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Everything posted by HornsOverIthaca

  1. In a world that was more interesting...Hugh Freeze would have ice powers like Frozone.
  2. Don’t forget the wide receivers who have lost all depth perception due to prolonged optigrab use.
  3. https://twitter.com/coachcasey13u/status/1550266512975400963?s=20&t=5ANb_-_6D-dJHT03KyHmLQ
  4. But he said "No" followed by "dot dot dot". SO IT COULD HAPPEN
  5. Ah the hinged goal posts. Just like the Alamo.
  6. Ok Kansas just fucking sucks. Watching this is like taking some kind of insanity test.
  7. “The worst part was the hypocrisy.” ”No, I’m pretty sure the worst part was the rape. And the drugging. And the assault. And the scheming. Hypocrisy was way down the list.”
  8. I think it was 2018 when Anderson got hurt. 2019 Dodge rotated three QBs before settling on Michaux.
  9. Yes I agree. Paxton Land isn’t as accurate as I’d like, but he is a nice kid. How do you think this team compares to 2019?
  10. This scene: ...and being able to make GIFs from blu-rays
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