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  1. Steward declared bankruptcy and folded 6 months ago. To my knowledge all of their hospitals have been auctioned off at pennies on the dollar. They stopped paying all their vendors prior, and they owed upwards of $500,000,000 when they folded. Their CEO later became the first person to not show up for a congressional subpoena. He’s too busy on his $45,000,000 boat. There are a few good articles out there that expose the corruption. Hope that all involved get what they deserve, but that’ll never happen.
  2. You can get a 1 year old Audi etron w/ 15,000ish miles for $45-50k. I’ve enjoyed mine because the 250 mile range is more than enough for my commute.
  3. AA has a few flights a day from Phx and the SB airport is very easy. I’d love it if my daughter ended up there, she’s got 7 years to go though. I think you are close to me if I remember correctly, is she at Chap or DM?
  4. If your experience of having a boy is anything like mine, then you have 2 more years of this shit. Once he stopped shitting his pants his suddenly forgot how to wipe his ass. 9 yo daughter hasn’t left a mark since she was potty trained. For my 7 yo son it’s a weekly occurrence. Godspeed my friend.
  5. I read today where the FDA is shutting down the compounding of these drugs. How is that going to work with you guys that are mid treatment? Seems like a shitty thing to do and of course big pharma gets another W.
  6. The Tossed Salad Man approves of this thread.
  7. https://www.yahoo.com/news/texas-dentist-caught-huffing-while-144459784.html Somebody knows this guy.
  8. Where’s the onion volcano?
  9. I was at that show, only it was 2002 in Melbourne Beach Florida.
  10. Waymo is for antisocials who don’t like the highway Wegovy is for the obese who don’t like leafy greens or cardio
  11. This is why I don’t wear underwear. It raises the stakes and keeps me laser focused.
  12. 1) Going to need to see pics and credit scores of the accusers to help form an opinion on this. 2) Go to spring seasons not The Four Seasons if you’re into this shit dumbass. 3) The only thing worse than being falsely accused of sexual abuse is being sexually abused….so fuck him if guilty, but fuck them if it’s just a cash grab/hit piece. Time will tell.
  13. Question for any first responders….is there a functional reason that every emergency vehicle still has their lights blazing while stationary and no indication that anyone survived? Not trying to diminish the tragedy, just curious watching the live shots on TV.
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