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Everything posted by tchookem

  1. From what I've heard, Mickey left behind a pretty long trail of random snatch. Maybe he could make a promise to one of those ladies.
  2. They already say they don't like him. They've been saying it all along. The problem is that it never kept them from voting for him... and they never needed the autobahns as an excuse.
  3. Is that your diploma? Why are you flipping off your diploma? Are you going to flip off your check stub next?
  4. I'd say white supremacist happy.
  5. You're trying to argue about appearances with people that are just fine with the way Donald Trump comported himself before, during, and since his presidency. Do yourself a favor... let it go.
  6. Yep, just check out who's pos-repping whom.
  7. Doughy white mediocrity will rise again.
  8. For many, it's become their character. To deny their bullshit is to deny themselves. It's not just an act for internet cool points. It'd be pitiful if people weren't getting killed.
  9. What's really funny is that they'll prop this kid up thinking he's destined for greatness, but he's so obviously below average. It's like their mental illness forces them to worship mediocrity so long as it comes in doughy white male body.
  10. Same as Trump... he gets to say what would get them fired, he gets to grab what would get them slapped. Trump got rewarded with a presidency. This kid got to shoot people they don't like, and they want to see him not just skate, but get rewarded. They'll elect him to office in 20 years.
  11. "I keep shootin' at the COVID, but them bullets is doin' jack and shit."
  12. Remember the trope on the old sites that Liberalism was a mental illness? Now some of those people are looking at this kid and they feel genuine envy. Every accusation...
  13. I have a couple student's (8th graders) that said they were going (with parents). Hope they're okay.
  14. I thought he was talking about Gaetz. I think he still has a seat in Congress.
  15. Yeah, that was my take away from Xian's post. [emoji849] Are you this insufferable IRL?
  16. How have these not been shared? Best hook of all time: My favorite VH song:
  17. What you have to remember is that many district admins aren't very smart. Some are brilliant educators and leaders of the profession. Too many are middle-of-the-road teachers that managed to get their Masters.
  18. So he's doing the Ron Paul bit, but without the eloquence and charisma?
  19. I bet they'd love to have that voicemail shared on their social media feeds.
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