOVhzcENwOGFldnM1cVNzdlJlL1JtRlRFWlZOdG1SQWVGS1ppc3c3MWFudmVwbmJFa2RDbnRER3J0ZUNRMEhRZm1JSVlmMVFTTHBRZHI1QTFGSVladGp1SnBjaE0wcURuOG1FUkJHZG5jWkZkT0lTazk1cXZoeWdyTUc0WFpLYk9ldnplK0NrK2hpQUdPUlFpZlZxK2djY0ZWUU9kMTk2ckFCN3B1cWxNNUptZENlbENRVy9jNzYzNHNCdFZMRDBGYVpCRUhxTHJrSDNjWHdvYU9PMEkwZkJyUXhkU1FXUENTcUQ1RHdhNFZMQjNRdlF5Q1lTZFZLZ3hKditOSkZza0d6bW1QRzJERVRBWURmbDc4MDNWR0lCMUtsd3hhclFKdjFHdi9ZZlBFelhNRzc0MkkrVFdaOTdjckIyTEZjWCtmOGpxOW94UFhwcndIQmI3TklzbnkzRSsxK2tuR2prdHl2VHVWSkhmbzVQZjNqSHhYWlh5WW9GZVk5MU1hSnJtUFhPRmRpV01vbC9kRlJmRzdwT1RMeFpBY2RkRy82amdMdmxncTh5SjRhcUZrYkJTeFlyTS93MUE9PSIsIml2IjoiZGZhYzhjZjEwNDFiYzAxY2ZmZWFiM2U3YjMyZDEyOGEiLCJzIjoiZTU3NTgxMjdlNjhkNzQ0MCJ9
  4. The coach from my high school that did this is currently in prison. The girl he went to jail for - totally worth it in the sack.
  5. What is this pollo marinade? What is this pollo marinade?
  6. I am surprised your Lafayette guys don’t hate the shit out of LSU. Obviously not true Ragin Cajuns
  7. Hmm, I guess as good a place to post this as any. I use country style pork ribs for a Puerto Rican pork and beans recipe that I like, and I was curious how these would do if you smoked them. Used a normal pork/rib rub, for about 4 hours at ~250, then put some Craig’s BBQ sauce on. While not something I’ll do on the regular, it was pretty damn tasty, and would be great for a little appetizer or snack type thing. There were a couple pieces that were just a little too fatty, but overall I’m glad I tried it out and could see myself smoking a bunch of them for a game watch party or something, considering how cheap they were.
  8. Goddamn that looks awesome
  9. I didn’t notice it being sweet. Granted, I had it mixed in with the rice, veggies, soy sauce and sesame oil so there was a lot going on, but I don’t think I’d have noticed if you hadn’t mentioned it.
  10. That El Tiempo inclusion is gonna get flamed.
  11. Mother fucker. You gonna give us a cross section money shot or what?
  12. Not much to add that hasn’t already been said, but all I can say is don’t overthink it. The sleep training courses, the food plans, etc etc are all great but I feel like it’s all mostly for peace of mind. Once we had our second we realized how silly we were for some of the stuff we worried about with #1, and I bet anyone with multiple kids would say the same. But mostly, get the longhorn wubanub.
  13. Went to Étoile tonight for the first time. The duck was incredible. Brasserie 19 is dog shit in comparison as far as French food goes, although maybe people just go there for the scenery.
  14. All I hear when I see “Sassoon”
  15. I used this for some fried rice I made the other day and it goes hard: https://www.heb.com/product-detail/h-e-b-dinner-starter-seasoned-diced-chicken-thighs-for-lettuce-wraps/6202594
  16. After a long couple days of potty training, we’ve had some good success and plenty of accidents… we are doing the three day deal starting with no pants, then adding shirts, then finally adding underwear and shirts tomorrow. It’s a slog but at the very least we seem to have perfected the boy’s hookem. Mom went to Baylor and hates that he much prefers saying “Go Horns!!!” 😁
  17. Well while some things change, others never do I guess. I will be happily rooting against him whatever happens.
  18. This is probably for another thread but seeing Shaka doing well elsewhere doing the things we thought he’d do here is so maddening. Whats Marquette projected to be seeded?
  19. Seems like coaching in CBB is way more important than players, as long as they are competent.
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