I can honestly say I hate Rapylor more than any other football team. I hate their lame ass color scheme, I hate their city and their corrupt PD, I hate their faux christian bullshit, I hate their fair weather fans, I hate rape and rape enablers, I hate fArt Briles, I hate Ken Starr, I hate I hate hate hate
Mudhole those fucks, break them, hang 50 on them in the first half, then let the scrubs curb stomp them in the second half and hang another 50 on them.
I want the entire world to wake up Sunday morning and read about the historic ass beating that happened in that shithole city on Saturday, Sept 23. The beat down should be so bad and infamous that goat herders in Tunisia and fishermen in Micronesia talk about it for generations to come. The Taliban, Russian war criminals, and professional torturers should be appalled at the lack of mercy we will show those raping fucks. After we get the hell out, God should open a sink hole and swallow the entire city just to save them from living in the shame of that game.