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  1. I sent this in a group at halftime. I was wrong about our total point total in the 2nd half, but nailed the losing margin. Unfortunately, I had seen this exact scenario play out multiple times this season.
  2. Careful- I got negged for making a similar comment earlier
  3. Lol - Seriously? That is definitely a foul
  4. Why is anyone surprised that we are choking away the lead in the 2nd half? Rodney Terry is our "coach"
  5. I didn't have points for Kick Sauber on my bingo card. Crazy race.
  6. And continued his great start in qualifying 😆
  7. How many pitches before we hear the words "elbow/forearm discomfort"?
  8. Yep, I'm in there (team name $50 Donation). Let me know when and where to send the monies.
  9. I'm down if no one else wants to do it
  10. I think you are confusing Banks with Cam Williams (who is the tackle that got embarrassed on that play)
  11. I tried to get my retired parents (both voted for the orange man) to rebalance their 401ks and get more shifted to money market funds right after he got inaugurated, but they didn't feel it was necessary. Now they are both freaking out... but still blaming Biden 🤦‍♂️
  12. I thought this had to be a joke when I clicked on the link and read the words "The Fake News Losers at CNN" on an official government website... But, then I remembered that we have a president with the emotional maturity of an 8-year old.
  13. My big concern is I think he is going to fall off a cliff offensively much faster than people think. I wouldn't be taking chances on someone with prior back issues. Don't really care how good his defense is if he ends up turning into Abreu with the bat.
  14. WTF is with this Arenado trade coming back to life? Did we learn nothing from the Abreu debacle? It is like we are intentionally trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory
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