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High Plains Drifter

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  1. his not voting for Harris because Gaza was a cover for not voting for her because he's a sexist POS.
  2. Why tf would Canada risk war with the US over Cascadia, half of which (the eastern half) is full on right wing nut job guns over everything crazy. edit: back to the thread topic: Its Congress' fault, no its the GOP's fault, no its our fault, no its not my fault I voted D, it Fox News fault. This kind of bullshit is why D's lose over and over again.
  3. They are also open to prosecution by the next President's DOJ, unless tHE DoTard gives pardons. Or the next president's DOJ farts around and doesn't get anything done for 4 years. Assuming there is a next president of course.
  4. I'll announce that I'm going to the store, and if anybody wants anything to make a list. Wife and daughter just text it.
  5. I recall there was a lawsuit because some drivers refused to drive because of that very reason. Not sure what became of all that.
  6. Tell me something there slick: If the turn radius of a nascar track is 150 m, what's the maximum angle the turn can be banked at so that the driver doesn't get dizzy from experiencing too much centripetal acceleration during the turns? Or, how much water does a 200 yard long by 25 yard fairway need during the summer in bumfuck alabama? What should the diameter of the pipes be to deliver that much water? Horsepower of the pump? edit: fuck I just realized I'm replying to a year old post.
  7. better question is will he continue to receive dialysis after Medicade and Medicare are cut?
  8. This is the long term play, I think. People take the offer, oops, we need to rehire a bunch of people, those rehires are loyalists who will back ThE DOtArd when he becomes president for life. Anybody stupid enough to trust Elmo and DOAtarD and take this "deal" gets no sympathy from me. I'm all out.
  9. Anybody know the plot to A Scanner Darkly?
  10. You better start welcoming our new AI overlords.
  11. ThE DoTArD not giving them FEMA money for the wildfires would be the start of that. Then California stops sending income tax and other money to the Feds, Feds start pulling out military and fed leo, California's Senators are expelled from the Senate on and on and on. US economy crumbles even worse than it already is. And then I move to California, if they'll take me.
  12. If I had to put my name on a memo like that, I'd tell my boss to go fuck themselves. and the green economy, and Taiwan, and auto manufacturing, and AI, and and and DoTARd?
  13. Look, the concern troll is concerned about the environment. I don't think I'd want anybody that fucking stupid on my crew.
  14. Posted the above ten days ago. DoTard won't do anything to hurt his donors. Tyson food plants in Arky or where ever aren't going to get raided in any significant way. Elementary schools sure. Farm workers aren't going to school.
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