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BYG Jacob

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Everything posted by BYG Jacob

  1. How he managed to get the yips after being fucking nails last year is beyond me.
  2. And Bredsen being really popular, he won every county in his state the last time he ran IIRC
  3. https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2018/04/05/tennessee-us-senate-2018-poll-phil-bredesen-marsha-blackburn/485649002/ GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY. That's a 10 point lead for a Democrat in Fucking Tennessee.
  4. You don't. Lesson learned though, if you have slow internet and are having trouble posting, don't refresh please.
  5. Holy fucking shit, what a nightmare. 58 Ks through 5 fucking games? Fuck
  6. Donald really seems to like tyrants
  7. 2017 v2 electric boogaloo
  8. Mine is will Smith’s number on the Saints. RIP Will
  9. Welcome to surly, bitch.
  10. You’re a cock gobbling piece of shit
  11. VMW still needs to burn his diploma, and Ana is still a both sides idiot
  12. Wait, somebody is willingly fucking buckabeef? Blegh
  13. You’re fucking retarded.
  14. Username checks out
  15. Who were you on shaggy?
  16. No, that’s the real swam, somebody sniped swam4texas from him
  17. Sounds like dickbutt
  18. Just copy/paste the link in, the forum automatically embeds
  19. You are a pile of ignorance and stupidity
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