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Everything posted by tchookem

  1. See my post above. If they can't blame it on the liberal media, they'll blame it on the school. Schools used to be the pride of the community. People might go to different churches, their preferred places to shop might differ, but schools could always be the common thread that united everyone in the town. Now right-wing brain rot has turned schools into just another bogeyman to be undermined. Nevermind that the adults in the school face the same dangers in school shootings... they're the ones creating the this mess.... and they're doing it on purpose.
  2. No kidding, I must have gone a whole 20 minutes earlier today without something funny coming on television, or Netflix, or Hulu, or a podcast.
  3. So now schools get to be held responsible for monitoring students' social media? Because if it were up to schools, nobody under 22 would be able to access it.
  4. The parents may have suspected, but how was the school supposed to be aware that the gun might be in the backpack? It's not like the parents had been acting responsibly through any of this.
  5. Great, one more thing to pile on top of educators' plates. One more way we can blame schools for something that is out of their control. Unless I'm mistaken, and the school had been tipped-off that something was in the bag, I don't know how the school or the SRO, or anyone legally searches that bag. This may lead to a thread hijacking, and maybe one day I'll start a thread about it, but we set our public schools up to fail. I think it's done with the intention of privatizing education. In this case it's just a happy accident (would you prefer beneficial confidence?) that their goal of not fixing gun laws shares the same space as their goal of fucking over public education.
  6. Unless they have some report that he had something worth searching for, the school isn't going to search the bag. If a teacher or another kid had seen the gun, that would have been something to go on. I'm assuming they didn't. Fuck indeed.
  7. I bet someone in that school had a skateboard.
  8. Every. Fucking. Time. Right?
  9. Guess who just paid to get ad-free Tapa?
  10. The thing I notice is how insular Aggie alum are. They start off with the whole "you don't get us because you aren't us" thing, and so they really don't branch out unless they absolutely have to. The ones that do end up being pretty well-rounded and reasonable. The ones that don't seem to have a shell that just gets more and more difficult to penetrate.
  11. Correction: to them it's an attempt to overthrow the government. Same as violently stopping the democratic process as it's happening. For them, the government is all about one guy. They really do love autocracy.
  12. Thanks for the reply. Good luck.
  13. Obama was a watershed moment for many of us conservatives. For me I saw the Tea Party and was initially on board. But gradually I saw the shift going from criticizing government bailouts to culture war BS. Throw in some anti-Obama racism (nooses, charactures, etc) and I got off that boat quickly. But I still had the "Obamacare is unconstitutional. He's leading us to socialist ruin" fever. It was a minor case, but it was there. Fast-forward through 8 years of criticizing criticizing bike helmets, spicy mustard requests, and tan suits. I see Obama as a decent man (no sketchy financial past, no women on the side). More important though, the world doesn't implode. Dare I say, did some policies actually work? I think that's what broke many people's brain. Some conservatives like me moved a little (or a lot) more to the middle. Others voted for Trump... twice.
  14. It's taken me some time to realize that many of those conservatives I thought were decent people... aren't... and they never were.
  15. And this is someone you think should be President of the United States?
  16. You can take the poster out of the Daily Texan...
  17. You're not doing anything to change our minds.
  18. Nevermind... mixed up posts.
  19. Am I the only one that sees the irony of people posting on their 2nd and 3rd sock accounts complaining about trolls?
  20. @elfenix invited "conservatives" to show their ass... they obliged.
  21. But the fact still remains that we have corrupt DAs and racist pieces of shit that are fine with lynchings. There are many people that celebrate this verdict, but want to ignore the systemic racism that allows this justice to be undermined. Those people don't admit racism (who actually does?), but take away that video and some posters are talking about Aubrey the same way they talked about Trayvon Martin. We were lucky this time. We haven't been so lucky in the past (Trayvon Martin) and we won't always be so lucky in the future.
  22. How is that going (if you don't mind me asking)?
  23. I think you're 100% correct here, but I think the concern is that some people are looking at this case as an example of the system working, while others are looking at the attempted cover-up, the fact that it almost worked, the part that a self-defense claim could have played, and the fact that it could've worked so easily. We were very close to things going very bad. The latter group sees it as need for change, the former will say they need to quit their bitching.
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