My work pet peeve is the idiot post docs I work with. How the fuck did these morons get advanced degrees in the first place?
Today, this dipsht post doc rolls in around 11 am wearing fucking flip flops and shorts. The lab manager tells him, in so many words, to gtfo and come back in closed toed shoes and jeans, as per the safety rules that we are all supposed to follow.
He's been told/warned before about required lab attire (which just means no open toed shoes or shorts, wear a lab coat and glasses when dealing with chemicals).
He says "Oh sorry, I totally forgot" playing the absent minded yet brilliant role, when really he's just a self entitled douchebag. Then follows up with "I'm just going to be in my office at my computer all afternoon, not out in the lab area" when he's literally standing in the lab area talking and fucking around with lab equipment when the lab manager walks in. Manager threatens to call the safety nazis if he doesn't go change. He gets huffy, starts to argue, and she cuts him off with "Its my ass if the safety auditors walk in right now, and see you dressed like that."
So he leaves and doesn't come back.