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Everything posted by tchookem

  1. With the US out of NATO, why wouldn't he?
  2. You know he's burned through at least 5.
  3. The thing is, when he dies, his social media will live on forever. And, in ten thousand years, when some AI Android is shifting through Facebook archives, all it will know is that he was a Trumper.
  4. "Babe" is sure giving off "pal" vibes. Tread lightly, Buddy.
  5. Drove up to Denton and back on Saturday to pick up my son. Took him to the Wilco Annex on Old Settlers on Sunday. We waited about 30 minutes. Then, I drove him back to Denton, dropped him off, and came back that night. I guess you could say it took us 30 minutes to vote, or it took me 12 hours and 30 minutes to vote. Either way, I got to spend time with The Boy and got to be there for his first time voting. Totally worth it.
  6. "Early" is not the same thing as "too early".
  7. And I bet you think Trump arrived at Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Coney Barrett because he's so knowledgeable about Constitutional Law? God, I wish I didn't care as much as I do. I wish I could just put on the blinders and choose to be a dipshit like you. But the fact is if I don't care, then people like you are the ones making decisions for me and my son, and my nieces. Over and over again, Trump supporters show that they are not only incapable of making informed decisions, but they are totally willing to make decisions out of cruelty. There's no way in Hell that I'm letting you idiots control my country.
  8. He won't release the money TX public schools are budgeted to have. Why would he spend that extra money on schools?
  9. Got a link where can we find this information for other polling locations?
  10. Thanks. That's probably a better option for a college kid.
  11. This is what he went with. Don't tell me if he was ripped off. https://www.bestbuy.com/site/lenovo-legion-pro-5i-16-wqxga-gaming-laptop-intel-core-14th-gen-i9-with-32gb-memory-nvidia-geforce-rtx-4070-8gb-1tb-ssd-onyx-grey/6573726.p?sb_share_source=PDP&skuId=6573726
  12. I've only read the first book, started on the second, and done half-assed research, but wasn't there a war against what was essentially AI. The backlash to AI and computing is what made spice so important. That might explain the lack of progress. As far as clothes go... I've worn the same 4 shirts for 15 years.
  13. But they can't contradict Trump because then they need his support. I guess that's the good thing about cults. When the head dies, the cult dies. At least this whole saga has exposed (to me) the utter bullshit that is the core of modern "conservativism".
  14. I do wish there was a word that carried the same gravitas. Dipshit has been my go-to, but that doesn't quite cut it. I don't see this going your way.
  15. I've thought that splitting EC voted might have this effect. If Dems thought they could squeeze 7-10 EC votes out of Texas can you imagine how much more money would be spent in Texas? Imagine what that would mean for Dem candidates down the ballot? Texas Dem Party might actually have to make an effort and find some candidates.
  16. It's an analogy for his political career... inserting himself where he has nothing to add and getting in the way of the people who do.
  17. Doesn't matter. Angry words. Loud noises. TRANSGENDERS!
  18. I think she already was. It's why she's in his ad in the first place.
  19. Bigger jock-sniffer... Cruz or Abbott? I mean, both are pathetic, but...
  20. That would have been an odd thing to mention in the clip about EVs, but I see your point.
  21. One day this country will be willing to elect a gay president. That president will say Mayor Pete was their inspiration.
  22. She just needs to think about before she was unfrozen.... was there a toll to cross the land bridge?
  23. I shared the Best Buy link you gave me with The Boy. I think that may be the way to go. If nothing more, it'll give him the Geek Squad support (supposing Best Buy stays in business).
  24. This was what we got from Amazon. MSI Raider GE68HX Gaming Laptop | 16" FHD+ IPS 144Hz | Intel 24-core i9-14900HX | 32GB DDR5 2TB SSD | GeForce RTX 4070 | RGB Backlit Thunderbolt4 Dynaudio FHD IR Privacy Camera Win11Pro + HDMI Cable https://a.co/d/iSniHYW
  25. $350 Just kidding... about $2000 But good preforms for a lower price would be okay too.
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