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Everything posted by tchookem

  1. Grifters all. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/08/22/monica-de-la-cruz-ppp-pandemic-loans/?utm_source=articleshare&utm_medium=social
  2. I'm looking all over trying to find any info on these candidates. It just seems like each one is crazier than the last. Looks like this was the wrong year to start working in RRISD.
  3. That's my purse! Seriously, someone calls you stupid, and your retort is "I don't even know you."?
  4. Imagine being such a shitty human that you'd actually think this is the case.
  5. I shudder to think of the partisan pieces of goat crap that will be gladly step up to man those elections.
  6. It's easy to keep a job when every qualified person refuses. People would rather teach in public schools than try and run Trump's social media's platform.
  7. Why do you hate the veterans? Seriously though, "the requirements for teaching have been too rigid"? The requirements for teaching are a little bit of training and even less content knowledge. That dopey fuck really has zero respect for education or teachers.
  8. Maybe we can get her to make an appearance at a Beto rally.
  9. I do enjoy the commercial with the lady in the shower... in bra and panties... shaving her panty line.
  10. You're right. I can never find anyone that actually admits to voting for him, not even the people that somehow find a reason to defend and rationalize every shitty thing he did before, after, or since his presidency.
  11. Anything positive was at the expense something horrifically negative. He would probably admit to being a zero sum thinker when in reality he would take pride in being a negative sum piece of shit.
  12. I hereby promise that if I see this pustule in public, I will give him the "Darryl" chant. He may never get the justice he deserves, but I can make a scene when he's out and about in Austin.
  13. You should be far more angry than any of these libs. This bitch claims to pro-life, then she goes and dies! The betrayal you must feel. I bet she was lying all along.... ... ... (She's lying forever now).
  14. Just wait until the DT crowd finds out how they've lost their friends' respect for continuing to support these shitheads. Anyway, my worst day on earth is now better than this traitor's best day in Hell.
  15. Was I the only one thinking the thread bump was to tell us he offed himself? I mean that's the space he's occupying now, right?
  16. There will be a school named after him. It will be a charter school, funded completely with vouchers, that never reports its accountability scores.
  17. I hope it's something like this...
  18. Yeah, I never predicted HIS rise would be a sign of fascism. Like I said... naive.
  19. If you're a waiter, at least you can fuck with shitty customers' food. Yeah, children have a way of weeding out the shittiest teachers really quickly. I know the talk recently had been about teachers leaving the profession... what's different now is that it's experienced, highly-regarded teachers that are leaving. Shitty teachers have always left the profession quickly, and the reason for that is children have zero tolerance for incompetence.
  20. It's really funny. I used to call Jones my "canary in a coal mine". My thought was always that I would never believe or internalize any of the nonsense he said, but if they ever tried to shut him up, then that meant we were in trouble. I thought his persecution would be a sign of the rise of fascism. I never realized that there might come a time where people took him seriously. I was so naive. Now I can't wait to see him destitute.
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