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Everything posted by bonnieblue

  1. I’ve come up with a brilliant solution for the US gun problem (in lieu of actually doing something about guns). Require that to carry, use or otherwise pick up a gun, you must be attired in an English fox hunting outfit. Gun culture would disappear overnight (tops and tails clash with goatees and oakleys), you could instantly recognize who is packing, and it would class up the place a bit.
  2. I’d you can’t understand burnout and the very real health consequences that can arise as a result thereof, then it’s clear that you’ve never had a high-level or stressful job. You’re welcome that our taxes are subsidizing your apparent mediocrity.
  3. So you were brought up in a two-parent household (one of which is a doctor), but grew up near poor people, so you think you’ve earned some sort of “bootstraps” designation? Good grief, the untalented and entitled offspring of upper-middle class people will be the death of us all.
  4. Over here right now and we didn’t even need to show the vax card. I wouldn’t necessarily count on that, but there wasn’t even someone to interact with on a covid-related basis. Definitely bring a KN-95 mask for ferries and whatnot. They were really enforcing that.
  5. You are a sad sad man. I hope you are able to heal the gaping void in your soul someday. As the above so aptly demonstrates, some parents are bad people, and sometimes children of those bad people need the freedom to make decisions about their body/lives without notice or consent from those bad people.
  6. I’m choosing to drink this koolaid. Dems keep house, increase the senate, and an owl attacks Ted Cruz and he falls down the stairs.
  7. Abortion rights (and other similar rights) seem to particularly aggravate entitled and narcissistic people. All the discussions around it always come back to how it makes them “feel”. The women, the unborn, and any larger societal forces at play seem to have little to no bearing on their analysis of the situation. It always filters back to the lens of “how it makes ME feel”. I’m not sure whether the abortion issue is so triggering to them because it provokes them into thinking “what if I didn’t exist?” and that thought is too much to bear to the narcissistic and overly-entitled mind. I think a well-adjusted mind can reason that if I didn’t exist, I would have no way of knowing that, and it wouldn’t be so terrible. I digress.
  8. I’m convinced about 75% of forced-birthers are just insufferable assholes whose actions prompted their mothers to frequently declare that they wish they had aborted instead. That’s why they’re so sensitive about it.
  9. Well my neighbors finally took down their giant “Let’s go Brandon” banner today. Are they secretly big “right to privacy” fans and they’ve seen the light? Were they finally shamed by their social circle? Just out for repair? So many questions.
  10. So when Obergefell falls (and assuming generic Texas law specifying MF marriage only), what does happen with existing marriages and parental rights etc?
  11. I didn’t realize chiropractor and doctor were the same profession.
  12. My rates for law school were split between 6.7/7.8. I had a full ride for undergrad, half ride for law school and still had 100k in loans. I paid them off aggressively, but I don’t hold any ill will towards others who are able to get them cancelled. It shouldn’t cost so much for anyone to pursue higher education, much less graduate degrees, particularly as they are pre reqs for the overwhelming majority of jobs (we can’t all be plumbers). Just like with the homeless, the uninsured and the elderly, we pay for all these people and their choices (or lack thereof) one way or another. Often times it’s the proactive solutions that are ultimately the cheapest (and will pay dividends down the road) and yet so many people insist on being fairness or morality scolds. It’s bizarre.
  13. This. Although I ended up with someone of the opposite sex and mostly always dated that way, I’m under the “B” part of the umbrella. I didn’t realize it for a very long time, so I would frequently find myself with a “frenemy” with which I would have intense psycho-sexual energy (along with perhaps some inspiration for an early 90s erotic thriller starring Sharon Stone). Being repressed about that wasn’t fun for anyone involved, and I’m glad that I finally came to realize that these frenemies were crushes. I massively chilled out afterward and have since lead a boring, mostly heterosexual lifestyle. If I hadn’t have come to terms with that, I’d probably be a realtor who spends my extra time harassing the local school board and setting up flamingos in my yard in Steiner Ranch.
  14. Bro, stop jacking off to tik tok videos of “libs” and go give that hot wife of yours a mustache ride. I’m sure it will be quite the novelty for her.
  15. I mean… they must be. I can’t imagine wasting all of my free time dreaming up these graphic scenarios unless it was something you had a lot of experience with.
  16. Why do republicans keep talking and talking and talking about sexualizing kids? Between the extremely long list of republican politicians and conservative priests and religious leaders who have been charged will committing sexual violence against children, I would actually posit that republicans have the issue with sexualizing children. It seems like all they seem to think about. Creeps indeed.
  17. Because this shit has actual collateral damage (teachers, students, the public school system, the court system, LGBT people etc.) you disingenuous ghoul. The push for these laws has many end goals (some more cynical than others), but it will certainly serve to rile up the mouth-breathing QAnon base into a frenzy and people are going to get hurt.
  18. I’m torn between (I) wanting to get the hell out of dodge and try to ex-pat somewhere because the American experiment is over, and (2) running for office myself so I can get on a pulpit to scream at people for being hateful rubes. It won’t serve to accomplish anything but it might feel good.
  19. Dems should do a massive rebranding push as the party of freedom and family values.
  20. Well this was quite the extreme “every accusation is a confession”…
  21. Does this finally put us into alignment with Arizona year round or are they just permanently way off now?
  22. My single mom was unmarried when she had me, and - due to our local public school being terrible/under funded - I had to attend a private evangelical Christian school for elementary. It was the only one cheap enough to be covered by whatever school voucher system they had going at the time. Many of those teachers and some of the parents were truly horrible to me for this thing I had absolutely no control over. I was a model student, my mom a model parent. She did drop off/pick up every day with a full time job, and they treated her horribly as well. Perfectly fine in the eyes of the school, it’s admin, and the church which supported it. These people want this treatment to persist for every student/parent that falls outside of the range of “normal”. It’s a vicious two-pronged attack, both making public schools themselves less safe for these students/parents, and also destabilizing public schools (through this bounty system/ vague language) so that more and more people will be forced to funnel their kids into a school like the terror I attended. It’s such bullshit
  23. Glad to hear it! Was starting to get a bit worried that I made a grave error.
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