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Everything posted by UTHornFan014

  1. And then the ump cost us the other
  2. We are really trying to steal 2nd with Bregman with Yordan up and less than 2 outs? He is slow as shit
  3. Chas said he feels fine, so Dusty has to rest him that extra day just to be sure
  4. We better not have to rely on the Rangers to sweep the Mariners to save us... cause I have a feeling those fucktards will probably tank the last couple games on purpose if they already have the division clinched
  5. Unfortunately, Singleton is on the short list for offensive MVP tonight
  6. That was fucking awful. Altuve stared at a backup cement mixer.
  7. Looks like we are on the bad side of the toxic relationship tonight
  8. No way he settles down! Maldy is on a hot streak of hitting and catching baseballs.
  9. Narrator: He Swung at Everything
  10. Probably why we had Chas try to steal the last inning. By getting thrown out we are able to start the Top of the 5th with the top of the lineup
  11. Your penis is probably grateful to Dubon
  12. Hunter Brown needs a few months off
  13. Are we really gonna have to hope the Rangers sweep the remaining 5 against Seattle?
  14. The Q1 crash has to seal Sargeant's fate for next year, right? Can't imagine Williams doesn't make a change now
  15. That's what I feel like doing on Dusty's porch
  16. I hate that I'm almost rooting for the Rangers to sweep the Mariners (or the Mariners win the last 6 against the Rangers). With how we are playing I feel like that is the only way we make the playoffs
  17. Sometimes you gotta sacrifice a game or some bullshit for the next 8
  18. Bad baseball is bad
  19. Does it guarantee that though? Dusty will probably say that "I want to make things right" and try to come back. And Framber and Javier will probably want their savior Fat Ass back
  20. Leaving Toronto out of this scenario for simplicity. But say the Mariners go 6-4 (winning 4 out of 7 against Tex and 2 against us), the Rangers 6-4 (sweeping the Angels and losing 4 of 7 to the Ms), and we go 5-4 (Winning 2 against the Royals and DBacks and 1 against the M's). That would leave us all at 90 wins. I think the Mariners would win the division in that scenario and we would win the tie breaker against the Rangers for a wild card spot. Don't even want to think about what happens if all 4 teams (Toronto, Seattle, Texas, and us) finish at 90 wins. Maybe intradivision would come into play there and Toronto would miss out? But, what all that shows is that the wild card magic number of 6 means that we need to win 6 games to guarantee a playoff spot. So, don't count on the wild card magic number dropping by two if we win and another team loses. If we win only 5 games there is a possibility we miss the playoffs. Win less than 5 then we better hope that one of the Ms/Rangers sweep the other (or that the Blue Jays fall apart) I think I need another drink after all that...
  21. I think the most the WC magic number can be reduced is 1 game with the Mariners/Rangers playing each other... and that assuming we win tomorrow. If we lose I think it stays at 6. Pretty sure they are already including a guaranteed 4 losses for our competition in the WC calculation since one of the Rangers/Ms are guaranteed to lose at least 4. But, I also could be too drunk right now to really figure it out
  22. Could have used that performance from Pressly on Monday 😞
  23. Did Altuve get a bad break on Peña's double? Thought he would have had a chance to score if he got a good read
  24. We get actually get a runner on 2nd with no outs... and fail to move them any further
  25. We are dumb, baseball is dumb
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