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Everything posted by tchookem

  1. All this interception talk needs to stop. Does anyone seriously think Trump gets a forward pass: 1. to the line of scrimmage, 2. over his own guard's numbers, 3. with enough force to reach a defender? The answer is no. I see Trump making a lot of butt fumbles. And before active makes a Biden comparison... stop. Nobody's putting Biden in a football uniform, or putting him on Rambo's body, or any of the other weird, ridiculous shit Trump fans seem to love. Not that KE is a Trumper... I don't think he is... I think I know what he's doing here, and I'm kinda on-board.
  2. Only if practices go something like this...
  3. As shameless as she is, I'm very surprised this is a line for her. Hmm. Odd.
  4. I'm loosely connected at best. But yesterday still had some pretty shitty moments, and now I'm just thinking about a great kid (she's not really a kid anymore) that lost her mom before she could become a grandma. One day, one of us is going to be directly connected (maybe someone already is and hasn't chosen to share). I hope it never happens, but I'm starting to think it's inevitable.
  5. Trump=incompetent. This was a Trump plan. Therefore, it was done in the most slapdick fashion possible.
  6. That's because in MAGAland, performative imagery will always be more important than competent execution. It's the one lesson Donald Trump learned in life, and it has served him well.
  7. Just found out one of the victims in Round Rock is the mom of a former student. I initially misread the announcement and drove home thinking it was my student. I hate this feeling of relief that it wasn't my student. The other victim was also a mother. Neither had any connection to the fighting that led up to the shooting. Somebody who shouldn't have had a gun, had a gun. We protected their right to have a gun, and now 2 moms are dead. I move that we include these 2 moms in our Memorial Day observances. If soldiers give their lives to protect our rights, then I say these women are as much a sacrifice to the right to bear arms as any soldier. I'm just fed up with it.
  8. Sure, they were called pirates.
  9. I've decided that it was always corrupt. The difference is that in the past, the bar for corruption was so low that practically anyone could play. In the west, you could pay off a judge with a couple pieces of silver. Years ago, you could pay off a cop with a couple $100 bills. You could probably get a politician for a couple grand. But today, the price for corruption is so restrictive that only the mega-rich are able to get in the game. And since there's no accountability for the mega-rich, there's really no reason to be discreet. So here we are.
  10. Now get Bill and Hillary in the picture with the same vibe.
  11. What if you're from New Mexico but get pregnant in Texas? Can you take the fetus back to New Mexico for an abortion?
  12. Well, yeah, I was assuming he may actually be a decent person, but never spoke out because of some legal reason. I never even considered Burnett was in on the con. Shame on me... again.
  13. You know who could have helped nip this whole thing in the bud? Mark Burnett... all he had to do was tell the truth about how The Apprentice was made. The second Trump lost that show and stated positioning himself as kingmaker in the GOP Burnett should have pulled back the curtain and exposed him.
  14. Texas Republicans have been fixing public education for 30 years.... these things take time.
  15. Remember when the worst thing we thought Thomas did was discuss porn with a female subordinate and maybe put pubic hair on a Coke can?
  16. He still is. He hasn't given a second thought about how his Made-in-China-Trump-faced-American flag may be the same as flag burning. He thinks it's making the flag better.
  17. What was the turnaround on PSA? I have a few that I've thought about sending off.
  18. I doubt they would want their kids in those schools. Those schools are too elitist. As long as they get a little extra cash to pay for a church school, or homeschooling materials, or any school that doesn't have so many of "those kids" in it they'll be fine with it. It's just another example of a poor man giving a rich man a dollar, as long as he gets a penny out of the deal.
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