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Everything posted by EE2B

  1. My kids pre-K teacher is going to Australia to be with her daughter when she has her baby in August. She is going to be gone from August to October. Tonight, my wife said: It’s like she’ll be in a whole different country for three months. Me: No shit, a whole different continent even.
  2. We stayed at the Gastonian Inn near Forsyth Park and absolutely loved it. Dinner at Vic’s on the River was excellent. We did one of the walking tours that was done in the morning and then did a evening carriage ride/tour. As mentioned above, Mrs. Wilkes is excellent. The Lady & Sons (Paula Deen) sucked shit when we were there. If she’s more involved now, it might be better.
  3. Works well on steak fingers also. Mmm Dairy Queen steak finger basket /homerdrool.gif
  4. In on the Masters Lottery for the first time. If I get tickets, I’ll probably have to go alone lol
  5. Wait a minute. Did the items from the estate sale in the OP come from Texarkana? That would be some funny shit if my doll and your stuff were from the same place.
  6. We had an evaporator body brought in from Houston up to Texarkana on a truck that took days because it was accompanied the entire route by bucket trucks and police. They would bring drivers in and swap them out so the truck could continue to creep along. That shit would have driven me crazy. Also, I’ve looked to see what that cost, but I haven’t put my hands on the figure yet. Had to be a damn pretty penny.
  7. We took the kids out of town last week for a few days. Yesterday I went to get a cup out of the cabinet and find all the cups from the hotel room still in their original plastic wrap that my wife brought home. I won’t even begin to discuss the mound of baby shampoo and soaps that she has stored up.
  8. The one in DFW airport blows goats.
  9. I’ll be sure and take pictures and post them when I see Stanco out walking around the neighborhood with his new dog.
  10. My wife was walking our five year old across the street and ran across a dead snake in the driveway. She told me that she had found a snake and I needed to come look. I grab a small shovel and head out to the end of the drive. When I got out there I found a baby snake that was obviously dead. She walks up and I ask her what she wanted me to do. She replied “Kill it.” I said “It’s already dead. “ She looked me dead in the eye and said “Kill it some more.”
  11. Came home on Friday and my MIL had purchased this for my 5 year old: Make me an offer!
  12. Next time my little girl wants “noodles and sauce”, I’m serving that shit up in a vase!
  13. This is actually pretty funny:
  14. You hide Easter eggs in cacti?
  15. You said fiancé and you have to wait for her to buy something new so you can go get something new? lol
  16. No shit. I hope you have it and her heavily insured.
  17. I know where all my broken sprinkler nozzles are going now.
  18. Don’t forget the whiskey wheelbarrow
  19. EE2B

    Fuck Cancer

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