I think the Democratic nominee will need to show some aggression and anger next time. They will need to show, in simple, simple words, that policies to help the working class have been championed by the Democrats but cannot be implemented because of GQP grandstanding and THAT is who to blame for it. The GQP has become experts at stonewalling everything Democrats want to do and then hanging the noose around us and getting the masses to believe it's the Democrats fault.
Fuck it, we need a communicator that will come out swinging and bludgeon these fuckers over and over and over and over again with that message. Tap into the same rage space that's allowed this dipshit to come to office twice.
There's still room to be optimistic and hopeful around it but rage is a core way to connect with the voters you need to persuade.
It's a big ask, but ask for the voters to deliver the presidency, senate, and house so we can actually do something and not just talk the talk. Normally I don't think that would be possible, but we are all going to be worse off, and the Trump voters especially worse off, after 4 years. There will be a receptive audience for it in 2028.