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CO Horn

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Everything posted by CO Horn

  1. I saw she was from Colorado, so I looked her up. She used to live about 3 miles from me.
  2. I believe the term you are looking for is “enemy combatants”.
  3. I’m sure Qanon will let us know what this means. Deep State arrests are coming. Hillary, Obama, and the rest will be paraded thru the streets in shackles.
  4. Are you on the record stating that if Trump strikes Iran over the downing of the drone, you'll no longer support him?
  5. Give Trump time and he'll get us into a war/conflict.
  6. So on your street and the next, there were 20+ voters that had never voted before, but voted for Cruz? Yet, he received roughly 200k fewer votes than in 2012,while Beto received 900k more than the 2012 Democratic candidate. I’d say your sample size doesn’t mean much.
  7. And what would my pre-disposed views be?
  8. In Colorado, they are are increasing the minimum wage annually until it reaches $12 next January. Unemployment has increased, but not sure if this due to the minimum wage increases. Job openings are plentiful, but there do not seem to be people willing to fill the jobs. For example, a few weeks ago somebody was posting for in-home care providers starting at $13.50/hour. People were complaining about this sub-standard wage. The poster pointed out that they were offering above the average pay for this job and people still were complaining. I think this is a by-product of the minimum wage increase. Also, the cost of living for housing in Colorado has increased a great deal in the past few years and it is tough to find housing, even with the increase in the minimum wage.
  9. I don't know either, but I know from personal experience that some do. I have a client on the Eastern Plains that got raided by ICE about 5 years ago. They had 25 illegals working for them (all had social security numbers). Of this amount, about 1/2 were covered by the employer's health insurance. Even for those that were not, they were all W-2 employees that had Medicare taxes withheld from their paychecks. I'd say that this is contributing to the healthcare system. I don't know how many illegals are paid under the table, as independent contractors, etc., but I'd assume a good number have ITINs or social security numbers and are contributing in some fashion.
  10. You sure about this? What percentage of illegals would you say do not contribute to our healthcare system?
  11. Unless they are gold, not a chance.
  12. You can also look at investing in an opportunity zone fund to defer paying the tax on the gain.
  13. A 3% increase in payroll taxes to me does not equate to job creation, it's essentially a cost of living adjustment.
  14. So, let me get this straight. Tax Revenues are increasing and deficit is increasing with the Republicans in control. Does not compute!
  15. Yeah. Don’t know where that came from, but OK, Cool Hook em. 🤘
  16. The Bunny’s expression is telling!
  17. If the K-1 generates a certain type of income, the IRA has to file a return, which would be the Trustee’s responsibility.
  18. Can’t take sec 179 on a residential rental, but can take a partial asset disposition of the structure.
  19. CO Horn

    Tax reform

    https://www.forbes.com/sites/seanpackard/2019/02/28/harper-signs-with-philly-against-his-tax-advisors-advice/#183675005896 Hmm....
  20. CO Horn

    Tax reform

    Athletes pay taxes in every location that they play games, so while th CA taxes are an issue, he would have paid some CA tax regardless. I’m sure NY taxes, including NYC, are more than CA and it doesn’t to seem to be an issue for the Yankees.
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