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Everything posted by HornsOverIthaca

  1. Please tell me they're actually playing Dirty White Boy in the stadium
  2. If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes should fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.
  3. Has to be some odd good luck charm. Like only wearing one sock.
  4. I see you have the video stats for nerds turned on. I’m a bit of a badass myself too.
  5. Asian ref is not the proper nomenclature dude
  6. Katy having 3,829.5 students, but still possibly going division 2 is a bit ridiculous.
  7. They should play Dirty White Boy by Foreigner whenever Taafe makes a play
  8. Do you have a guess on the severity of the injury to the tall Westlake receiver?
  9. You know they used to call me Captain Safety. They still do. I hope to make Admiral someday.
  10. I bet they think Murphy is a run threat just due to his complexion
  11. Is that guy with the broken leg an important part of their team?
  12. I was more confident that time I tried to fight an orangutan at the county fairs
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