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High Plains Drifter

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Everything posted by High Plains Drifter

  1. I also miss dollar theaters. No fucks given at those things. But I really miss drive ins. Parents took me to see Smokey and the Bandit and Jaws as a double feature back in the day. Speaking of drive ins, any of you old pervs ever go to the drive in porn theater that used to be off of Smith School Road in far south Austin? They closed down sometime in the early 80s.
  2. No to both your questions. I certainly don't mind the razzing and humor, in fact I expect and like it. And you are correct, surly can and frequently does deliver good advice. Just thinking about a way to throw up a flag that more people who might want to see it can see it.
  3. Is this sarcasm? I'm sorry but I can't tell.
  4. So is murder Engleberg. Now put that back before you get me in trouble.
  5. My favorite sports movie ever.
  6. Some of the parks have not yet recovered from the last government shutdown, when they were kept open with minimal or no or volunteer staff. Clogged toilets are probably fixed by now, but destroyed cacti in Joshua tree will not recover in our lifetimes. This isn't going to be any different. Is it hyperbole to think the plan is to ruin the parks by firing all the employees to be able to say "See the government can't take care of them, but the private sector will, so lets sell them off." What do you suppose the Venn diagram of people/companies who will buy the parks and the people/companies who contributed to DOTarD's campaign looks like?
  7. Time to call put Los Diablos on standby: https://www.nps.gov/bibe/learn/management/losdiablos.htm Big Bend National Park’s Fire Management program has benefited for three decades from the assistance of Mexican nationals who live in the tiny villages immediately across the Rio Grande from the park. Los Diablos are annually supported by the National Park Service and the Fire Management Program at Big Bend National Park. The National Park Service provides annual wildland firefighting training and ensures that each member is ready for duty. They have responded to wildland fire emergencies in the USA since 1990. They regularly participate in prescribed burns and other fuel management activities in Big Bend. They have also responded to hurricane disasters. Hurricane Katrina response (August 2005), The Rockhouse Fire (April 2011); Hurricane Sandy response (October 2012, New York), Castolon Fire (May 2019), Powerline Fire (Feb 2016), South Rim 4 Fire (May 2021), Hurricane Maria response (2017, the Virgin Islands), Hurricane Ian response (2022), and many wildfires in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Idaho, California, Oregon, and Washington. In 2022 the Diablos assisted the Texas A&M Forest Service on initial attack with fires in North Central Texas near Palo Pinto, Killeen and Glen Rose. They then headed to California for the Radford and Barnes Fires and later to Florida to support efforts with Hurricane Ian Recovery. Assuming they haven't been DOGE'ed.
  8. Lets say I have a question about some legal stuff. Instead of including something like @specificlawyerperson, could there be a system where I include something like @lawdogs and anybody who is a lawyer could voluntarily opt into to that lawdogs group and receive the group notification? Could have @cardudes, @sciencenerds, @K-12teachers, @generalcontractors, etc. Anybody could opt in to that group, if they wanted to get notifications sent to that group. For example, I'm not a lawyer, but my wife is, so I might opt into @lawdogs. If I was getting too many notifications, I could opt out. Probably too many clicks for Imma, so maybe not. Just a thought. Delete and ban if warranted.
  9. So no-neck flashes a gun. Is there stand your ground case law about what happens if the other person pulls their gun out and starts blasting? I mean flashing a gun is a pretty obvious threat. Stand your ground means you don't have to back down from that threat, right? @lawdawgs?
  10. Most of the survivors of that generation probably voted for The DOtarD
  11. Good lord, after seeing that picture, I think I'll be hitting the gym tonight.
  12. Notice those trees in the foreground? Regrowth after being clear cut. Notice how they are all the same size (age), too close together, and stressed (brown). Recipe for a disastrous fire. Natural old growth forests have trees that are not all the same age, not too close together, and generally not stressed. Much more resistant to fires. If lumber companies were required to replant, with saplings spread out, over the course of many years so they wouldn't all be the same age and too close together, it would really make a huge difference. But that would mean you hate freedom, so not going to happen.
  13. You see what happens Nazi boi? You see what happens when you fuck somebody America in the ass?
  14. You should know this, based on your post history in the snake thread, but cobras have a very slow strike speed. Slow enough to react to if you are paying attention. Serious venom though, far worse than any snake in the US. I assume that dude was vaccinated for the venom.
  15. Gutless pussy traitors who will be re-elected because Gutless Pussy Traitor (R) > D edit: sorry to insult pussy.
  16. They should just cut it completely off. Freeze some of those upper peninsula fucks. Fuck, every country should just completely cut us off from all trade. Turn us into N. Korea.
  17. He's worried about the R party. He should be worried about democracy. Motherfuck still putting party over country. \
  18. jfc. I'm having flashbacks of having a paper to write, its 10 pm the day before its due. I go to the second floor of the UGL to use their computers (back in the day before everyone had computers), logging in to get assigned a computer, and seeing a 20 person wait list. Then I would walk up and down the aisles, and see dickbags like that playing games, or downloading music on napster. Fucking douchebag nerds.
  19. years ago, Direct TV (or Dish, I can never remember which) upgraded my satellite dish to HD. The tech guy came out, worked for a while and left. Later I went outside, and he had left all the plastic wrappers from the various electronic components, wires, and adapters all over the ground. Pissed me off. IOW, not trivial, but rant away. Also, I would take those t-posts home. I can always use a few t-posts.
  20. spiders don't sting, they bite. The more you know. Once I stopped at a picnic area along a highway. Sat on the bench to a picnic table, and laid flat to stretch out. I could see the underside of the picnic table. Saw probably 10 or 15 black widows in nests on the underside of the picnic table.
  21. I honestly can't decide which face is more punchable.
  22. "You still talking about the Queen, English Bob? On Independence Day?" <proceeds to kick the shit out of English Bob>
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