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Everything posted by UTHornFan014

  1. How many are being played at Minute Maid?
  2. I've had discussions with friends of hiring Tonya Harding's henchmen... So you are not alone
  3. So infuriating that we are also potentially costing ourselves a chance at the extra draft pick for winning ROY
  4. So should players like Bonds, McGwire, Clemens, Palmeiro, ARod, etc. Major League baseball was complicit in all the cheating scandals and then tries to throw a select few under the bus
  5. You are assuming the media actually votes for him with their holier than though attitude when it comes to "cheating" (even though he wasn't an active participant)
  6. Why did we bring Javier out to face the Yankees a 3rd time through the lineup? They already hat hit numerous balls to the warning track, so we were playing with fire
  7. Were both HRs off the fastball? Can't watch tonight If so, would seem like a bad strategy considering how bad the Yankees are with offspeed
  8. Singleton gonna go yard today. I feel it down in my plums!
  9. Luckily Breggy brought him in anyways
  10. I think "playing with fire" doesn't quite do it justice when it comes to describing Javier's outings
  11. Lol - Why pitch to Seager with 1st base open? I'd take my chances on Lowe grounding into a double play
  12. Did the Twins not try to bunt the winning run to 3rd? Saw their leadoff batter lined out
  13. Maybe we should stop giving them free bases?
  14. Martin Maldonado. Big clubhouse guy. Can lead the team through the tough times.
  15. Every time we get close to the Rangers we piss down our legs. Had a feeling Urquidy wasn't gonna be able to hold the lead. Then had some terrible ABs by Bregman and Tucker with people in scoring position.
  16. They actually changed the scoring on that to a hit. So stupid.
  17. Was Parker Mushinski really the best option?
  18. 2-6 against them now this season. They seem to have our number. Think we've scored a total of 3 runs over the last 4 games against them.
  19. Not sure what scouting report Maldy was looking at today, but I feel like the Marlins aren't getting fooled at all
  20. I fear you are correct
  21. JV looking sub par today
  22. Terrible ABs by Maldy (big surprise) and Altuve. No clue why Altuve is swinging 3-0 when Luzardo has been all over the place
  23. Singleton may not have many hits for us so far, but he has shown a pretty good eye with all the walks.
  24. Dusty is actively sabotaging the team. It feels like a crime is being committed. Cleaner view of the statistical discrepancy
  25. Maldy apologists will point to Diaz going 0-1
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