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High Plains Drifter

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Everything posted by High Plains Drifter

  1. Here's a Rube Goldberg machine I built a few years back. Feel free to borrow any ideas.
  2. Video cuts off right before AI says "All carbon based life forms must be exterminated."
  3. The only way I can watch sports on ESPN, or any other channel for that matter, is muted with a strip of paper across the bottom of the screen so my eyes aren't continually drawn to Div II volleyball score updates, every minute on the minute. Oh, also DVR'd. I start about an hour after kickoff. After fast forwarding through the endless BK and insurance commercials, incessant replays, and mindless drivel they call a halftime show, I'm usually finishing watching the game right about the time it actually ends.
  4. pos rep for taking the pics when there is somebody sitting in the passenger's seat. Or maybe that's God, his copilot?
  5. All those rabid FSU fans, and its like none of them watched the ACC championship game. smh.
  6. Seen it before, but why not? It kicks all kind of ass: Karl Urban, Lena Heady
  7. Ordered something online, not from amazon, and at checkout it asked for a tip.
  8. fixy. Also, the law has been failing with respect to dOArD for decades. He'd been criming for decades before the escalator ride.
  9. Between the lifts and the coat squeezing his diaphragm, he's lucky to be able to stand at all.
  10. Wife turned on the TV last night. I heard like 15 seconds from the other room before she changed the channel. Sounded like a Jerry Springer show- everybody yelling, audience whooping it up.
  11. Two friends and I got robbed at gunpoint in the Quarter in May of 2005. We were being stupid: It was late, there weren't many people around, and yes we were very drunk. That was 18 years ago, but I'll say: Don't be stupid and you should be fine.
  12. This Johnson jerk looks like the kind of guy who practices smiling in front of the mirror.
  13. I hope you are ok. Not because of the shooting, because you ate at short stop.
  14. taking garbage to the dumpster, only its full, except that its not full, its just full of cardboard boxes that aren't broken down (or even better, recycled). corollary to the above: cardboard boxes full of packing peanuts that spill all over ground when the dumpster is dumped. Fucking assholes.
  15. there is a metric fuck ton of junk mail in the recycle bin, also known as the back floorboard of my wife's car, when I take it all to recycling.
  16. this Christian is a lying sack of shit. The DOJ has already seen all those tapes. To imply otherwise is lying. Also, somebody with skillz please please take that video and blur out his face and release it.
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