By no means am I an expert, but I do have more information than most. Best friend from college is pretty high up with US Customs and Border Patrol. His brother, who I know very well, is a DEA agent. And my closest friend in AZ, where I live, is a surgeon who deals with the head aches of spending a third of his time with people wanting more pain pills. Our government, no cr, has tried to fix the problem by making it more difficult to prescribe and fill opioid scripts. Good in theory, bad in execution. The end result is good people who were prescribed pain meds for legit reasons get addicted and then turn to the streets when they can’t get scripts anymore. The addict who is dope sick isn’t going to scrutinize the pills they bought from whomever. They are going to take them so they don’t get dope sick. Many will OD, a lot will die. It’s fucking tragic. As far as the kids go…it’s not the kids of the parents on this thread that I’m worried about. We are aware and communicate with our kids and are teaching them things that I’m glad that our parents never had to teach us. It’s the friends of our kids, whose single mother works 3 jobs, that I’m worried about. The reality is that counterfeit pills are easy to spot if you know what you’re looking for. We should be educating our kids starting in middle school. Assemblies with DEA agents and survivors telling their loved ones stories who weren’t lucky enough to survive a stupid experiment. Showing them how to distinguish a counterfeit pill from a real one without needing a test strip. This would be a good start and I’m open to other ideas if anyone has one. Basically scare the shit out of them, so they know how bad we are scared for them. It might not help the desperate, unfortunate people who have gotten addicted, and turned to the streets for a fix, but it could help our children or the friends of our children to think twice before taking a random pill. And giving out free Percocet to anyone who wants one isn’t a realistic option either, but better free access to medical detox might help with those who got unintentionally addicted.