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High Plains Drifter

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11689 Surly 1%

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  1. Not a big fan of Kim Stanely Robinson. Couldn't make it through Red Mars, or the one about New York City after sea level flooding.
  2. Of course, the "journalists" didn't follow up with questions that mentioned those facts.
  3. There is a drive in in New Braunfels? I did not know that.
  4. What are the odds that the winners are somehow connected to lottery officials, or are actual lottery officials hiding behind "The winner, identified only as a business entity called Rook TX, of Scotch Plains, N.J."
  5. Texas needs to lead the way, changing all the foreign names to English. City of The Pass City of Saint Anthony State of Friendly The Big River The Cold River Fredrickstown South Father Island Mother Lagoon Rich Mouth Of (or From) the River etc etc so forth and so on. WHY NOT DONE
  6. So he'll get primaried and they'll elect someone worse.
  7. 1.99% for 60 months. Isn't that better financing than most simpletons get?
  8. A local naturalist told me last summer when I was in that area that when the big rocket lifts off, its so loud, that all birds in the area abandon their nests. Any nestlings starve. I also posted a while back in this thread that the entire area will be a superfund site one day. Adios Laguna Madre, I hardly knew ya.
  9. That's only part of it, but a big part. Media and wealth worship turned him into an icon.
  10. I also miss dollar theaters. No fucks given at those things. But I really miss drive ins. Parents took me to see Smokey and the Bandit and Jaws as a double feature back in the day. Speaking of drive ins, any of you old pervs ever go to the drive in porn theater that used to be off of Smith School Road in far south Austin? They closed down sometime in the early 80s.
  11. No to both your questions. I certainly don't mind the razzing and humor, in fact I expect and like it. And you are correct, surly can and frequently does deliver good advice. Just thinking about a way to throw up a flag that more people who might want to see it can see it.
  12. Is this sarcasm? I'm sorry but I can't tell.
  13. So is murder Engleberg. Now put that back before you get me in trouble.
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