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  1. I have more muscles than I can feel with.
  2. That was before everyone figured out Notre Dame was ass also. To me, Ehlinger is the one that turned the “we’re back” shit up to 11 after the 2019 Sugar Bowl.
  3. Unless he just really wants to be in the NFL, why join the Cowboys under this coach? I haven’t heard a single person say they expect Schottenheimer to be a good hire. I would be surprised if he makes it to year 3.
  4. It amazes me how many threads he is the last poster on every morning at 4:30AM when I wake up. He has to be a bot or some shit.
  5. We have this GE Cafe double oven and really like it so far. The bottom oven is also an air fryer. Only issue we’ve had is when the housekeeper inadvertently put it in Sabbath mode.
  6. About 2 years ago my wife was complaining about one of her breast having a spot where it was extremely painful. She went for a “normal” mammogram and it did not find anything. Her gyno is an awesome doctor, so she sent her for a 3D mammogram. That test ended up finding a mass. Thankfully, it turned out to be non-cancerous. It did reveal that apparently she has really dense breast tissue, so a normal mammogram might not show something that is actually there. Since then, she has done the 3D mammogram. I believe there is also a breast MRI, but the closest one to us is 2.5 hours away. Hope your wife’s friend kicks cancers ass.
  7. Google says that lots A, D, J, and G have an accessibility shuttle with a tent near the entrance to the lot. The handicapped parking spaces are first come/first serve, but you must have a parking pass for that lot.
  8. If it is low voltage lighting, the cable will most likely be all black. That cable should go back to a control box/transformer mounted on an exterior wall. Unplug the transformer and tie the two ends of the cables back together. You can get some water proof cable terminators at Home Depot or Lowe’s. You would need two. One for each leg of the circuit.
  9. He will be old as fuck by the time he catches his fourth ball.
  10. In the 2025 recruiting thread there is a post where Gerry says there is a 70-75 chance Kade ends up signing with Texas.
  11. There are places that specialize in finding leaks under a house/in the foundation. We had a leak in the slab and ended up using American Leak Detectors out of Shreveport. They basically turn all the water off in the house and listen for the sounds of a leak in the slab.
  12. Pleasant Grove also had an open date this week.
  13. When you settle on a price, let me know. I might be interested.
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