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  1. who faced off in the championship last year? i blacked out.
  2. All Astros please!
  3. Huuuuuuuge!
  4. Do it. I have a contingency plan.
  5. bold of you to assume he couldnt get banned within a two day time period.
  6. Did Derka get banned again? How do we send out the bat signal for Mama Derk?
  7. This is the list from last year. Everyone back? @NOMAAA @castolon @henrygandorf @UTPhil2006 @NorthLoop @beer @John Cougar Melonballer @BigOrange1 @APMP @Fawesome @Planet Houston @shadow_operative @Capn81 @huge
  8. He's going to suck. Def on my DND list.
  9. Protest under review.
  10. Vtaenz hollered at me through modern means of communication. google chat baby!
  11. Agenda Items for 2025: 2025 roll call Trophy selection Schedule/Playoff format Divisions Scoring Misc. Ready go.
  12. Ok so Phil is out?
  13. I mean fair. But also its funnier to know NL still uses Facebook.
  14. I've been summoned. Sorry, the notifications have not worked since last summer. Any tips on how to see those in my email?
  15. Yeah that sounds like a plan. I will work on it this offseason and have all the winners listed.
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