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Everything posted by bonnieblue

  1. We can’t even get people to wear masks and you’re somehow expecting to them to have the discipline to lose 40+ lbs??
  2. Meaningless anecdote, but in my mom’s Arlington neighborhood that typically skews very conservative and older, there are tons of Biden signs. Some trump flags as well, but the Biden signs now out number them by a 3-4:1 measure.
  3. As a clarification, ACC Highland is actually at some random Holiday Inn a mile down the road. Also straight D (except Madeline Connor).
  4. https://twitter.com/HarrisVotes/status/1317164466660954114 Looks like Harris is up to 51,195 today as of 1 p.m.
  5. Got in line at NW hills rec center around 9:55 am. They had a sign showing the 60 minute wait mark about 10 people up the line, said fuck it and went to ACC highland. The line was massive there, but was moving so quickly that I able to drive there from NW Rec center, wait in line and finish voting, all by 10:35. Would highly recommend.
  6. If this all does come to pass, women should be able to request that docs remove the clump of cells at whichever stage they wish, immediately give it up for adoption to the state, and let Mother Nature take it from there, with the state paying all costs to keep it alive. No one’s body should be used against their will to sustain someone else’s life.
  7. I actually ran around in similar circles with her in the early/mid 2010s and she's about as cool/nice as a famous person could be. It's a low bar, but she's one of the better ones.
  8. 2 houses to sell, 1 to buy in Austin. Do we do this now or kick the can down the road for another year?
  9. Fuck, he was so talented. He could write a fucking hook. RIP
  10. Betty Davis - They Say I'm Different Fleetwood Mac - Tusk A Tribe Called Quest - Midnight Marauders Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation LCD Soundsystem - This is Happening The Clash - London Calling Linda Ronstadt - Heart Like a Wheel New Order - Power, Corruption & Light Tie: Patti Smith - Horses & Jackson Browne - The Pretender
  11. Depending on the state law in play, it will depend on the specific language of the clause. Burden is on the one otherwise breaching the covenant to prove.
  12. If they open up shop again and seek to close, make sure that FM clause has specific pandemic/COVID langugage (especially if loan docs are governed by TX or NY law), make sure all completion/commencement dates are subject to FM, and look at any MAC clauses very carefully. If you can carve out COVID out of the MAC definition (if you are otherwise performing) that would be best, if not, then make sure there is a similar limitation if you have a MAC EOD (get this deleted if possible), or "no MAC" as a condition to future draws.
  13. Means testing is always a stupid idea because there are always exceptions that you can't account for. I'm sure there are plenty of people who made (relative) "bank" last year that are now on the precipice of ruin and will be very much in need of mortgage relief or a monthly stipend. Yes, they probably should've saved for a rainy day, but that judgment proves meaningless when we are trying to not irrevocably collapse our economy and push formerly prosperous groups of people into financial ruin.
  14. Knowing the kind of carnage this gross negligence or depraved indifference is going to wreck on US families, the names of every single one of these fucks should end up being so tarnished and reviled that they are essentially "retired" in our nomenclature. Fuck every single one of them and may all of their metaphorical "fields" be sowed with salt for the foreseeable future.
  15. We also had the TTF and applied those funds toward tuition, while the Terry funds covered the delta + all of the additional expenses. They just reduced the amount of the scholarship by the amount in our TTF plan. I can't remember if this was required or not, but I'm thinking she should say something similar. Also, she needs to emphasize that she will give back to the Foundation in the future either with her time or money. This is a self-sustaining org at this point, so this is the one interview question where there are definitely right and wrong answers. The panel will likely be a pretty random mix of former scholars, so it's difficult to say, but I don't think it should present a problem. It wouldn't for me. As long as she's clearly bright, driven, and personable, I think she will be fine. When I went through it I received a last-minute call to interview because someone else dropped out/chose Harvard or something, so I had to come straight from soccer practice to the interview. If they were able to overlook that, she should be fine . I would still have her dress nicely for the interview, but I don't think there is a need to "neuter" her personality.
  16. I was a Terry Foundation scholar at UT and have been an interviewer on the panel twice. Awesome, awesome program. Great community of people and the stipend (in addition to full tuition + living expenses) really allowed me the flexibility to do things like unpaid internships, LSAT prep course etc., that I definitely would not have been able to do without it. The interview is really key because if she's already a finalist, she's cleared whatever grade threshold they had in mind. She will be in front of a panel of about 6-8 people. The interviewers range from recent grads to alums from the first Terry graduating class. I'm assuming the UNT interviewers will all be UNT grads, but I'm not 100% sure on that. As to the interview itself, I think my heavy work experience played really well in my favor, as well as the ability to bring humor to the mix. The panelists will be interviewing people pretty much non-stop all day, so the ability to be memorable is very key. Congrats to your niece. She's a rockstar!
  17. Interesting, short interview clip between Maddow and Warren on the economy/corona intersection. That our toolkit of future stimulus tools is so bare is........worrisome.
  18. Each of the candidates have run long, grueling campaigns and each has every right to drop out when they feel the time is right. None of them overstayed their welcome. Each of the younger candidates (Beto, Pete, Klobuchar etc.) will have other chances to run again and probably were able to get nice positions with the future Biden administration, but this was Warren's only shot and she will almost certainly need to stay in the Senate. She (and any of the other candidates) has every right to have an emotional reaction FFS. For any supporter of the three old bags of gas left standing to judge Warren (or any woman) for being "thin-skinned and emotionally reactionary" is really rich, especially considering each of them are the most thin-skinned and emotionally reactionary candidates in the race. Bernie is all flailing unintelligible anger at every turn, Biden can't take any criticism without getting upset, and Trump is well...Trump.
  19. I know it's a weird year with very different considerations, so I'm trying not to take things too much to heart, but I'm currently convinced that the first female president will be a republican (in a few decades). And she will be a monster.
  20. In my circle of educated white Warren voters, about 6/9 are pivoting to Biden. It's interesting because about half voted for Sanders in 2016. I think either his campaign has turned off a lot of people this go-round or people are just really scared of Trump winning again and are defaulting to the "safer" option.
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