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Everything posted by tchookem

  1. When's militia practice?
  2. Here's the video: https://www.tmz.com/videos/2021-03-28-032821-donald-trump-1060075/ It's like Prima Nocta except you gotta let your chosen king shit all over your special day.
  3. I've listened to the podcast a couple times. He doing 6-15 minute episodes. It's not bad, but I do miss thre interaction with callers. Is he doing something other than the podcast... like back on airwaves?
  4. They tried burning the school down my 8th grade year. For some reason they rebuilt it. EDIT: Holy shit. Richard Clem... husband to the lady that made that wonderful statement was my middle school band director. He was not a fan of my antics.
  5. More like "My obsession with guns isn't thre problem, so America's obsession with guns isn't a problem."
  6. Now he'll never do an interview with anyone other than OAN or Buck Sexton.
  7. Liberace adopted his adult driver... so it's not without precedent.
  8. Did your girlfriend try to seduce your best friend/back-up with a whip cream bikini?
  9. I never understand lying about athletic achievement. I've found that unless you are actually that good, people respond better to a self-deprecating description of athletic prowess. Even if you were really, really good, people still like the humble guy a lot more. People only want to hear stories from the best of the best..
  10. Imagine the level of shitheel you've achieved for Andrew Jackson to think you're a shitheel. When asked if he had any regrets about the last eight years, this was his response: “[That] I didn’t shoot Henry Clay and I didn’t hang John C. Calhoun.”
  11. I was kind of hoping someone had shit on his grave, but this'll do. For now.
  12. The algorithm is working.
  13. Thank you for sharing this one. I'm probably showing my ignorance/unhipness, but I'd never heard of Saul Williams. I'm glad I have now.
  14. Did anyone watch? Anyone got Cliffsnotes?
  15. It works because the people scared by socialism don't actually know what I socialism is.
  16. Agree with the sentiment, but I'm guessing fake.
  17. Wait, he's a chiropractor? A fucking chiropractor?
  18. In their worldview the impeachments were Dems trying to overthrow results. They view accountability as insurrection, actual insurrection as freedom fighting, and both as just the state of politics these days. Which is all to say that they have broken from reality and we should monitor, but not engage.
  19. I'm kinda hairy, and have an above average fake British accent.
  20. Sorry, thought you were asking about the reference. Thought you might be one of them millenials I've been hearing about.
  21. The French were not super supportive of the Iraq War in 2003. There was a movement to rebrand french fries as freedom fries. I don't remember if the change was actually made in the Capitol cafeteria.
  22. tchookem


    The comments that bring up Trump are typically more about the continued support he's getting, and the lack of self-awareness such support would require. In other words, it's more about you being a moron, than about Trump being shitty... and Trump was shi-TTY..
  23. That's part of a Borat bit, right? That can't be genuine.
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