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High Plains Drifter

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Everything posted by High Plains Drifter

  1. spiders don't sting, they bite. The more you know. Once I stopped at a picnic area along a highway. Sat on the bench to a picnic table, and laid flat to stretch out. I could see the underside of the picnic table. Saw probably 10 or 15 black widows in nests on the underside of the picnic table.
  2. I honestly can't decide which face is more punchable.
  3. "You still talking about the Queen, English Bob? On Independence Day?" <proceeds to kick the shit out of English Bob>
  4. I really hope somebody replied with "fuck his feelings"
  5. lol no. souf Austin.
  6. you cut off the caption: "And Jesus said to the children 'tell me which of your friends don't speak English or might be from another country, and verily I will call ICE and have their little brown asses deported.'"
  7. Dude, early 80s, saturday night, me and my bud in his sweet 1972 (iirc) z28 camaro rolling down 6th, blasting Metallica, high on Mexican ditch weed. Doesn't get any better than that. No, we were not from Killeen.
  8. what's the story here? what did I miss?
  9. He runs and hops, dodges and ducks, cars, diesels, vans and trucks.
  10. 2001- high or tripping? yes drunk? nah
  11. oops whose the idoit? Thread is about Nazi bitch, but same same, different, but still the same.
  12. Luigi, wherefor art thou, Luigi?
  13. This thread is about dOTarD. Not the best president this country has had in modern times.
  14. actually, that's good news-- his chances of dying in a fire are pretty high.
  15. I'm a little claustrophobic, but only when its in crowded situations. In open air, like say at a football game with open sky above me, no problem. But people crowding in on all sides, in an enclosed space, yeah no. Last time I felt the fear was on the Statue of Liberty ferry coming back to Manhattan. The upper deck, open air, no problem. Coming back, wife wanted to sit downstairs so we could get off the ferry quicker. As we approached land, everybody stood up and crowded forward, low ceiling above me, people all around, I had to push through the crowd and go back upstairs. If the elevator is full, I'll wait for the next elevator, or take the stairs. I would probably be ok, but why push it. But yeah, that cave crawling crap. Nope to the nope power.
  16. Is the doTArD asleep in that pic? Asleep, awake, in a stupor, whatever. He has no idea what is going on.
  17. Somehow missed this. I wonder where the missing gun went?
  18. I used to think "cops fucked up. Fucking idiots" Now I wonder "did they really fuck up, or did the father of that household flip off an off duty cop or something?"
  19. NSIAP- I'm going with Cabin in the Woods
  20. Are you sure this is correct? Because I think the extra my home solar panels generate is bought from me by my provider, at a set rate, that I agreed to when I chose that provider.
  21. Hey man, the only time socialism is good is when the societal costs are socialized. Profits however, capitalize those, of course. What are you, a commie?
  22. Still waiting on that coherent defense. All Incredulity's replies hidden in spoilers. Something like 12 or so replies contain 10 or so memes and gifs, but not one cogent argument or defense.
  23. fuck veterans. How about a bill to exclude anybody who voted for Kamala from being fired.
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