Time to call put Los Diablos on standby:
Big Bend National Park’s Fire Management program has benefited for three decades from the assistance of Mexican nationals who live in the tiny villages immediately across the Rio Grande from the park.
Los Diablos are annually supported by the National Park Service and the Fire Management Program at Big Bend National Park. The National Park Service provides annual wildland firefighting training and ensures that each member is ready for duty. They have responded to wildland fire emergencies in the USA since 1990. They regularly participate in prescribed burns and other fuel management activities in Big Bend. They have also responded to hurricane disasters.
Hurricane Katrina response (August 2005), The Rockhouse Fire (April 2011); Hurricane Sandy response (October 2012, New York), Castolon Fire (May 2019), Powerline Fire (Feb 2016), South Rim 4 Fire (May 2021), Hurricane Maria response (2017, the Virgin Islands), Hurricane Ian response (2022), and many wildfires in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Idaho, California, Oregon, and Washington.
In 2022 the Diablos assisted the Texas A&M Forest Service on initial attack with fires in North Central Texas near Palo Pinto, Killeen and Glen Rose. They then headed to California for the Radford and Barnes Fires and later to Florida to support efforts with Hurricane Ian Recovery.
Assuming they haven't been DOGE'ed.