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High Plains Drifter

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  1. I haven't been an Ewers fan, but he did have a good game. Yes the slide instead of throwing it away was dumb, but I can give him that one.
  2. Dude, it was probably 45 years ago. I honestly don't remember. Some stupid shit, I'm sure.
  3. Billy Bob and his cousin Joe Dale and his other cousin Billy Wayne after they've had a few.
  4. See that would take intelligence, pre-planning, work, and common sense. So the answer to your question is either "no" or "yes, but it was pre-planned by lazy idiots."
  5. I have two pieces of paper taped and folded that fit exactly along the bottom of the screen that perfectly blocks all that crap ESPN runs underneath the game, but still allows me to see the score, time, timeouts, down and yardage to go of that game that I'm actually watching. Said it before, and I'll say it again: Fuck ESPN in their goatass.
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