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  1. Daughter and wife were supposed to be there with another friend and mom for the Sugar Bowl. They ended up canceling this weekend and coming back here to hang out with her friends from home. She’s up trying to check in with everyone she knows that was there for the game. Pretty terrible deal.
  2. Depends on the hotel and the way their system works as to where the cars are parked. Usually it’s a minimum $10, but if it’s a place that has close by parking and we’re going to be in and out it’s $20 which generally gets a better spot and faster service. We stay in a lot of the same places, for those it’s always $20 because everything moves faster and my wife’s vehicle usually stays right around the entrance so I can walk right out to it. The nicer hotels keep notes and things like that get paid attention to. Also, it doesn’t matter what the hotel charges for parking, the valet gets tipped. This isn’t a difficult concept.
  3. Just got back in from a few days with the kids in Chicago. We decided to try and eat places we have not eaten in the past for several of the meals. Sienna Tavern was an excellent meal, we were all surprised at how good it was and the fact that all 4 agreed on it. It’s in the rotation going forward. Pistores was also a really good small neighborhood spot. Pizza and brunch were both excellent.
  4. How many employees? You can PM if you prefer.
  5. He’s right, the roughing the passer is the only really bad one and even with it he got a shot on Beck on the head. If Simmons was on the line he would have been offsides but they never showed a down the line replay. You can bitch about no calls on GA (they have run a ton less plays which accounts for some of the difference), but TX has earned most of their penalties along with having shitty execution on their side of the field. Game should be out of hand by now, but blaming it all on the refs every game on this board is somewhat ridiculous. Execute and the refs wouldn’t have made a difference in the first half.
  6. Each single gender wing has its own community bathrooms. It’s not like there is much separating everyone though and again, floor common areas are for the entire floor. This isn’t some weird anomaly, we have toured multiple schools with similar setups in at least a couple of the freshman dorms.
  7. The floors have 4 wings basically in a plus sign, 2 wings for each gender. Each wing has a community bathroom for the single gender wing. The common areas are all in the middle. She thinks it’s great and has friends all over the dorm because they are forced to interact, so it’s right up her alley. She is highly social unlike her parents, she might have been traded out at the hospital.
  8. Don’t know whether you have a guy/girl, but coming from out of state to a SEC state school is tough going Greek. The primary ones pull from known instate schools, friend groups, legacy, etc so it’s hard to break through to a top tier from out of state. Daughter rushed UGA and she has 3 close friends that rushed Auburn. All had good experiences but all were focused on the mid/low tier sororities and were more interested in the experience than status. My daughter ended up where she needed to but it took a little while for her to come to that realization.
  9. It depends a lot on where they are at and also where they live. My oldest is in a coed dorm with community bathrooms and her experience is similar to mine. They have open doors, all hang out together, go out and travel together, and come and go in all the rooms, etc. She’s dead set on living in a 5 girl room at the sorority house next year. I think she’s nuts, but she’s enjoying the social aspect. The girls in the apartment style dorms that she knows aren’t having the same experience and are probably more like what you see.
  10. Federal income tax is not getting replaced, it’s a waste of time to even discuss it.
  11. I would like to hear more about this. I grew up doing single audit work on school districts and other governmental entities. Last time I was heavily involved, the feds primarily provided Title 1, IDEA funds, and USDA funds on need based grant funding. They have been rolling out ARPA funds the last few years related to Covid that have pretty specific spending requirements also. What is the DOE coercing compliance with that you see as a problem and which grant funding program is it coming through? Feel free to be specific. I’ll be happy to pull the audit requirements for the grant for you to see what it is for.
  12. Do you though, because every post above you talk about pushing community education and disbanding DOE. Those two things have nothing to do with each other. Again, specifically what’s your issue with TexasJeff and Goofyboy’s list of things the DOE does since you know they don’t deal with curriculum? Hell, if we’re disbanding entire Department’s, I would think you would at least have some specific relevant complaints.
  13. It ALREADY is, have you not been paying attention? Local districts and state education departments set curriculum and the local education. The feds DO NOT deal with curriculum. They deal with the things that have been mentioned multiple times in this thread. Quit going on about something that doesn’t happen.
  14. I so enjoy the deflect/distract method of discussing politics and political views. There have been numerous things posted above that you could respond to about your specific issues with the DoE and perceived lack of understanding on what they do. Either you have some point that isn’t clear or you’re parroting information found elsewhere with no way to discuss it.
  15. See “only country with decentralized education” and think about the ramifications of that. I am curious what data you are using other than “people are saying” to base your opinion.
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