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Everything posted by bonnieblue

  1. I think he would finally gain ground with black voters if he cut out the "debate competition" voice. I have nothing to back that up, but will someone please send that to his campaign manager. It's killing me
  2. I loathe these overly-dramatized personal anecdotes.
  3. Regardless of the merits of executive v legislative etc., most of the Senators still had full careers doing something for quite a while prior to becoming Senators and were often at the top of their fields (Kamala - AG; Warren - bankruptcy expert etc.) in those prior careers. Pete's experience consists of: small-town mayor for a few years and the equivalent of a like a 3rd year associate at a BigLaw firm.
  4. Agreed. I don't blame him in the slightest for his timeline as that shit is hard, but I also understand that the experience wouldn't necessarily resonate with others in the community.
  5. But he is cisgendered? I think the perception may be that he went directly from the closet to the national spotlight, where he is now a darling to the dem circles of the wealthy/powerful. Although he almost certainly dealt with a lot internally, he likely wasn't subject to the same level of outward discrimination or consequences that perhaps your average LGBT person would endure throughout their lifetime. Coupled with all of his discussions on religion, it's not super surprising that the LGBT community wouldn't necessarily rally around him as their champion, although I think some certainly do.
  6. Why is it always the case where people who are radically anti-tax (excepting the wealthy), never seem to understand taxes?
  7. [youtube] Not the best, but I always loved this bananas movie
  8. This (to both). He doesn't need to be the most progressive to ever progressive or anything, but there is nothing particularly novel about his views or approaches. Hell, Yang (and I can't stand him) appears to bring more to the table than he does. Pete is an inexperienced, but smart guy with pretty rhetoric and standard dem party views, nothing more.
  9. He's the Ted Cruz of Joe Bidens
  10. I love my peloton, but the wife's eyes kind of give her a "Get Out" vibe, which is a puzzling choice for an exercise bike commercial.
  11. When you means test something, the easier it is to demonize and eliminate. Also, plenty of "rich" parents don't pay their children's way through college or use the threat of withholding tuition as tool to get them to fall in line with the hopes, dreams etc. of the parents. We're supposed to be the gold-standard of the world and want a highly-educated populace. Public tuition should be free or extremely reduced for all students regardless of parental income.
  12. Sure i enjoy a jazz cigarette. Go to bed Joe, good job, Booker.
  13. Pete's voice annoys me in the same way Ted Cruz's voice annoys me.
  14. Kamala (vs. Liz) just now was Shiv at Tern Haven. I had to watch with a hand over my eyes.
  15. But Shiv did choose between Kendall and Tom. They showed that her and Logan had a private meeting where she had pitched Kendall as the best choice, and then again later chose Kendall (or "not Tom"). She kind of waffled initially with the "don't make me choose", but she still did make her choice. Agree that Logan likely didn't find it sufficiently cut throat though.
  16. Wu Tang at ACL Live last night was great. Lot's of energy
  17. Rumours it's related to WWC (at Hirschfeld mansion now) and Vista
  18. Now Anderson trying to defend the shitty moderator questions.
  19. who is the blondie in the CNN aftershow trying to convince everyone Biden did well?
  20. Bennett is the worst person on this stage, and this stage includes Biden.
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