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Kevin O’Shea

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Everything posted by Kevin O’Shea

  1. Between the Subway thing and the admission he won’t fly with his wife because he’s too worried about his cats made me think that there might be something clinically off with him. He does seem like the nicest guy tho.
  2. Wedding Singer was enjoyable
  3. She picked the wrong week to win it. She’s received zero media coverage
  4. Undefeated this season in Fort Worth
  5. Zero chance that we weren’t going to jack up a 3 there
  6. Have a mutual friend with Medellin and have met him a couple of times of the past few years. Seems like a good dude. Normal compared to many of the tier 3 guys who are not relatable.
  7. SMU spent all their energy fist pumping during the first 3 games of the first set.
  8. They turned up midway through the first sets and all won.
  9. They look flat today. SMU is fired up. We’ll probably win 5-2 or 4-3
  10. Got “VIP tickets” through a coworker that’s an SMU donor for Saturday’s match. Excited to see Ito and the freshmen play.
  11. Wow, big win. So only our top two (who happen to be two of the top players in the nation) are back from last years squad?
  12. Lamar is ass my dude
  13. Will a loss to a 7-7 team in front of hundreds do the trick?
  14. I might say Irving is the Houston. But yes Euless is a dump.
  15. Medvedev vs Djokovic live on tennis channel. High quality stuff.
  16. SDSU is undefeated and #7 in basketball, who knew?
  17. Rico Gathers needs a job
  18. Bob has legit side gigs that he may not want to alter a schedule for. I’ve said for a while that the ticket needs to look elsewhere to attract talent rather than promoting one of their many Tier 3 UNT grads that have hung around. I don’t include Jake in that group.
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