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Everything posted by EE2B

  1. They can’t pull food from thin air. That the first law of Gamp’s laws of elemental transfiguration.
  2. Wife made cookies last night. They came out of the oven looking like thin chocolate chip pancakes. The box called for one cup of butter and she used two. They are - buttery.
  3. EE2B

    Shit My Kid Says

    Has he posted in the shart thread yet?
  4. Looks like it says “If you want a drink go to the place that sells drinks” or something similar. The sign in the window is awesome. “Get your wallets out but don’t get your hopes up.”
  5. That’s what I thought.
  6. What kind of snek is this? My wife ran over it in the driveway this morning.
  7. First Moderna shot at lunch today. Feels good to get the first one knocked out. I should’ve done this a long time ago.
  8. A group of us had to spend three weeks in Houston for some training a couple of years ago. We stayed at a Holiday Inn that was walking distance to the training center. One of the bartenders that worked at the hotel looked exactly like this. The guys still refer to her as duck lips and everyone knows who they are talking about.
  9. When he ironed the pictures of hamburgers on all his dad’s clothes killed me.
  10. I tried, it wouldn’t hold still.
  11. I wish my wife was like the Masters and only rejected me once a year.
  12. EE2B

    Shit My Kid Says

    The 5 miles of paved road inside the neighborhood are not as much fun as the grass at home.
  13. That’s definitely the first symptom of back aids. Good luck.
  14. Creeper? Didn’t he allegedly force one woman to give him oral? If that accusation has been retracted then I missed it, but they paint him as a bit more than being a creeper.
  15. One person walks on one side of the pole and the other on the opposite side. I knew a girl in college that would chase you around the pole so you didn’t end up on opposite sides of it.
  16. A guy I work with had to wake his wife up one day at like 5am because something was fucking him up and he couldn’t find it. He had used a mirror between his legs to try to see it and still couldn’t. He had to wake her up and ask her to look between his legs. Turned out he had a tick on his taint. [emoji23]
  17. Our emissions data is calculated partially in a VM with a SQL database. The ESXi host that it was running on crashed causing the VM to shutdown, migrate, and restart. When it did this the SQL database was corrupted. I was on the phone with the 3rd party support folks for the software when they asked if we could restore from a snapshot prior to the crash. Sure, should not a problem. Let me walk across the hall to the IT folks and ask them to take care of it. The answer I got was - ugh yea it can be done but we’ve never done it before. The 3rd party folks got the database repaired and started rebuilding before it could be figured out. Some days I wonder....
  18. Looks like a garter snek.
  19. A guy I work with accidentally put DEF in his diesel tank while he was traveling. He started it up and immediately realized something was wrong so he shut it back down. I want to say the final bill was somewhere in the neighborhood of 15k. He got lucky that his insurance has a dumbass clause and they covered it.
  20. Static electricity will eventually sort all this out.
  21. That also means that pharmacies have been given approval to waste vaccine now since their not scheduling to fit the dosing needs to use an entire vial.
  22. Enjoy it man. She’s precious. On the flip side of this, my four year was running fever last night so my wife took her to the walk in ER. She has a history of pneumonia so we take it extremely seriously when she gets ill. Flu and strep both came back positive (WTF!?!?), but luckily covid was negative. Was out until midnight last night getting scripts filled. She’s up and acting pretty normal this morning when I’m sure I would be curled up in the fetal position asleep somewhere. Now we just have to keep a close eye on her and make sure she doesn’t get pneumonia coming out of this.
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