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High Plains Drifter

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Everything posted by High Plains Drifter

  1. I'm going to remove my reply to this thread, because the other thread seems to be more for other things. I'll spoiler the tldr part. Point is, and the reason I quoted your post and not any of the others-- the attitude that this fire is "too big, too mean, too destructive" to not put out is exactly why this fire is happening. Shit's on fire yo. Good.gif
  2. Yeah, those yucca plants aren't dead.
  3. Just a joke. Trying to bring a little levity to a sad situation. Commenting on how shitty the sprawl along the highway is. And how shitty Waco is. Don't overthink it.
  4. I say we burn that instead. Maybe make it a little wider through Waco.
  5. Uh, just spit-balling here, but maybe because they are teenagers?
  6. NPR reported this morning DOtarD mentioned abbot as a possible running, er rolling mate.
  7. Yes, the planet got destroyed. But for a beautiful moment in time we pwned the libs.
  8. NPR reported this morning that DotARd mentioned abbot as a possible running mate.
  9. in the early/mid 80s, (good god nearly 40 years ago) I had to take a science class outside of my major, so I took a class on climate modeling or something. The professor not only warned of global warming due to human burning of fossil fuels, but predicted this exact same scenario as a consequence, (in addition to more frequent and worse extreme weather events, sea level rise, etc.) 40 fucking years ago. 4 decades and not a gotdamned thing has been done.
  10. He might have to eat it through a straw, or even intravenously.
  11. first one is on the car. Second is on the motorcyclist.
  12. I don't want to live in a world where I am required to sell my house to somebody wearing grey slacks.
  13. Better to step down than to stroke out live on camera
  14. juice boxes and doritos. Snacks of champions.
  15. Suspended five days? Should have been charged with assault.
  16. When we beat tOSU in Sep of 2005, somebody burned a couch in the parking lot of the intramural fields off of 51st ST. Don't know if it was UT or tOSU fans that did it.
  17. Should have let her vote twice, then arrested her dumb ass.
  18. Last night wife comes downstairs and asks me if I know how to take the battery out of a laptop. I say what are you talking about? While she was working, suddenly the laptop shut off, and won't restart. According to some website, the first thing to do is take out the battery. Yeah, that ain't happening. She comes down and hands me the laptop. Its so fucking hot it feels like its about to melt. I ask her where she was working. In the bed. What was the laptop resting on? A pillow. I say I got this. She goes away. I wait for the laptop to cool down, and restart it. I try to explain without tone that you can't rest it on a pillow or it overheats, and automatically shuts down to avoid damage. Apparently I did not succeed in the tone department.
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