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  1. By "fringe groups" do you mean teachers that mention slavery?
  2. Since we know where this is heading, does anybody want to enroll their kids in the School of the Flying Spaghetti Monster in creating? I promise a strict Pastafarian curriculum. https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/24/us/supreme-court-oklahoma-religious-charter-school.html
  3. I'm one chapter in, and this was the feeling I couldn't quite put in words. I have no problem with his point, but I don't know if I can take the tone for the next 100 or so pages.
  4. Stop trying to make Gulf of America happen. It's not going to happen.
  5. Serious question... What the fuck an I supposed to say when a parent complains that I'm calling it the Gulf of Mexico?
  6. Who can buy maps? I gotta pay for eggs!
  7. If I tell the op that I'm a whiney, snowflake lib, and this thread has sent me into a rage-filled depression, do you think he'll fuck off? I mean, that's what he wants, right? I feel so owned.
  8. How does this make eggs cheaper?
  9. Reagan was as maleable a piece of shit-clay as Trump. If he were alive today, he'd be reading the same words Trump is. Reagan was a better actor, so he'd do a better job, but he'd be following someone else's lead. My point is that conservativism isn't an ideology, it's a path to power. MAGA is just the next step conservatives have chosen.
  10. How does this help lower the cost of eggs?
  11. Pics not showing up. I really want to see them.
  12. I hope this is the right place to ask this. My mom (retired) has expressed an interest (she mentioned it in passing) in speaking with a therapist, but I'm at a loss for where to start, especially since she lives 3+ hours away My stepdad passed about a year ago, and her friend has suggested grief counseling. I added that talking to a therapist is not a bad idea for anybody, and she seemed open to the idea. I asked if she has looked into anything and she hasn't in any serious way. She did mention that most of the therapists she has come across in her area seem to be faith-based, which does not appeal to her. I figured I'd ask here to see if ya'll had any suggestions for therapists... or even where to start looking. She's in the Baytown/Liberty/Dayton area, but I could see her driving of need be. Thanks.
  13. Everything he touches turns to shit.
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