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Everything posted by tchookem

  1. I thought Donkey was the sock account.
  2. I don't believe you. [/burgandy.gif]
  3. I'll give you $10 for the whole lot.
  4. I don't think either of them wanted their dad to do anything with elected office.
  5. Is there a specific location you'd suggest we go to donate? I haven't checked Google yet.
  6. It was coined by Rick Sanchez, so yeah.
  7. I was thinking the same thing. But he is incapable of "being cute". That takes a certain amount of intelligence. Nope... he's that stupid.
  8. No kidding. I saw it on a random sketchy twitter, and had to make a few clicks to get to Forbes. Sure enough, he said it.
  9. It is sad beyond expression that every action of the right is motivated by a deflection of Trump malfeasance.
  10. bUt GoVeRNmeNt iS tHe prObLeM.
  11. Crazy conclusions!? Not in this day and age. The next thing you're going to tell me is that people act in bad faith.
  12. Look up how many planes he crashed before Vietnam. In fact, anyone that looks into John McCain will soon find out what a fraud he really was.. but he told that old lady Obama was a decent man and he stood up to Trump, so whatever. EDIT: Sorry to quote you, F250. My comment wasn't directed at you specifically.
  13. It sits on a mannequin head while you sleep.
  14. I like to imagine it's felt even longer for him... being in Hell and all.
  15. Troll. Correction... lying troll.
  16. You want a hat? We got hats. Red ones. Lots of red hats.
  17. I was dragged off my base to DC, where I was forced to testify about some minor flight times off the base. Turns out this entitled lawyer, his Jew assistant, and this lady with short hair (I suspect she was a lesbian) started yammering about "the truth". His Wokeness just would not let it go. I finally lost it. I told the truth, and they arrested me... ME!
  18. Has anyone gotten an update on grave location?
  19. That's a bummer. Guess it wasn't as popular as I thought.
  20. Newseum in DC - took a group of 8th graders on a tour before it opened so not everything was available. It was still really impressive and the kids enjoyed it. That was over 10 years ago. I assume it's gotten better since. Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia - I really appreciated the whole experience. Tells the story very well as you progress through thre museum. Valley Forge NHP - They were working on the visitor center when we were there, so we missed a lot, but the replicas are great and allow for interaction for the kids (and adults) Jamestowne NHS - great reconstruction right on the water. Rangers were great story tellers. Still a working archaeology dig so that's neat to watch Very Underrated... Palo Alto Battlefield NHS in Brownsville - they do a great job interpreting a complicated topic. Battlefield is a nice walk and very informative. They do a great job despite not getting nearly the financial support that other sites get.
  21. Lynchings are tough call. 7th graders are all over ther place maturity-wise and it's possible that one kid can completely derail the conversation for 29 others (kinda like this message board). Most of the time its covered in generalities: "there was discrimination", "many faced violence and had property taken". Sometimes you have to wait and let the high school get into the brutal details.
  22. Naturally the solution is finding a private/ charter school that better matches their worldview (with accompanying voucher). I'm only half kidding when I say this is another piece in privatizing public education puzzle.
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