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Everything posted by HornsOverIthaca

  1. You know at the end of Raiders of the lost Ark when the ark is opened and the guys face melts off and the other guys head explodes? That’s rattlers haircut.
  2. So which channel do we go to? Feel like it’s the heidi game here...okay maybe not.
  3. Westlake blew the doors off Clemens, 53-7.
  4. He was half Mexican and he hated irony.
  5. Hide the Pain Harry will always be a legend.
  6. You know my doctor, Dr. Vinnie Boombatz? What a doctor. Last week he had five cases of VD. He’s all right now though.
  7. I thought his name was Sandrock Thompson...excellent street racing name.
  8. That’s why I listen to the Spanish audio. Can’t criticize what you can’t understand.
  9. Whatever happened to the SAP channel?
  10. I feel like we will be hearing about Taysom Hill until the end of time.
  11. I tell you that Clark county fire Marshall aint nobody to mess with.
  12. Yep. Super AIDS. The new strain of AIDS that’s resistant to all known forms of treatment. One teaspoon of that up your butt and you’re dead in three years
  13. Man, the new Ghost Rider is not what I expected.
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