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High Plains Drifter

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Everything posted by High Plains Drifter

  1. like anybody reads anything other than the last one or two posts. 37 pages and counting, fuck that I ain't reading that shit.
  2. Next year it'll be the same shit, except everyone will be talking about top 12 (or whateverthefuck) instead of top 4. Rankings determining who gets into the playoffs is bullshit. We need 8 or 16 conferences, each conference champ gets in with random seeding. Whoever is left can squabble over the bowls. That or we go back to the system with just bowls and polls, no playoff and no NCG.
  3. Finally looked at the house. 100 years old. Needs new roof and has foundation issues. Pass.
  4. Just missed it, but I did drive through Johnson City yesterday.
  5. I remember that. I walked from campus down to the capitol to see his speech. I remember he was really sunburned.
  6. In high school I dated this chick who drove a VW rabbit that had these fucked up seat belts that connected to the door so that when you got in, the shoulder strap of the seatbelt was already across your chest. You could unhook them from the door, but then the car wouldn't start. Sometimes the connection would be a little loose, and the car wouldn't start and you had to unhook then rehook the seatbelt to the door to get the car to start. So one night she calls me and says her car wont' start. I ask her if she unhooked then rehooked the seatbelt to the door. "Yes, yes of course I checked that." I drive to where ever she is, unhook the seatbelt and rehook and the car starts up.
  7. SIAP (I did look, sorta). Is this person legit? Bad ass if true: If you watch the video, the flight time of the bullet was about 10 seconds. So, the speed of the bullet would be about 380 m/s. Surly ballistics experts, does that sound about right? Seems a little slow?
  8. now we know who writes the fan fiction.
  9. two dudes in the back are living the dream
  10. little of column A, little of column B, little of column C, little of column D
  11. https://www.npr.org/2023/11/17/1213157550/tesla-sweden-union-workers-boycott?ft=nprml&f=1006
  12. Feds will still be all up in his ass after he's expelled, right?
  13. Every car would need it, and it would have to be controlled by an single AI that controlled all cars, or at least all cars in a certain area.
  14. I still remember my mom's voice like it was yesterday: "HP, get up and change the channel. Also light me a cigarette." I was lighting my parents cigarettes since I was old enough to use a lighter. Its amazing that I never really got hooked. As posted above, just a social smoker, and to stay awake on long drives. (works better than caffeine, imo).
  15. Can they use her attempted escape when determining her sentence?
  16. hey man, you don't fuck with the future farmers, of any country, especially this one.
  17. vaporized concrete dust is toxic whether or not it was combusted
  18. NPR this morning on the drive: apparently SpaceX has a worker accident rate that is something like 6x the industry average. In addition, for years, they weren't reporting anything to OSHA, in clear violation of federal law. No one at OSHA could answer questions about why or how that was allowed to continue, and why SpaceX wasn't ever fined. No one at SpaceX even bothered to reply to the press inquiries. Also, they were given permission by the FFA and Fish and Wildlife to launch tomorrow or this weekend. Remember how the last "launch" blew toxic concrete dust and debris all over nearby wildlife areas, not to mention the entire town of Port Isabel? If Tia's Tacos down the road failed to report on the job accidents, one which resulted in a worker being put into a permanent coma, or was dumping grease into the laguna madre, they would be fined to the point of bankruptcy. God I hope I get to punch this fucker in the face just once before I die.
  19. goddamn, I read that and thought, nope, you satire assholes aren't sucking me into believing crazy shit like that. Then I clicked and realized its twue its twue. I can't even any more. Satire is truly dead.
  20. yeah, suffering all the way to the bank. Oh noes, he's going to have to sit for depositions and pay attorneys. How unpleasant.
  21. Thinking about buying a duplex (zoned commercial). One side is an efficiency, one side is a one bedroom. Basically, an older house that has been subdivided. Currently being used as an AirBnB. Wife would use one side as her law office (she's been renting a different space, but her lease is up Jan 1 and the landlord is raising the rent), the other side we would rent out long or short term. Great location. Pretty sure we could rent out the other side with no problem. From the pics on the realtor website, looks to be in good shape, although it is an older house. New metal roof, pier and beam foundation. Nice backyard, small lot. Going to look at it this weekend. Its been on the market for a while, price has been dropping, I think we can get a good deal, but the current high interest rates are a concern. Some questions: Best type of loan? Small Business Loan or something else? We currently have no debt, house and cars paid off, zero credit card debt. Long term rental for the other side, or continue as a short term rental? Tax issues or benefits? What am I missing/forgetting? How am I going to fuck this up or get fucked?
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